“Acceptance” “接受” | shall mean the acceptance of the Equipment by the Customer in which the Contract Goods are incorporated;; 应指客户对装入大卫科波菲尔小说合同货物的设备进行的接受。 | |
“ba order” “基本订单” | shall refer to the agreement between B and the Supplier in regard to the Project, The agreement is ud for B purchasing the products agreed by two parties from the suppliers and it should contain the basic purchasing information as product specific information and technical description or drawings, quantity, price and delivery etc. The agreement is recorded in written form and can be revid in accordance with conditions at any time; 应指B和供应商就项目达成的协议,该协议旨在B购买供应商的就双方达成协议的产品,协议中应包括产品的具体信息技术描述或图纸,数量,价格,交期等购买的基本信息,协议以书面形式记录并依情况随时修订。 | |
“B” | B Co., Ltd.;猴成语 江苏经纬斯柯达电气有限公司。 | |
“call-off purcha order” “提货订单” | shall mean the Contract Document issued by B identified as such, specifying among others prices for the Works, terms of payment and the Delivery Schedules; 应指由B出具并指明为采购订单的合同文件。除其他内容外,其规定了工作的价格、付款条款和交付时间表。 | |
“Confidential Information” “保密信息” | shall mean all materials, trade crets, or other information, including, without limitation, proprietary information and materials regarding a party’s technology, products, business information, process, or objectives, which are designated as confidential or trade cret disclosing Party or which are otherwi confidential by nature. 应指经披露方指定为保密或商业秘密、或其他具有保密性质的所有材料、商业秘密或其他信息,包括但不限于关于一方的技术、产品、业务信息、工艺或目标的专有信息和材料等。 | |
“Contract Document(s)” “合同文件” | shall mean the Contract and any or all of the documents comprising the Contract, as described in clau 2 hereinafter; 应指如下述第2条所述的合同和构成合同的任何或全部文件。 | |
“Contract Goods” “合同产品” | shall mean (i) the modules or parts 路由器连接that will be integrated into the Equipment, (ii) Spare Parts, (iii) Test Equipment, (iv) Tooling and (v) any other item required as deliverables under this Contract forming part of the Works. 应指(i) 将被整合到设备中的模块或者料件,(ii) 备件,(iii) 测试设备, (iv) 工具和 (v) 构成工作部分的作为合同项下要求的应交付产品的其他任何物品。 | |
“Customer “客户” “Relevant customer” 相关客户 | shall be B 's customer to which the Contract Goods will be supplied, as specified in the ba order. 应为基本订单中规定的,B向其供应合同产品的 的客户。 Shall mean B’s direct customer and/or the car builder and /or the end ur and /or the end customer 应指B 的直接客户和/或车辆厂和/或最终用户和/或最终客户。 | |
“Day” “日” | shall mean calendar day. 应指日历日。 | |
“Default” “违约” | the Supplier shall be in default under the Contract on the occurrence of any of the following events: 制作生日贺卡如发生下述任何事件,供应商应即构成在合同项下的违约: ∙fails to carry out any of its obligations under the terms of the Contract, for example, including but not limited to: ∙未能履行其在合同条款中规定的任何义务,例如,包括但不限于: ofails to achieve its delivery dates t in the Delivery Schedules; or o未能遵守交付时间表中规定的交付日期交付的;或 owithout reasonable cau suspends or abandons the performance of the Contract or fails to make progress in the performance of the Works; or o无正当理由,中止或放弃履行合同,或未能在工作履行中取得进展;或 ofails on more than one occasion to pass any test required under the Contract; or o超过一次未能通过合同项下要求的任何测试;或 ofails to remedy any Open Items within the time period of clau 16 or any Defect within the time period of clau 21.; 相敬如宾什么意思 o未能在第16条规定的时间期限内对任何待修正项目进行补救,或未能在第21条规定的时间期限中对任何缺陷进行补救; ∙the Supplier becomes Insolvent; or ∙供应商破产;或 ∙the holder of a curity interest takes posssion of any part of the Supplier's property or undertaking. ∙担保权益的持有人占有供应商的财产或业务的任何部分。 | |
“Defect” “缺陷” | shall mean any failure of the Works to comply in any respect with the requirements of the Contract or to achieve its purpo whether in conquence of faulty or unsafe design, faulty materials, bad workmanship or failure to achieve the purpos, or any other reason attributable to the Supplier or its sub-suppliers; 应指工作在任何方面未能符合合同的要求或未达到合同的立约目的,不论是由于有缺陷或不安全的设计、劣质材料、劣质工艺,或未能达到目的,或可归因于供应商或其分供方的任何其它原因造成。 | |
“Delivery” “交付” | shall mean delivery in accordance with Incoterms 2000 as referred to in clau 11, and “Delivered” shall be constructed accordingly; 应指根据第11条中所述的国际贸易术语解释通则2000进行的交付,并且,“交付”应据此解释。 | |
"Delivery Schedules" "交付时间表" | shall mean the schedules tting forth delivery dates for all items of the Contract Good as well as Documentation, Software or any other items specified therein, that forms part of the Contract and that is updated from time to time; 应指列明了货物的全部项目、以及文件、软件或其中任何其他项目的交付日期的时间表,其构成合同的一部分,并不时加以更新。 | |
“Documentation” “文件” | shall mean all or any of the specifications, drawings, technical publications, networks, computer standards, listings, programme data, Software, calculations, test schedules, test scripts, test procedures, test plans, test certifications, quality plans, quality programme, quality certification, operating manuals, maintenance manuals, information related to safety and all information whether on paper or in electronic, magnetic, or any other format, which is prepared by the Supplier in relation to the Contract; 应指供应商编制的、与合同有关的全部或任何说明书、图纸、技术出版物、网络、计算机标准、清单、程序数据、软件、计算、测试时间表、测试脚本、测试程序、测试计划、测试证书、质量计划、质量程序、质量证书、操作手册、保养手册、与安全有关的信息,以及所有通过纸质或电子、磁性载体或任何其他形式载体记载的信息。 | |
“Effective Date” “生效日” | shall mean the date on which the Contract becomes effective according to clau 3; 应指合同根据第3条生效之日。 | |
“Force Majeure” “不可抗力” | shall mean any objective event which cau aro after the Effective Date and which was Unforeeable , inevitable, unsurmountable, and without the fault or negligence, of either Party. It shall include but not limited, except as otherwi specified in the ba order, war or war conditions, riots, sabotage, fire, flood, typhoons, earthquakes, hurricanes, explosions, epidemics quarantine restrictions, strike other than at the Supplier’s premis and etc.; 应指在生效日后发生的、非由任何一方的违约或疏忽造成的、合同任何一方不能预见、不能避免和不能克服的任何客观事件。除基本订单中另行规定的事件外,其应包括但不限于战争或战争状态、暴乱、故意破坏活动、火灾、洪水、台风、地震、飓风、爆炸、时疫检疫限制、供应商场地之外的罢工等。 | |
“Frame Contract” 框架合同 | Shall mean the agreement between and the supplier for long term cooperation; 应指B 和供应商之间为了长期合作所达成的协议。 | |
“Insolvency” “破产” | shall mean the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: 应指下述任何一件或多件事件的发生: | |
(i) | any arrangement or composition with or for the benefit of creditors (including any voluntary arrangement); 与债权人进行的、或为债权人的利益进行的任何和解安排或债务削减(包括任何自愿和解安排); | |
(ii) | a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver or other encumbrancer taking posssion of or being appointed over, or any distress, execution or other process being levied or enforced upon the whole or any part of its asts; 接管人、管理人、行政接管人或其他担保权益人占有其全部资产或任何部分,或被委任占有上述资产,或其资产全部或任何部分被课以或实施扣押、强制执行或其他诉讼程序; | |
(iii) | Ceasing to carry on business; 停止继续经营业务; | |
(iv) | a petition being prented or a resolution being pasd or an order being made for administration or winding up, bankruptcy or dissolution; 就接管或结业、破产或解散提出诉讼请求、或通过决议或作出命令; | |
(v) | Or any analogous event to tho t out in (i) to (iv) in any jurisdiction in which the Supplier is incorporated. 或者,在供应商组建的任何管辖区内,任何类似(i)至(iv)规定的事件。 | |
“Intellectual Property Rights” “知识产权” | shall mean: 应指纳木措: | |
(i) | all patents and applications and rights to apply for patents (and any similar or equivalent protection in any part of the world) relating to the design or any element of it or the Works; 与设计或其任何要素或工作有关的所有专利,及专利申请和申请专利的权利(以及世界任何地方的任何类似或同样的保护); | |
(ii) | all rights to copyright (and any similar or equivalent protection in any part of the world), whether or not registered or registrable in information or data of any nature relating to or forming part of the design or the Works including (without limitation) copyright in drawings Software and other computer programs produced as part of or in connection with the design; 存在于与设计或工作相关或者构成设计或工作一部分的、任何性质的信息或数据上的所有对版权的权利(以及世界上任何地方的任何类似或同样的保护),不论其是否已注册或可注册,包括(但不限于)存在于作为设计的一部分或与设计有关而制作的制图软件和其他电脑程序上的版权; | |
(iii) | all registered and unregistered design rights (and any similar or equivalent protection in any part of the world) in respect of the design or any element of it or the Works and applications for registered design or such other protection; 与设计或其任何要素或工作有关的、所有注册和未注册的设计权(以及世界任何地方的任何类似或同样的保护),以及注册设计或其他该类保护的申请; | |
(iv) | all registered or unregistered trade marks, trade names and get-up (and any similar or equivalent protection in any part of the world) in respect of the design or any element of it or the Works and applications for registered trade marks or such other protection; 与设计或其任何要素或工作有关的、所有注册或未注册的商标,商号和标识(以及世界任何地方的任何类似或同样的保护),以及注册商标的申请或其他该类保护; | |
(v) | Any other form of Intellectual Property Right, in each ca whether existing as at the date of the Contract or brought into existence after that date; 任何其他形式的知识产权,不论其是否在合同签署日即已存在或该日之后产生。 | |
"Liquidated Damages”" "违约金" | shall mean the amounts the Supplier have to pay to B in certain events. The amounts of such Liquidated Damages are t out in clau 21 or the ba order. 应指在特定情形下,供应商应当支付给B的金额。该违约金的金额在第21条或基本订单中列明。 | |
"Master Contract" "主合同" | shall mean the contract between B and the Customer; 应指B和客户之间的合同。 | |
“NCR” “不合格报告” | Shall mean non-conformity report; 应指不合格报告。 | |
"Party", "Parties" "一方", "双方" | shall designate either the Supplier or B individually or both when in the plural form; 应指供应商或B单独一方,或在复数形式中,指两者。 | |
“Project” “项目” | shall mean the work being undertaken by B under the Master Contract, as further described in the ba orde; 应指在主合同项下由B承担的工作,在项目基本订单中对其有进一步的描述。 | |
"Spare Parts" “备件” | 西南科技大学研究生 shall mean any items supplied by the Supplier to B for the purpo of replacing a part or component fitted to an Equipment, either on a planned basis, related to time or mileage, or as a result of a suspected failure, defect and damage and which may compri Warranty Spares, Main Spares, Consumable Spares and Insurance Spares, as the context may require; 应指供应商为下述目的向B供应的任何物品:在计划的基础上、因与年限或行驶公里数有关、或因可疑的故障、缺陷和损坏,而替换设备中安装的部件或零件。其可能包括质保备件、主要备件、耗材备件和保险备件,视情况不同而定。 | |
“Supplier” “供应商” | shall be the legal entity being party to the ba order; 应指作为合同一方的法人实体。 | |
"Technical Requirements Document" "技术要求文件" | shall mean the Contract Document and its attachments issued by B that ts technical requirements in regard to the Works; 应指由B向供应商出具的、规定了与工作有关的技术要求的合同文件及其附件。 | |
"Technical Specification" "技术规格" | shall mean the Contract Document and its attachments issued by the Customer that ts technical requirements in regard to the Project; 应指由客户出具的、规定了与项目有关的技术要求的合同文件及其附件。 | |
“Tooling” “工具” | shall mean all jigs, tooling, patterns and any other manufacturing aids required for the production of the Works; 应指进行工作所要求的所有模具、工具、模型和任何其他生产协助工具。 | |
“Variation”, "Variation Order" “变更”, "变更订单" | shall mean any addition, reduction, modification, omission or otherwi, to vary the nature or scope of the Works confirmed by an amendment to the ba order or as t out in clau 24; 应指以修订合同的形式或第24条所述,得以确认的、改变工作性质或范围的任何增添、减少、修改、删节或其他。 | |
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