One winter Sunday, my little sister, Colleen, and I built the greatest snowman ever. For personality, we gave him a traditional carrot no, beautiful hat, cozy scarf and gloves.
The next morning, looking outside, we smiled adoringly at him over our cornflakes at breakfast. We even expresd our greetings to him as we pasd on our way to school. Many kids went past our hou, so he was the hot topic that morning. After school, my sister and I generously shared our professional snowman-building tips and techniques again with other kids.
But as our yard came into sight , we saw something that wasn’t normal — our snowman was crushed. Though sad, we knew one thing: Our snowman would ri again. And so we rebuilt him, but the next day we came home to still find the remains on the front lawn. For the rest of the week, the destruction was repeated daily. Each afternoon we’d return to find him crushed, and then we would build him up again.
By Saturday morning, we had made a plan . We filled a really big bucket with water and left it outside. The next morning, it was frozen solid. After we packed snow all around the ic我的新学期计划
e block for the ba, we hid ourlves. Then we soon saw what we were waiting for . Three bullies(欺凌弱小者) in my school came over to our snowman and sneered(讥笑). Then taking their places on either side, they pulled back their legs to deliver powerful kicks. But when their feet connected with the hard ice block, sneers turned to surpri, then pain, and then tears.
We came clo to feeling sorry, but they were too funny as they hopped away holding their damaged feet. We couldn’t stop laughing. And that was the end of our problems with snow bullies.
山开头成语little sister妹妹气旋
and IAndaman Islands 安达曼群岛
平心静气的近义词at breakfast正在吃早饭
hot topic热门题目
After school放学后; 课余; 课外; 校外
my sister and I我妹妹与我
into sight看得见,被看到夹板什么牌子好
one thing一件事; 有件事
ri again死而复生; 再生
And so因此