高二历史1. From The Economist: "The pandemic has not only clod muums and galleries—it has also undermined the market for art."。
开业花篮祝福>管窥蠡测例句:The closure of muums and galleries during the pandemic has made it difficult for many artists to ll their works and make a living.
工作作风整改措施复方鱼腥草片2. From The New York Times: "The United States presidential election is looming large in the minds of Americans, particularly tho who are concerned about the future of their country."。
例句:With the presidential election just a few weeks away, many Americans are worried about the direction their country is headed in.
3. From The Guardian: "Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action from governments and individuals alike."。亭亭玉立造句
费的近义词例句:It is important for people to recognize the urgency of the climate change crisis and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint.
4. From CNN: "The coronavirus pandemic has expod significant flaws in the healthcare system, particularly with regard to accessibility and affordability."。
5. From BBC News: "Racial inequality is a persistent problem in many countries, and recent protests have brought this issue to the forefront of public consciousness."。
eight怎么读例句:The ongoing protests against racial injustice have sparked a national conversation about the need for systemic change to address racial inequality in all aspects of society.