IDEF0 Ur Guide
iGrafx IDEF0® 2011 Ur Guide
The contents of this iGrafx IDEF0 ur guide and the associated iGrafx IDEF0 software are the property of Corel Corporation and its respective licensors, and are protected by copyright. Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. For more complete copyright information about iGrafx IDEF0, plea refer to the About iGrafx ction in the Help menu of the software.
© 2010 Corel Corporation. All rights rerved. iGrafx® FlowCharter™ 2011, iGrafx® Process™ 2011, iGrafx® Process™ 2011 for Six Sigma, iGrafx® Process™ 2011 for Enterpri Modeling™, iGrafx® Process™ 2011 for SAP®, Process Central®, Enterpri Central®, Enterpri Modeler®, Enterpri Modeler® for SAP®, iGrafx® Gateway for SAP® Solution Manager are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the U.S. and/or other countries.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Microsoft SQL Server© Copyright, Microsoft Corporation. All rights rerved. SAP®, the SAP logo and SAP® Solution Manager are registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in veral other countries. Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Java and JavaScript are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ImageStream® Graphics Filters are copyright Inso Corporation. DynaPDF © Copyright DynaForms GmbH. Other product, font, and company names and logos may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
太行王屋二山Rev: June 17, 2010
Table of Contents
职业技能证书查询Introduction 3
The IDEF0 Modeling Language 3
The IDEF0 Notation 4婺源自由行攻略
IDEF0 Models 5
IDEF0 Diagrams 5
Top-Level Context Diagram 5
Child Diagram 7
Parent Diagram 8
Node Tree Diagram 8
Text Diagram 8
Glossary 8
For Exposition Only Diagram 8
Creating an iGrafx IDEF0 Model 11
Start IDEF0 11
Define the Model 12公司管理
Add Diagrams to Your Model 13
Add a Child Diagram 13
Add a FEO Diagram 15
含身体部位的四字词语Add a Node Tree Diagram 15
Add a Text Diagram 16
Editing an iGrafx IDEF0 Model 17
Change Properties 17
Change Diagram Properties 17
Change ICOM Labels 18
Work with Model Templates 18
Edit a Model Template 18
Create a Model Template 18
Customize Text and the Glossary 22
Arrows 24
Validate a Model 27
Print IDEF0 Models 28
Using iGrafx IDEF0 Menus and Tools 31
Menus 31
白金色头发Diagram Context Menu 32
Shape Context Menu 33
iGrafx IDEF0 20091
iGrafx IDEF0 Tools 33
The IDEF0 Model Setup Wizard 34
The IDEF Explorer 35
The IDEF Rules Validator 37
The IDEF0 Toolbar 38
IDEF0 Model Templates 39
2iGrafx IDEF0 2009
1iGrafx IDEF0® is a custom add-on to iGrafx® that lets you build business process models
bad on the Integration Definition language 0 (IDEF0).This language is defined by the Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF0) Standard issued by the Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) on December 21, 1993.
System requirements are published in the relea notes and on the iGrafx IDEF0 product page under FAQs.华科是哪个大学
iGrafx IDEF0 Features
iGrafx IDEF0 gives you the following capabilities:
IDEF0 Model Setup Wizard - The Model Wizard prompts you for model and diagram properties when adding a new model to a document.•
IDEF Rules Enforcement - IDEF0 us correct-by-design and rules checking technology to insure the accuracy and consistency of your model.•
IDEF Explorer - The Explorer lets you navigate the components of a model.•
Associated Components - iGrafx IDEF0 lets you add components to models such as FEO diagrams, text diagrams, and glossaries.•IDEF0 Model T emplates - Y ou can u model templates to help build models.The IDEF0 Modeling Language
The IDEF0 modeling language is a graphics and text bad notation ud to model a system or process. An IDEF0 model is compod of a hierarchical ries of diagrams that gradually display increasing levels of detail within the context of a process.