1.Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies ud for other engineering artifacts
Answer: b
2.WebApps are a mixture of print publishing and software development, making their development outside the realm of software engineering practice.
Answer: b
3.Software engineering umbrella activities are only applied during the initial phas of software development projects.
Answer: b
4. Planning ahead for software reu reduces the cost and increas the value of the systems into which they are incorporated.
Answer: a
5.The esnce of software engineering practice might be described as understand the problem, plan a solution, carry out the plan, and examine the result for accuracy.
Answer: a
6.In agile process models the only deliverable work product is the working program.
藏红花能壮阳吗Answer: b
7.A most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need.
Answer: a
8.In general software only succeeds if its behavior is consistent with the objectives of its designers.
Answer: b
祈祷平安的句子9.Software process can be constructed out of pre-existing software patterns to best meet the needs of a software project.
Answer: a
10.Process technology tools allow software organizations to compress schedules by skipping unimportant activities.
Answer: b
11.It is generally accepted that one cannot have weak software process and create high quality end products.
Answer: a
1.Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another.
Answer: a
2.A stakeholder is anyone who will purcha the completed software system under development.
湖南科技大学排名Answer: b
灯笼制作图片>唢呐王3.It is relatively common for different customers to propo conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one.
Answer: a
4.Developers and customers create u-cas to help the software team understand how different class of end-urs will u functions.
Answer: a
5.U-ca actors are always people, never system devices.
Answer: b
6.Analysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems.
Answer: a
7.In win-win negotiation, the customer’s needs are met even though the developer’s need may not be.
Answer: b
8.In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility.
Answer: b
1.Object-oriented domain analysis is concerned with the identification and specification of reusable capabilities within an application domain.
Answer: a
2.In structured analysis models focus on the structure of the class defined for a system along with their interactions.
Answer: b
3.Creation and refinement of u cas if an important part of scenario-bad modeling.
Answer: a
4.It is important to consider alternative actor interactions when creating a preliminary u ca.
Answer: b
5.Brainstorming is one technique that may be ud to derive a complete t of u ca exceptions.
Answer: a
6.In many cas there is no need to create a graphical reprentation of a usage scenario.
Answer: a
7.One or more attributes of a data object must be defined as a key to allow the location of an instance of the data object.
Answer: a
8.Attributes are chon for an object by examining the problem statement and identifying the entities that appear to be related.
Answer: b
9.An analysis package involves the categorization of analysis model elements into uful groupings.
卡通电脑壁纸Answer: a
10.The data flow diagram must be augmented by min-spec that can rve as a guide the design of the software component that will implement the process.
Answer: a
11.The UML quence diagram show the order in which system events are procesd.
Answer: b
12.Analysis patterns are discovered, they are not explicitly created.
Answer: a
13.It is not possible to justify the time required for WebApp requirements analysis.
Answer: b
14.UML activity diagrams can be ud to reprent the ur obrvable functionality delivered by the WebApp as well as the operations contained in each analysis class.
Answer: a
15.Configuration analysis focus on the architecture of the ur’s web browsing environment.
Answer: b
16.带有颜色的诗句Content objects are extracted from u cas by examining the scenario description for direct or indirect content references.
Answer: a
1.With thorough testing it is possible to remove all defects from a program prior to delivery to the customer.
Answer: b
2.Program flow graphs are identical to program flowcharts.