1.Supplier Quality Ba Requirements: 供应商质量基本要求
∙This document is intended to be ud in conjunction with and is in addition to the GM General Standard Terms and Conditions。该文件被视为GM的一般标准条款,以及标准条款的额外补充。
∙All suppliers are expected to supply parts to General Motors with zero defects. Parts shall meet all engineering specifications and function with no abnormalities according to intent。所有供应商的供货应当是零缺陷的。零件必需符合工程以及性能要求。
∙Funding is to be identified in the initial quote and subquent quotes to reflect error occurrence detection (poka yoke, error proofing devices, etc) and defect outflow prevention to customers. Controls implemented at a later date are the financial responsibility of the supplier。为了阻止缺陷外流给客户或因需要防错而产生了额外费用,该费用应当在最开始的报价或之后的几轮报价中反映出来。后续控制所产生的费用应当由供应商自己承担.
2.ISO/TS 16949 — Quality System Requirements:质量体系要求:
∙All providers of a) production materials, b) production or rvice parts, or c) heat treating, plating, painting or other finishing rvices directly to General Motors must be certified to ISO/TS 16949 by a Certification Body (CB) recognized by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) and have a current certificate available demonstrating compliance to GM supplements.所有与GM有关的原料,配件以及热熔焊,电镀,喷漆或其他加工服务,必须获得认证机构所颁发的TS16949认证并在有效期内.
∙Effectiveness of the heat treating process, the plating process and the coating process shall be demonstrated using the CQI—9 Heat Treat System Asssment, the CQI-11 Plating System Asssment, and the CQI—12 Coating System Asssment published by the AIAG and as required in the GM Customer Specifics。热处理,电镀,喷漆等特种加工工艺,必须获得AIAG美国汽车工业行动小组发布的CQI—9,CQI—11,CQI-12的评估认可。
∙杨玉环的诗句 Welding and soldering process shall be compliant with CQI—15 Welding System Asssment and CQI-17 Soldering System Asssment published by AIAG。烧焊以及电焊必须符合CQI-15以及CQI—17的评估认可。
∙Suppliers utilizing outside test facilities must provide evidence that the test facility is accredited per ISO/IEC 17025. The following groups are recognized to asss organizations that accredit Independent test and/or calibration laboratories to ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005。供应商使用委外的实验室做实验,其实验设备必须符合ISO/IEC17025标准,以下的几个组织是认可清单内的:
▪National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (website at www。nacla。net/)
Note: NACLA does not require its member organizations to sign an MRA for recognition。全球实验室认可合作组织,网址:www。nacla
▪International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (website at www.ilac)
Note: The ILAC organizations are signers of Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA’s) which may preclude them from accepting non-MRA signatory asssments。 The MRA signatories do have procedures that may allow acceptance of asssments conducted by other organizations。 GM encourages the utilization of the procedures。 Specific concerns should be directed to the appropriate MRA。 全球实验室认可合作组织,网址:www.ilac
∙Suppliers not certified to ISO/TS 16949, or tho suppliers constructing or purchasing facilities to manufacture the parts being quoted, must include a defined certification attainment plan with their quote for further consideration.供应商没有拿到ISO/TS16949认可的,或者供应商制造或者采购的设备没有获得认可的,为长远考虑,他们必须在报价时附上一个体系认可计划。
3.China Compulsory Certification (CCC) Supplier Requirements:CCC认证要求
It is the supplier’s responsibility to contact China Quality Certificate Centre (CQC)for CCC activities and ensure all CCC related parts meet the China Compulsory Certification requirements (reference CNCA—02—063:2005). All saleable parts shall have a CCC marking after proper authorization. The GM math data or parts specific drawing general notes will have “Part Must Be China Compulsory Certification Compliant”。 Supplier shall update and maintain their specific duns’ code to the CCC China Compulsory Certification requirements in GQTS (Global Quality Tracking System) – Supplier Certification. A copy of the certificate for the part should be nt to GM Engineering befor
e PPAP or when saleable status is attained also email to SQ_Cert@gm.com (must include the duns’ code). Web—site: www。。cn/english/index。htm 供应商承担CCC强制性认证责任,所有的零件不需满足CCC认证。
4.General Motors Procedures and Reference Documents: 通用程序以及参考手册
Suppliers are to adhere to the requirements contained in the following documents.
Advanced Product Quality Planning & Control Plan Reference Manual 产品先期策划与控制计划 | AIAG Manual |
Fundamental Statistical Process Control (SPC) Reference Manual 统计过程分析 | AIAG Manual |
Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) Reference Manual 测量系统分析 | AIAG Manual |
枪怎么画Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Reference Manual 潜在失效模式分析 | 减肥有效的方法AIAG Manual |
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Manual 生产件批准程序 | AIAG Manual |
CQI-9, CQI-11, CQI-12, CQI-15, CQI-17 Special Process Asssments | AIAG |
GP-5 Supplier Quality Process and Measurements Procedure 供应商质量过程与测量方法 | GM1746 |
GP-8 Continuous Improvement Procedure 持续改进系统 | GM1747 |
GP—10 Evaluation and Accreditation of Supplier Test Facilities (Reference Only)供应商实验设备认可与评估 | GM1796 |
GP-12 Early Production Containment 早期生产遏制 | GM1920 |
Fixture Standards – For Suppliers of Production Material检具开发标准 | GM1925 |
GM Global Supplier Quality Manual GM全球供应商质量手册 | GM1927 |
GM Global Supplier Quality Manual Suffixed Documents全球供应商质量手册-后缀 | GM1927-xx |
Part—Specific SOR东北酱焖茄子 特定零件SOR | GM1927—03a-Name |
Process Audits 过程审核 | GM1927-16a—布丁的英文Name |
Quality Systems Basics (QSB) Audit 质量体系基础审核 | GM1927-30 |
GM Global Greenfield Development Asssment Process 新建厂房评估程序 | 中国的行政区划GM1927—31 |
GP-9 Run @ Rate Capacity Workbook & Procedure (GMSP Procedures & Forms)按节拍生产 | GM1927-35 |
Quality Systems Basics (QSB) Workshop质量体系基础研讨会 | GM1927—36 |
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