互相保密协议 女神节活动主题
This Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement, effective as of ________, 2005, is being entered into between ____________________________ and ________ [inrt correct company name and address] (“Company”) relative to ________ Confidiential Information supplied to Citect Pty. Ltd’s China operations (“Citect”) for the ______________________ Contract No. _________:Contract 003 for Software Supply and Services effective October 15, 2003.
根据《______________》(合同编号:_______________)之三——即《_____________》(有效日期为_____________)的约定,________________(_____,以下简称为“ESI”)向________________ (以下简称为“____________”) 提供______保密信息,现____和_____ [插入公司名称和地址](以下简称为“公司”)就该ESI保密
1. The Company and ESI each agree not to divulge to third parties, without the prior written connt of the other, any confidential information obtained from or through the other in connection with the performance of this Agreement (the “Confidential Information”), including the terms of this Agreement. Confidential Information may include, without limitation, trade crets, process, formulae, source code materials, specifications, programs, software packages, test results, technical know-how, methods and procedures of operation, business or marketing plans, customer lists, proposals, and licend documentation. The Company and ESI hereby confirm that they will not u any Confidential Information of the other party, except in furtherance of the purpo(s) t forth hereinabove, and agree that each will also take all reasonable steps to prevent its employees and consultants from using or disclosing any of the other party's Confidential I
nformation except as required for the performance of their duties hereunder. ESI and the Company will mark all Confidential Information with the word "Confidential" and will instruct their employees to identify as confidential any such information which is not in written form. Any information disclod orally shall be followed by a written confirmation thereof, specifying the date and subject of the disclosure, within thirty (30) days.
公司和______双方一直同意:未经对方事先书面同意,不得将其在履行本协议过程中从 对方处或通过对方而获得的任何保密信息(包括本协议中的条款,以下简称为“保密信息”)泄露给任何第三方。 保密信息包括但不限于商业秘密、工艺流程、配方、源代码资料、规格说明、程序、软件包、测试结论、技术性专有决窍、操作方法和规程、业务或营销计划、客户名单、建议书和许可性文件。 公司和ESI特此确认如下:除为实现本协议上述各项目的之外,任何一方不得擅自使用对方的保密信息,此外,上述双方还一致同意:双方应采取所有的合理的措施,防止其各自的员工和顾问擅自使用或披露对方的保密信息,但是,该等员工或顾问为履行其在本协议项下之职责所必须使用或披露的情形除外。 ESI和公司双方将对其各自的保密信息明确标识为“保密”字样,并且,还应指示其员将任何非以书面形式存在的此等信息划分为保密信息的范畴。 以口头形式披露的任何信息应臭味相投近义词
2. Information shall not be considered confidential if it:
a. is contained in a printed publication prior to the date of this Agreement; or
b. is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act or failure to act on the part of the receiving party; or
c. is rightfully known by the receiving party without any proprietary restrictions at the time of receipt of such information from the disclosing party or becomes rightfully known to the receiving party without proprietary restrictions from a source other than a party to t
his Agreement; or
收方自本协议当事各方以外的其它渠道通过正当途径所知悉,并且该披露不 金字旁的名字
d. is required by law to be disclod by the receiving party; provided that the receiving party promptly notifies the other party and takes reasonable steps to limit such disclosure permissible under law; or
小狗英语 e. is independently developed by any employee or agent of the receiving party who has not had access to or been informed of the information in question.
3. Information disclod under this Agreement shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely becau such information is embraced by more general information in the public domain or in the receiving party's posssion. In addition, any combination of features shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely becau individual features are in the public domain or in the receiving party's posssion, but only if the combination itlf and its principle of operation are in the public domain or in the receiving party's posssion.
形。 此外,若构成特征组合的各单个特征属于公众领域或为信息接收方所持有,则不得仅以此为理由而将信息的该特征组合认定属于上述所列的各项例外情形,但是,若该等特征组合本身和该特征组合的操作原则属于公众领域或为信息接收方所持有的,则该等特征组合属于上述的保密信息例外情形。
4. Unless _____or the Company requests otherwi, each party may destroy the other party's Confidential Information in its posssion after it is no longer required by the parties in furtherance of the purpos t forth hereinabove. Upon the request of either party, each party will deliver to the other party and era from the memory of its computer and computer storage devices, or render non readable all remaining materials belonging to the other party and any copies or abstracts thereof, whether or not of a confidential nature.
除非_______或公司另有要求外,若任何保密信息对于协议双方履行本协议项下之目的不再具有任何价值时,任何一方均可其届时持有的、属于对方的该等保密信息销毁。 若任何一方提出要求,则另一方应该将其届时仍持有的、属于对方所有的所有资料、资料复印件安全意识心得体会
5. Neither the execution of this Agreement nor the furnishing of Confidential Information by either party shall be construed as granting to the receiving party either expressly, by implication, estoppel, or otherwi, any licen or right to make any u of any such Confidential Information, except as otherwi provided herein, and the receiving party agrees that neither it nor any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents or reprentatives will make u thereof without the specific and express written connt of the disclosing party prior to such u. Furthermore, the receiving party agrees that Confidential Information disclod hereunder is the sole property of the disclosing party and that the receiving party has no proprietary interest therein whatsoever.