
更新时间:2023-07-15 16:36:47 阅读: 评论:0

长江七号小男孩试时间15分钟六级完形填空的测试点知识面语言基本功综合运用能力社会生活常识文化知识科普知识词汇知识语法知识阅读能力分析能力推断能力驾驭语篇能力并不只是语言基础知识不扎实更多是不能准确理解语篇的逻辑衔接和语篇大意缺乏对英语思维模式的深入了解惯用汉语的思维模式来理解文章解题中考虑问题不全面容易钻牛角尖等体裁多是观点鲜明、条理清楚的说明文、记叙文或议论文文章多涉及科普或社会与生活方面的内容2005年前都是社会历史或文化题材2005年后增加了科普类题材且呈现科普类与其他题材交替的趋势考点范围1词性的掌握2词义的辨析3词语的搭配4语法结构5语篇衔接实词动词、名词、形容词和副词的比率远远高于虚词介词、代词和连词语法题即使涉及一两个也都是考查各类从句定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句等的引导词连接代词、连接副词或疑问副词不再涉及动词的时态、非谓语动词、虚拟语气等六级考试更注重学生对词汇的积累和运用尤其是动词、名词和形容词以及近义词、形似词的辨析连词是虚词的主要考查对象之一这正好符合完形填空的语篇特点说明六级考试更重视学生逻辑思维能力和对语篇的总体把握能力。要求考生平时多阅读培养语感。结构特点“总分”结构—先提出某一观点或陈述主旨然后从各个角度论述或分述事实“总分总”结构—文章的尾句通常是篇章大意的再度总结Historicallyhumansgetriousaboutavoidingdisastersonlyafteronehasjuststruckthem._62_t hatlogic2006shouldhavebeenabreakthroughyearforrationalbehavior.Withthememoryof9/1 1still_63_intheirmindsAmericanswatchedhurricaneKatrinathemostexpensivedisasterinU. S.historyon_ 64 _
TV.Anyonewhodidn’tknowitbeforeshouldhavelearnedthatbadthingscanhappen.Andtheyar emade_ 65_ wor by our willful blindness to risk as much as our _ 66_ to work together beforeeverythinggoestohell. Grantedsomeamountofdelusion错觉
isprobablypartofthe_67_condition.InA.D.63Pompeiiwasriouslydamagedbyanearthquak eandthelocalsimmediatelywenttowork_68_inthesamespot—untiltheywereburiedaltogether byavolcanoeruption16yearslater.Buta_69_ofthepastyearindisasterhistorysuggeststhatmod ernAmericansareparticularlybadat_70_themlvesfromguaranteedthreats.Weknowmoreth anwe_71_didaboutthedangersweface.Butitturns_72_thatintimesofcrisisourgreatestenemyi s_73_thestormthequakeorthe_74_itlf.Moreoftenitisourlves.Sowhathashappenedinthey earthat_75_thedisasterontheGulfCoastInNewOrleanstheArmyCorpsofEngineershasworke ddayandnighttorebuildthefloodwalls.Theyhavegotthewallsto_76_theywerebeforeKatrina moreorless.That’snot_77_wec annowsaywithconfidence.Butitmaybeall_78_canbeexpecte dfromoneyearofhustle忙
碌.MeanwhileNewOrleansofficialshavecraftedaplantoubusandtrainsto_79_thesickand thedisabled.Thecityestimatesthat15000peoplewillneeda_80_out.Howeverstateofficialshav enotyetdeterminedwherethepeoplewillbetaken.The_81_withneighboringcommunitiesar eongoinga
nddifficult.文章开门见山提出主旨Historically humans get rious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them. _62_ that
结果造成整个城市被埋葬。第三段则论述卡特里娜飓风后政府所做的仍然是重建和亡羊补牢的工作。文章总体结构是“总分”结构1. 重视首句把握主题??主题句是关键2. 速读全文掌握大意??初步印象要尽可能全面??语境的重要性3. 瞻前顾后灵活答题??上下文即语境4. 复读全文检查核对??容易忽略的一个环节词义辨析1. Meanwhile New Orleans officials have crafted a plan to u bus and trains to _79_ the sick and the disabled. 79. A. exileB. evacuateC. dismissD. displaceB2. This remarkable invention reprents a tremendous _69_ forward in the education of the handicapped.69.菠萝糖醋排骨
A. stride
B. trail
C. haul
D. footprintA3. When women do become managers do they ring a different style and different skills to the job Are they better or wor managers than men Are women more highly motivated and _71_ than male managers71. A. confrontedB. commandedC. confinedD. committedD1. In 1915 Einstein made a trip to Gottingen to give some lectures at the invitation of the material physicist David Hilbert. He was particularly eager—too eager it would turn _62_to explain all the intricacies of relativity to him.62. A. upB. overC. outD. offC… and local governments gradually began to exerci a measure of control _69_ the day nurries …69. A. overB. inC. atD. aboutA1. They have got the walls to _76_ they were before Katrina more or less. 76. A. which B. whereC. whatD. whenB2. In the United States the first day nurry was opened in 1854. Nurries were established in various areas during the _61_ half of the 19thcentury most of _62_ were charitable. 62. A. thoB. themC. whoD. whomB1. At prent Cyclops costs 50000. _70_ Mr. Kurzweil and his associates are preparing a smaller _71_ improved version that will ll _72_ less than half that prices. 70. A. LikewiB. MoreoverC. HoweverD. ThoughC2.The differences are _76_ to carry advantages for companies _77_ they expand the range of techniques that can be ud to _78_ the company manage its workforce _79_. 77. A. thereforeB. whereasC. becauD. nonethelessC3.In some European countries nurries were
established _65_ in munitions 军火plants under direct government sponsorship. _66_ the number of nurries in the U. S. also ro _67_ this ri was accomplished without government aid of any kind. 66. A. BecauB. AsC. SinceD. AlthoughD1. So Germany was asking bright young _79_ to leave their country culture and families move thousands of miles away learn a new languages and work in a strange land—but without any _80_ of ever being part of their new home. 80. A. dwellersB. citizensC. professionalsD. amateurs81.A. prospectB. suspiciousC. outcomeD. destinationCA2.They have got the walls to _76_ they were before Katrina more or less. That’s not _77_ we can now say with confidence. But it may be all _78_ can be expected from one year of hustle 忙碌.77. A. enoughB. certain C. conclusiveD. finalA3.All the _85_ reflect their belief that allowing _86_ to contribute and to feel _87_ and important is a win-win _88_-good for the employees and the organization. 86. A. managersB. womenC. employeesD. malesCIf the health benefits and the rosy g low exerci gives you aren’t enough to get you going maybe the financial benefits of fitness will do the trick. Here are some money-saving _1_ to exerci. A. motivationsB. inducementsC. stimulatorsD. occasionsAGetting a regular workout 锻炼can do wonders for your _2_. Better yet it improves your lf _3_ so you don’t feel the need to hide your face behind a painted mask. So get moving and you won’t have the _4_ to spend money every time you pass the makeup counter.2. A. faceB. appearanceC. bodyD. skinDGetting a regular workout 锻炼can do wonders for your _2_. Better yet it improves your lf _3_ so you don’t feel the need to hide your face behind a painted
mask. So get moving and you won’t have the _4_ to spend money every time you pass the makeup counter.3. A. visionB. imageC. confidenceD. esteemBGetting a regular workout 锻炼can do wonders for your _2_. Better yet it improves your lf _3_ so you don’t feel the need to hide your face behind a painted mask. So get moving and you won’t have the _4_ to spend mo ney every time you pass the makeup counter.4. A. needB. desireC. urgeD. requestCFrequent exerci can be a powerful _5_ enhancer. It works _6_ antidepressants 抗抑郁剂for most cas of mild or _7_ depression. Staying active is a great way to lighten your mood without having to get professional help.5. A. moodB. emotionC. spiritD. characterAFrequent exerci can be a powerful _5_ enhancer. It works _6_ antidepressants 抗抑郁剂for most cas of mild or _7_ depression. Staying active is a great way to lighten your mood without having to get professional help.6. A. as well asB. as wellC. as long asD. as ifAFrequent exerci can be a powerful _5_ enhancer. It works _6_ antidepressants 抗抑郁剂for most cas of mild or _7_ depression. Staying active is a great way to lighten your mood without having to get professional help.7. A. reasonableB. modestC. moderateD. modernCEngaging in outdoor activities or frequenting a gym is a good way to get _8_ your community. Sharing an activity you enjoy with others can help build _9_ and make new connections and _10_ on money invested in Lavalife and other dating networks.8. A. involved inB. involved withC. concerned inD. associated withAEngaging in outdoor activities or frequenting a gym is a good way to get _8_ your community. 长寿花盆栽
Sharing an activity you enjoy with others can help build _9_ and make new connections and _10_ on money invested in Lavalife and other dating networks.9. A. connectionsB. linksC. bondsD. linesCEngaging in outdoor activities or frequenting a gym is a good way to get _8_ your community. Sharing an activity you enjoy with others can help build _9_ and make new connections and _10_ on money invested in Lavalife and other dating networks.10. A. cut backB. cut down C. cut inD. cut offBRegular exerci is the best way to lo weight and keep it off. _11_ spending money on diet club memberships and meal _12_ go for a bike ride or a brisk walk. That _13_ you can lo the pounds and keep your cash.11. A. WhileB. WhereasC. InsteadD. Instead ofDRegular exerci is the best way to lo weight and keep it off.
_11_ spending money on diet club memberships and meal _12_ go for a bike ride or a brisk walk. That _13_ you can lo the pounds and keep your cash.12. A. alternationB. shiftC. exchangeD. replacementsDRegular exerci is the best way to lo weight and keep it off. _11_ spending money on diet club memberships and meal _12_ go for a bike ride or a brisk walk. That _13_ you can lo the pounds and keep your cash.13. A. approachB. measureC. wayD. whyCIt’s a simple fact: If you’re _14_ tired at the end of the day you’ll sleep _15_. So instead of _16_ sleeping pills on your next trip to the pharmacy make sure your day is packed with as _17_ active fun as you can fit in.14. A. physic
allyB. mentallyC. bodilyD. spirituallyAIt’s a simple fact: If you’re _14_ tired at the end of the day you’ll sleep _15_. So instead of _16_ sleeping pills on your next trip to the pharmacy make sure your day is packed with as _17_ active fun as you can fit in.15.
A. good
B. better
C. terribly
D. worBIt’s a simple fact: If you’re _14_ tired at the end of the day you’ll sleep _15_. So instead of _16_ sleeping pills on your next trip to the pharmacy make sure your day is packed with as _17_ active fun as you can fit in.16. A. taking upB. picking upC. using upD. bringing upBIt’s a simple fact: If you’re _14_ tired at the end of the day you’ll sleep _15_. So instead of _16_ sleeping pills on your next trip to the pharmacy make sure your day is packed with as _17_ active fun as you can fit
in.17. A. littleB. greatC. manyD. muchDStaying active _18_ your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Having an active lifestyle has also been linked with an _19_ chance of _20_ chronic conditions like diabetes and arthritis. Stay active and you can avoid expensive medical bills.18. A. increasB. wornsC. reducesD. declinesC

本文发布于:2023-07-15 16:36:47,感谢您对本站的认可!



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