你知道威力的近义词premium是神码意思吗?你知道compensation是神马吗?你知道premium rate是嘛吗? 你知道保险公司的profit是怎么来的吗?
a1驾驶证首先告诉大家,保险业的收入其实就是投保者所缴纳的保险费,保险费叫insurance premium,而premium rate则是保险费率,比如说你买了100块钱车票,要交5块钱的保险,那么premium rate就是5% 。 其实呢,这个premium就是保险公司的收入revenue, 那么我们都知道,一般来说:profit=revenue-cost,那门保险公司的cost是什么呢,大体上,保险公司的cost就是赔偿compensation, 而投保人applicant是指那些帮你买保险的人,比如我妈妈曾经帮我买了一份婚嫁保险,大概是指如果我到30周岁还没有结婚的话,将会获得一
份compensation, 虽然这份compensation数额还不少,但是我还是不希望我能获得,毕竟我也不希望我成为大龄青年。这份保险里面呢,我妈妈是投保人applicant,我呢就是受益人beneficiary,当我到了30岁的时候如果还是单身,我就可以去claim ttlement理赔。因此保险公司的利润就是: profit = premium – compensation. 而我如果到了30岁还是单身,我的收益就是:my gain = compensation – premium。 对于我来说,compensation肯定是大于premium的,否则我根本不会买这个保险;但是对于保险公司insurance company来说,总体上premium要大于compensation,否则公司早就关门了,那是因为premium是所有投保的人都要交,而compensation呢则是那些出了事儿的人才给;因此,如何计算概率,就是一个非常复杂的学问,在西方的商学院里面,精算师专业actuary一直是热门且高薪的专业。
For similar cars and drivers, automobile insurance for collision damage has always cost
more in Greatport than in Fairmont. Police studies, however, show that cars owned by Greatport residents are, on average, slightly less likely to be involved in a collision than cars in Fairmont. Clearly, therefore, insurance companies are making a greater profit on collision-damage insurance in Greatport than in Fairmont.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. Repairing typical collision damage does not cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont.
B. There are no more motorists in Greatport than in Fairmont.
C. Greatport residents who have been in a collision are more likely to report it to their insurance company than Fairmont residents are.
D. Fairmont and Greatport are the cities with the highest collision-damage insurance rates.
E. The insurance companies were already aware of the difference in the likelihood of collisions before the publication of the police reports.
In the majority of rious car crashes, higher expens are incurred by medical bills that pay for bodily injuries sustained by drivers than by the cost of repairing damage withstood by the vehicle itlf. Yet, whereas most rental car companies require renters to purcha collision insurance that protects against vehicle damage, they do not require the purcha of bodily injury insurance.
Which of the following, if true, would contribute most to an explanation of the difference in insurance requirements?
(A) People are often uncomfortable when they are forced to consider suffering bodily injury to themlves or their family.
(B) Many people are less worried about collisions that damage cars than about collisions that cau bodily injury.
蓝色英语(C) The value of a car to a rental car company is not affected by the bodily injuries withstood by the driver.
(D) Few rental car drivers have medical insurance that would cover common injuries sustained in a car collision.
(E) Collision insurance that covers vehicles is more expensive than medical insurance that covers drivers.
When interest rates are high, insurance companies reduce the premiums they charge for many kinds of insurance policies. The reason is that insurance companies want to take in as much money as possible in premiums so that they can invest the money at high rates of interest. And premium reductions help achieve this objective, since __________.
男人爱看的电影(A) interest rates are likely to decrea when large amounts of money are available for loans
(B) smaller insurance companies are not able to amass enough money to take advantage of investing at high interest rates
(C) insurance companies can ll many more insurance policies if they charge lower pre
miums than they would if they left premiums unchanged
(D) an increa in the number of policies sold eventually leads to an increa in the number of claims that an insurance company has to pay
the number of claims that insurance companies pay increas at a higher rate than does the number of policies that the insurance companies can ll at the lower premiums