传统戏剧京剧的脸谱 英语
The Face Masks of Traditional Chine Opera - Jingju逗号
金丸 Jingju, also known as Beijing Opera, is a highly stylized form of Chine opera that originated in the late 18th century. One of the signature features of Jingju is the u of intricate and colorful face masks, or 'lianpu,' to reprent the different characters in the story.
The masks are made of thin layers of painted paper or silk, and are designed to exaggerate and accentuate the facial features of the characters. They are often divided into four categories: Sheng (male), Dan (female), Jing (painted face), and Chou (comic).
Sheng masks are typically red or black, and reprent important male characters such as heroes, officials, and scholars. They are characterized by their high foreheads, prominent nos, and thin mustaches.
代客理财 Dan masks are usually white, and reprent female roles such as heroines, concubines,
and young girls. They are distinguished by their delicate features, curved eyebrows, and small red lips.
对公司的发展美好祝愿 Jing masks feature bold and striking designs, and reprent characters with special skills or supernatural powers. They are often painted in bright colors, and may feature animals or mythical creatures.
Chou masks are ud for comic relief, and are characterized by their exaggerated features and expressions. They are often painted in bright colors, and may feature exaggerated nos, ears, or mouths.
Overall, the u of face masks in Jingju adds to the dramatic and highly stylized nature of the performance, and allows the audience to easily identify and connect with the different characters in the story.。