移情能力 例2:如果合资⼀⽅未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约⽅应在逾期后⼀个⽉付给另⼀⽅10%的利息。如果违约⽅逾期3个⽉仍未如资,合同另⼀⽅根据本合同第53条规定有权终⽌合同并向违约⽅
Should either joint-venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to Clau 5, the default party should pay the other 10% of the interest one month after the dead line. The other party
拜年的话shall hold right to terminate the contract or to claim the damage against / to him according to Clau 53 thereof, if the default party has not done so three months after the deadline.
a 违约补偿的范围约定(is there indemnification for certain breaches
or problems)野外求生刀
b 取得补偿的程序What is the procedure required to obtain indemnification.
c补偿上限或补偿例外is there a cap on or exclusions from indemnification.
例1:Supplier agrees to defend and indemnify Client and its subcontractors from and against all claims, demands, actions, damages, loss and expens, including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, for liabilities
for injury to, or death of employees of Supplier or its subcontractors, or damage caud to Supplier's property or personnel, or the property or personnel of its subcontractors arising out ofor in connection with the supply by
Supplier of Services whether or not the negligence or breach of duty of Client or its subcontractors caud or contributed to such injury, death or damage except willful misconduct of Client or its subcontractors.
Should either joint-venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to Clau 5, the default party should pay the other 10% of the interest one month after the dead line. The other party shall hold right to terminate the contract or to claim the dam