【篇一:新编英语教程3 unit1-10练习册1-10课答案及书本第一部分连词题】
fumesmoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas
2. sandyof the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow
3. somehowfor some reason or other
4. stale dry and unappetizing
5. dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful
6. proceed go ahead
7. bloodshotfull of blood ; red becau the small blood vesls are swollen or broken
8. dismayedmade afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble
unit 2
1. rage be very angry
2. a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables
3. croaking rough and harsh
莫衷一是造句 4. murmur speak in a low but not clear voice
5. wind down lower ( the car window ) by turning the handle
6. gesture of despairmovement of the head or hand to show helplessness
7. brutalcruel
8. quarantinethe period of paration from others so that the dia cannot spread
柔软 unit 3
乐器英语 1. globeworld
2. circlemove around
3. indirectlynot straight to the point ; in a roundabout way
4. idle talk talking about unimportant things
5. coincidence a combination of events happening in such a way that it ems planned or arranged
6. hastily in a hurry
情侣微信网名 7. demand ask forcefully
8. roar speak in a loud, deep voice
unit 4
1. willthe legal statement concerning the disposal of one’s property after death
2. signature person’s name written by himlf
3. literaryof literature
4. suppositiona guess
5. playwrightdramatist, a person who writes plays
6. vague not clearly known
7. confirmprove the truth of something
8. ver poetry
unit 6
1. outlaya spending of money
贪生怕死 2. refill a new filling
3. theoretically in theory
4. uranium heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic energy
德育案例范文 5. bonnet metal lid on the front of a car
6. submarine a ship that can stay under water
7. radiationthe process in which energy in the form of rays is nt out from atoms
8. syntheticnot naturally produced ; artificial
unit 7
1. po as pretend to be
2. pest an annoying thing
3. suspen and anxietystate of being anxious and uncertain about something unknown
4. fidgeting moving about restlessly
5. assuremake somebody believe, feel sure
6. apace quickly
7. inquisitive chatterboxa person who is curious about other people and talkative
8. obstinacy and willfulnessstubbornness and pig-headedness
9. escapism that which makes one stay away from unpleasant reality
10. justifygive a good reason for
uint 8
shelter------------------------- f. protection;a building offering protection
become engrosd in----------d. have one’s attention completely taken up by
content--------------------------e. satisfaction
brow--------------------------a. read here and there in books especially for enjiyment
variety --------------------------b. collection of different kinds of things
apart from ----------------------g. besades
tempt----------------------------c. attract
unit 9
fledgling------------------------j. young and inexperienced
spectacular---------------------e. very impressive
adroit --------------------------g. quick and skilful
coma----------------------------i. unconsciousness due to injury
flurry---------------------------a. sudden excitement
recuperate---------------------b. get back one’s strength
massive hemorrhage----------c.l osing a lot of blood
fragile--------------------------f. easily injured or broken
concussion--------------------d. (an)injury to the brain