Teaching Design
1. a: 宝贝,嘿嘿,你好可爱额,叫什么名字啊,在哪个学校读书呢?
b: 老师,我叫…, 在…上学。
2. a: 平时最喜欢什么啊?
b: …
c: 额,是那个啊,老师也特别感兴趣。
3. a: 以前学过英语没有啊?
b: 在学校学了的。
a: 那在学校学英语好不好玩,难不难呢?
b: 一点趣味都没有,而且我也不大爱听,感觉特别难。
a: 是不是因为老师没有跟你们做游戏啊?
b: 嗯,对的,老师很少跟我们做游戏。
a: 期末考试一般考得怎么样,多少分啊?
b: ……
a: 以前学过英语没有啊?
b: 没有。
a: 那对英语感不感兴趣啊?
b: ……
1. a: 宝贝,你的中文名叫…,那有没有英文名呢?
b: 没有。
a: 老师今天特别喜欢你,给你取一个英文名,Andy怎么样?
b: 好。
a: 你的英文名是Andy额,Andy,Andy,Andy;老师的名字叫Angel额,Angel,Angel,Angel。
好的,老师今天来跟你做一个游戏竞赛好不好? 当我用大拇指指向Andy的时候,你也要指向你自己Andy,当老师用大拇指指向我Angel时,你也要指向老师Angel,(边说边做动作),就是说念到谁的名字就要指向谁。然后换过来,你来指,老师来跟着做。If you are the winner, I will give you one star. 如果谁赢了,就在名字后面画一个星星,最后我们来看谁的星星多,Who will be the first, 谁就是第一。Ok, let’s begin. 好,开始。带远的成语
2. Walk
过期的牛奶可以喝吗 a: Ok, look at here. 看到这儿,What are the?这是什么?
b: 腿。
a: Yes, legs. What can we usually do with our legs? 我们经常用腿来做什么啊?
b: 走路。
a: Great, walk. (写在黑板上) Walk, walk, walk. (边做动作边说并让学生跟读)
Let’s play a game. 我们来做一个游戏好不好? If I rai my hands and clap my hands. Say walk. You will put down your hands and clap your hands. Say, walk.(边说边做动作)
Then you will be the teacher, If you rai your hands and clap your hands. Say walk. I will
put down my hands and clap my hands. Say, walk. (动作)Who wins, who will get one star.
3. Run
a: The walk is very slow, if I walk faster and faster. What’s this? (动作)
b: 跑。
a: Good, run. (写在黑板上) Run, run, run. (边做动作边说并让学生跟读)
句子引入:Can you run?
Yes, I can. (动作)(写在黑板上)
Ok, follow me. 跟我一起做。Can you run?妇复春胶囊
Yes, I can.
Can you walk?
Yes, I can. (动作)
Ok, Let’s play a game. If I say walk, you will say run. If I say run, you will say walk. (动作)就是我们做的是相反的。 Then you will be the teacher, if you say walk, I will say run. If you say run, I will say walk. (动作)Who wins, who will get one star.
Can you run?
Yes, I can.注册资金多少对公司有什么影响
Can you walk?
Yes, I can. (动作)
4. Jump
引入:a: 做Rabbit的动作,问学生: What’s this?
b: Rabbit
a: 那Rabbit是怎么走路的啊?
b: 一跳一跳的。
a: Yes, jump. (写在黑板上) Jump, jump, jump. (边做动作边说并让学生跟读)
Ok, show me. 跟我一起做。Can you jump?
Yes, I can.
Can you run?
Yes, I can.(动作)
Ok, the game time now. I will put my hands up your head, you should jump and touch it. I will give you five chances. Then you will be the teacher, you also put your hands up my head, I should jump and touch it. It is also five chances.(动作)Who touches more, who will get more star.
Can you jump?
Yes, I can.
Can you walk?
Yes, I can.
Can you run?
Yes, I can. (动作)
5. Hop
a: 双脚跳叫Jump, 那单脚是什么呢?
b: 单脚跳。
a: Yes, hop. (写在黑板上) Hop, hop, hop. (边做动作边说并让学生跟读)
Ok, show me. 跟我一起做。Can you hop?
Yes, I can.
Can you jump?
Yes, I can.(动作)
Ok, the game time now. If I say hop loudly, you will say hop quietly. And then If you say hop loudly, I will say hop quietly. 也就是我们是相反的。(肢体语言)
Can you hop?
Yes, I can.
Can you jump?
Yes, I can.
Can you run?
Yes, I can.
Can you walk?
Yes, I can. (肢体语言)
6. 总复习
If I say walk, we will walk, walk, walk, walk… Then touch the board and back, walk, walk, walk, walk…(肢体语言)Who is the first, who will get one star.
If I say run, we will run, run, run, run… Then touch the board and back, run, run, run, run…(肢体语言)Who is the first, who will get one star.
If I say jump, we will jump, jump, jump, jump… Then touch the board and back, jump, jump, jump, jump…(肢体语言)Who is the first, who will get one star.
If I say hop, we will hop, hop, hop, hop… Then touch the board and back, hop, hop, hop, hop…(肢体语言)Who is the first, who will get one star.
What’s this? (肢体语言)
Can you walk?
Yes, I can.
What’s this?
Can you run?
Yes, I can.
What’s this?
Can you jump?
Yes, I can.
What’s this?
Can you hop?
Yes, I can. (肢体语言)
7. 展示前铺垫
a: Andy, 你觉得这样跟老师学英语是不是特别好玩儿啊,而且在游戏中不知不觉就学了这么多单词和句子,是不是感觉没有那么难了啊。
b: 嗯,是的,特别有趣。
a: 那你想不想跟老师一起学英语啊?
b: 想,我喜欢跟老师一起学英语。
a: 嗯,Angel也特别喜欢和你在一起哟。好的,我们再复习一下,What’s your name?
b: My name is Andy.
a: Ok, great. Now stand up. Can you walk?
Yes, I can walk.
Can you run?
Yes, I can run.
狼的精神Can you jump?
Yes, I can jump.
Can you hop?
Yes, I can hop.(肢体语言)