Information on Building Construction
(The project is designed as per National Standard of People’s Republic of China.)
I. The project is a unit in Bolivia 65t/h cement pulverizing system, who planimetric position is described in general layout, and design life of the unit structure is for 50 years, with grade II curity level.
0.00 in the project refers to assumed elevation of 100.00M in the geologic report.
II. ±
三.本工程是依据厂方所提供的工程地质报告进行土建设计的.抗震设防类别为丙类,抗震设防烈度为六度,生产火灾危险性类别:戊; 耐火等级:二级; 环境类别:二b类。
III. Civil design of the project shall conform to engineering geologic report provided by the Client. Anti-ismic class: C, ismic fortification intensity: scale VI, production fire hazard class: fifth, fire-proof grade: II, environment type: class II
IV Construction Coordination
本工程施工前,应核对相应工艺,设备,电气,给排水图纸,进行技术交底和图纸会审工作,完毕后方可施工。Construction shall not start until technical instructions and drawing check are carried out in terms of corresponding process, equipment, electrical and water supply/drainage drawings.
V. Construction approach
1. Damp-proof cour
Damp-proof cour of waterproofing mortar: with thickness of 20mm, mortar mixing proportion shall be 1:2 (cement to sand) mixed with 5% water-proof agent at usual elevation of -0.06 (There is any reinforced concrete beam at -0.06M,
damp-proof cour shall not be made).
2. Generally, masonry wall body is of brickwall, who brick marks and masonry mortar marks are described in structural construction instructions, and common load-bearing wall shall be made of load-bearing hollow brick with thickness of 240mm.
3. Ground
(1) In the project, height difference inside and outside of room usually is 150mm.
(2) Approach to ground work
a. Ground of milling room:
20mm thick, mortar shall be made of cement and sand at ratio of 1:2, compact and finish; 80mm thick, C15 concrete; 120mm thick, ram with detritus and brickbat; ram with plain soil.
b. Ground of transformer room, low-voltage switching room and control centre (anti-static movable floor shall be additionally provided to control centre):
60mm thick, C20 concrete, scatter cement and medium coar sand by 1:1, compact and finish;
A layer of pea gravel is scattered and cemented;
卧看牵牛织女星刷冷底子油一道,热沥青二道防潮层,厚 2.0以上;
Brush with one coat of adhesive bitumen primer, two coats of hot-mix asphalt as water-proof cour, with thickness of over 2.0mm;
60mm thick, C15 concrete, scatter dried cement and medium coar sand by 1:1, compact and finish;
100mm thick, ram with detritus and brickbat, grout cement mortar mixed at ratio of 1:5 (cement to sand);
Ram with plain soil.
4. Approach to floor work
For leveling blanket, 10mm thick, mortar is mixed with cement and sand by 1:2; 15mm thick, mortar is mixed with cement and sand by 1:3; pour reinforced concrete floor, plaster while vibrating.
5. External wall plastering
(1) For rain cover, window sill, binding edge, plinth (500mm high), brush (spray) paint to external wall; 2mm thick, plaster wall with paper fiber (hemp cut) lime; 15mm thick, render with mortar mixed with cement and sand in proportion
of 1:3.
(2) Others are plastered by blended mortar: 8mm thick, plaster wall with mixing mortar at a ratio of 1:1:6 (cement
to lime to sand); 12mm thick, render with mixing mortar in proportion of 1:1:6 (cement to lime to sand).
6. Internal wall plastering
(1) Transformer room, low-voltage switching hou and control centre:
Brush (spray) paint to internal wall; 2mm thick, plaster wall with paper pulp (hemp cut) lime;
15mm thick, render with mortar mixed at a ratio of 1:3 (lime to sand).
(3) Approach to making apron is similar to that to ground.
7. Roof covering
a. Make slope to structure, without organized drainage.
b. Roof covering of mill room shall be made of water-proofing mortar: water-proofing agent shall be added to 25mm thickness surface presd smooth, paint a coat of plain cement mortar; slope of reinforcement concrete roof slab cast-in-place shall be of 2-3%;
c. Transformer room, low-voltage switching room and control centre shall have rigid waterproof roof: 40mm thick,
C20 fine aggregate concrete, withφ4 two-way rebar inside, centre distance of 150mm; scatter a layer of fine sand, place an isolation layer of paper ba felt; 20mm thick, leveling mortar mixed with cement and sand at a ratio of 1:3; slope of reinforce concrete roof slab cast-in-place on site shall be of 2-3%;
(In ca of using fine aggregate concrete as protective layer or rigid waterproof layer, joint, with width of 20mm,
shall be provided at space of ≤6m both on longitudinal and latitudinal directions, rebar inside joint shall be cut, a joint服务能力
of 30mm shall be left between the isolation joint and parapet wall, and aling material shall be filled into joint.)
8. Flat roof
Brush (spray) paint to flat roof; plaster wall with fine paper pulp (hemp cut) lime of thickness of 3mm; mix cement
and lime putty and mortar by 1:0.3:3 with thickness of 8mm; brush a coat of plain grout (107 paste with 3-5% water by weight is mixed into); cast reinforced concrete slabs.
9. Painting
(1)钢门窗:颜色甲方自定, 调和漆二度;刮腻子;防锈漆或红丹一度.
(1) Steel door and window: color shall be determined by Party A, two coats of ready-mix paint; scrap putty; one coat of anticorrosion paint or red lead.
(2)钢栏杆,钢扶梯, 银粉漆二度;刮腻子;防锈漆或红丹一度.
(2) For steel handrail, steel stairs, apply two coats of aluminum powder paint; scrap putty; one coat of anticorrosion paint
or red lead.
10. Exterior works:
(1) Apron: 800mm wide, 20mm thick, plaster surface with mixing mortar in proportion of 1:2 (cement to sand), compact and finish; 60mm thick, C15 concrete, tamp by plain soil, outward slope shall be of 4%;
(2) Slope: 25mm thick, plaster to be deep dentate shaped surface with thickness of 60mm by mortar mixed at a ratio
of 1:2 (cement to sand); one coat of plain grout; 80-100 thick, C15 concrete; 200mm thick, pour detritus with mixing mortar, M2.5 ; tamp with plain soil (slope design in accordance with the project)
All electrical room shall be provided with screen windows, axial flow fan shall be mounted to external
wall of low-voltage switching room to force draft, who specific positions are described in electrical construction drawings.
梁配筋图Beam reinforcement drawing
柱配筋图Column reinforcement drawing
模板平面图Formwork layout
结构平面图Structure layout
梁底预埋吊钩Pre-embedded hook at the bottom of beam
风钩Hook and eye
Thicken hooked reinforcement at the joint of main and condary beam, diameter and limb number of hooked reinforcement shall be same with that of hooked reinforcement inside beam, three limbs on each side,
吊轨节点Node of overhead rail
附加吊筋Additional hanging steel bar
双向钢筋外包Two-way rebar hooped
(不)等高槽钢连接图Connection drawing of steel channel with different height
识字小报手抄报基础施工说明: Foundation construction instructions
1 本工程设计时依据甲方提供的地质勘探报告进行基础设计.基础设计等级为丙级,场地土类别为III类。
1. Foundation design of the project complies with geologic exploration report provided by party A. Foundation design
grade shall be C, and site soil is classified to be III.
2 本工程±0.00相当于地质报告假定标高100.00m
2. ±0.00 in the project is equivalent to relative elevation of 100.00M in geologic report.
3 本工程框架柱基础及磨机基础均为天然地基基础。柱下独基座落在未经扰动的 3 层碎石土上,承载力特征
值fak=250Kpa, 超挖部分均以铺浆块石回填。
3. In the project, all foundations of frame column and pulverizers shall be natural Ground. Independent foundation at column foot shall be located on undisturbed soil aggregate of 3 layers, characteristic value of bearing capacity fak=250Kpa, all excavated parts shall be backfilled with laying slurry and bricks.
4 设备基础混凝土强度等级C30,垫层C10(素砼)。框架柱梁板砼强度等级C30, 地坑混凝土强度等级C30,防水砼抗渗等级≥0.6Mpa。
4. For equipment foundation, concrete strength shall be C30 grade, bedding shall be of C10 (plain concrete). Concrete intensity of frame column beam, beam and slab shall be grade C30, concrete intensity of pit shall be grade C30, impermeability grade water-proof concrete shall not be less than 0.6Mpa.
5 防潮层以上,MU7.5承重空心砖, M5 混合砂浆砌筑。防潮层以下,MU10承重实心砖, M5水泥砂浆砌筑。
5. Above damp-proof cour, bearing brickwall is built by MU7.5 bearing hollow brick and M5 composite mortar; under damp-proof cour, it is built by MU10 bearing solid brick and M5 cement mortar.
6 基础开挖后,请通知设计人员会同有关部门验槽。
6. Plea inform designer together with relevant departments of pit inspection after foundation excavation.
7 避雷接地详见电施图。沉降观测点做法详见《结构施工图设计总说明及附图》。
7. Lightning protective earthing is described in detail in electrical drawing. For ttlement obrvation, refer to General information on Structure Construction Drawing Design and Attached Drawings.
8 未尽事宜请遵守国家有关规范规定。
8. Matters not mentioned herein shall be performed according to state relative codes.
1. Pulverizer foundation shall be of large volume pier type.
2. Concrete intensity of foundation shall be grade C25, grout shall be C30 fine aggregate concrete.
3. For rebar, its overlapping length is 35d, anchorage length is 42d.
4. Rebar not indicated in drawing shall be ofΦ22@150.阳光点的歌
5. In ca of thickness of grout exceeding 100mm, ?6@200 shall be provided.
6. Construction shall not start until indicated dimension in drawing is checked to be correct with process drawing.
7、本图中所注标高均为一次浇注面标高。悬挑板厚100,分布筋? 6@200
7. All elevations indicated in the drawing shall be tho of casting.Cantilever slab shall be 100mm thick, distribution bar shall be of ? 6@200.
1. 构件钢材材质均采用Q235-B.型钢均采用普通热轧型。
1. Steel materials of members shall be of Q235-B type. All steel ctions shall be of common hot-rolled type.
2. 焊条采用E4315型.板采用5毫米花纹钢板。
2. Electrodes shall be of E4315 type. Slab shall be checkered sheet with thickness of 5mm.
3. 所有未注明的焊缝高度不小于构件厚度,且不小于6毫米.焊缝长度均为满焊。
3. All welding am height not indicated shall not be less than member thickness, and no less than 6mm. all welding
am length shall be full welded.
4. 铺设花纹钢板与每道梁须焊接,采用跳花焊,焊缝5厚,80长,净距100。
4. Lay checkered plates and all such plates and beams shall be tack welded, with 5mm thick am, 80mm long and 100mm clear distance.
5. 图中粗虚线表示斜撑位置。埋件处局部地坪加厚。
5: Bold dashed lines in drawing refer to position of the inclined support. Thicken partial terrace of buried members.
Note: Ba force-bearing cour under steel platform post shall be of back-filling, which requires of tamping in layers,
with compacting coefficient over 0.94.
1. In ca of anchorage length longer than height of beam (slab), anchor bar shall be extended into beam (slab) as deep as possible, then buckle on flat. Provided that horizontal length after buckling meets total length, for common structure buried member, it shall no less than 4d, for buried member in tension, it shall no less than 10d. Length of anchor bar of buried member in tension before buckling shall no less than total anchorage length of 0.45. All anchor bar end shall not
be expod at any circumstance.
2. Materials: 1) rebar: Q235 steel 2) cold worked bar shall not be ud. 3) Electrode: in ca of manual electric welding, HPB235 steel u E43 electrode, HRB335 steel u E50 electrode; in ca of submerged arc pressure welding, flux corresponding to main body metal intensity shall be ud.
3. Welding of rebar and anchor slab shall give priority to submerged arc pressure welding. In the event of limitation of construction conditions, arc welding shall be ud. Surface of buried member steel plate is required to be flat and