AAR:Appearance Approval Report 外观批准报告
ADV: Analysis/Development/Validation 分析/开发/验证
ADV-DV:ADV Design Validation ADV 设计验证
我的世界变得奇妙更难以言喻A/D/V P&R: Analysis/Development/Validation Plan and Report. This form is ud to summarize the plan and results for validation testing. Additional information can be found in the GP-11 procedure. 分析 / 开发 / 验证计划和报告
AIAG:Automotive Industries Action Group, an organization formed by General Motors, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler to develop common standards and expectations for automotive suppliers. 汽车工业行动集团
AP:Advanced Purchasing 先期采购
APQP:Advanced Product Quality Planning 产品质量先期策划
APO:(General Motors)Asian Pacific Operations (通用)亚太分部
APQP Project Plan: A one-page summary of the GM APQP process that describes the tasks and the timeframe in which they occur. APQP项目策划
ASQE:Advanced Supplier Quality Engineer 先期供应商质量工程师
BOM:Bill of Materials 材料清单
BOP:Bill of Process 过程清单
Brownfield Site: An expansion of an existing facility. 扩建场地
CMM:Coordinate Measuring Machine 三坐标测试仪
MComplex System / Subasmbly: An asmbly of sub-components delivered to the GM main production line for installation to the vehicle as a single unit. M小学英语课堂游戏复杂系统/分总成
Cpk:Capability Index for a stabile process 过程能力指数
CTS:Component Technical Specifications 零件技术规范
Defect outflow detection: A phra ud in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements that refers to in-process or subquent inspection ud to detect defects in parts. 缺陷检测
DFM/DFA: Design for Manufacturability / Design for Asmbly 可制造性 / 可装配性设计
DFMEA:Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It is ud to identify the potential failure modes of a part, associated with the design, and establish a priority system for design improvements. 设计失效模式分析
MPC:Material Production Control 物料生产控制
MPCE: Material Production Control Europe 欧洲物料生产控制
MRD:Material Required Date; date material must be delivered in order to allow a build event to begin (Pilot, SOR, etc.) 物料需求日期
MSA:Measurement Systems Analysis 测量系统分析
MVBns: Manufacturing Validation Build non-saleable 非销售车制造验证
MVBs: Manufacturing Validation Build saleable 销售车制造验证
保险的重要性NAO:(General Motors)North American Operations (通用)北美分部
NBH:New Business Hold 停止新业务
N.O.D.: Notice of Decision 决议通知
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 主机客户
PAD: Production Asmbly Documents 生产装配文件
PC&L: Production Control & Logistics 生产控制&物流
PDT:Product Development Team 产品开发小组
PFMEA:Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It is ud to identify potential failure modes associated with the manufacturing and asmbly process. 潜在失效模式分析
PPAP: Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序
PPM糍粑是什么做的:1)Program Purchasing Manager 项目采购经理
2)Parts per Million(rejects and returns to suppliers) 每百万件的产品缺陷数
Ppk: Perfomance index for a stable process 过程能力指数
PQC:Product Quality Characteristic 产品质量特性
PR/R:Problem Reporting & Resolution 问题报告及解决
PSA: Potential Supplier Asssment, a subt of the Quality System Asssment(QSA) 潜在供应商评审
QSA:Quality System Asssment 质量系统评审
QTC:Quoted Tool Capacity 工装报价能力
RASIC:Responsible, Approve, Support, Inform, Consult 负责,批准,支持,通知,讨论
RFQ:Request For Quotation 报价要求
RPN: Risk Priority Number relater to FMEA development 风险顺序数
RPN Reduction Plan: An action plan that describes what is being done to reduce the risk priority number for items listed in the DFMEA or PFMEA. 降低RPN值计划
DPV:Defects per vehicle 每辆车缺陷数
DRE:Design Relea Engineer 设计发放工程师
Error Occurrence Prevention: A phra ud in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirement that refers to poke yoke or error-proofing devices ud to prevent errors in the manufacturing process from occurring. 防错
EWO:Engineering Work Order 工程更改指令
FE 1,2,3: Functional Evaluations 1,2, and 3 功能评估
GD&T: Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 几何尺寸&公差
GM: General Motors 通用汽车公司
GME:General Motors Europe 通用汽车欧洲分部
GM 9000:A document provided through Boi Cascade that hous GM specific requirements (General Procedures-GPs) that are referenced in QS 9000.