Cadence Tutorial
Cadence ICFB (IC Front to Back environment) is a software package ud for Integrated Circuit design and simulation. This software features a complete suite of tools including schematic capture, simulation, layout, and extraction. Several simulation engines are available: spice, hspice, spectre, etc. The engines require model files that specify the device modeling parameters, such as oxide thickness ( Tox ) and electron mobility ( Uo ).
1.We will be using the TSMC 0.3d (L=0.25um) process available
in the NCSU Design Kit.
2.We will also be using spectre for simulation.
The following tutorial will guide you through the basic tup and operation
of Cadence ICFB. You will build a schematic and perform veral analys.
Quick Tips
I. Should the Schematic not display correct, lect
Window -> Redraw from the Schematic menu
II. Schematic view has many editing operations that are very helpful. For example copy, paste, undo, rotate.
III. The operations are accessible through any of the following: the Edit menu, the side bar buttons, and shortcut keys.
工人的英语IV. IMPORTANT : Hit the “Esc” key to exit an operation.
1. Cadence Startup4
2.Startup Screens5
3.Create A New Library7
4.Create A New Schematic8
5.Adding Components to the Schematic10
6.Connecting Components in the Schematic14
7.Simulator Setup16
8.DC Analysis18
9.Transient Analysis20
10. AC Analysis23
11. Parametric Analysis26
12. Saving State of the Analog Design Environment28
13.Plotting VI Characteristics29
14.Plotting DC Transfer Characteristics34
胡非子15. Plotting Rin and Rout36
1.Cadence Startup:
a.Cadence is started from a terminal
i. To open a terminal: right click on the desktop and lect
唐胜宗“new Terminal”.
Or, press “Ctrl”+”t” on the keyboard
b.Running Cadence
ii.Change the directory to “cadence5”by executing the following
command: % cd cadence5
iii. The following command should be executed to source cadence.
source /usr/local/cadence/NCSU_151/ncsu.cshrc
iv. Execute
icfb: % icfb&怀念英文
2. Startup Screens:
W hen ICFB starts, two windows appear: the ICBF Log window (Figure 1) and the Library Manager (Figure 2). The Log window is the main window for ICFB. Ur preferences and other options are accesd through its menus. The Log window also displays uful output, such as if a simulation run completes successfully or unsuccessfully.
Figure 1. The ICFB Log Window做造影的副作用
The Library Manager provides organization for components and design files. Cadence files are organized into “Libraries.” Cadence files are structured objects called “Cells”. Each “Cell” can have veral different “Views”. The “Views” are associated with a particular Cadence tool, such as the L
ayout editor and the Schematic editor.