Rizzi(1997):The Fine Structure of the Left Periphery
The cartographic approach to left peripheral architecture is bad on Rizzi’s(1997)and sub-quent Aboh1998,Cinque&Salvi2001,Rizzi2001,2002,Belletti,Beninc`a, Grewendorf,).
Motivation for the approach:
河南有哪些大学(1)Principle of Local Simplicity(e Rizzi2004:8)
Natural languages favour local simplicity,and accept paying the price of ending up with global reprentations involving very rich articulation of functional structures.
Basic assumption:
引人注目意思A functional head is made up by exactly“one syntactically relevant feature”;there are no “originally complex heads”(Rizzi2004:8)).I.e.:functional heads enter the derivation as the reprentation of exactly one feature.
Conquences for ntence architecture:
嫩豆腐怎么做好吃–The C domain is radically decompod;each clausal function of C is analyd as a distinct head(Force o,Fin o,etc.).
–Each functional head can merge one specifier at most,so that any dislocated phra ends up as the single specifier of a distinct head.
2Topic-Focus and Force-Finiteness System
青香蕉苹果2.1Basic ideas
Further assumption:
¯A-movement of focus and topic phras ends in the C domain and is driven by a man-tic/pragmatic feature(Rizzi:Criterion)[•foc•],[•top•]etc.This yields structures of the following kind:
Syntax der CP
王灵Antje Lahne SoSe2009,Universit¨a t Konstanz
1.Dazu siehe u.a.(Cinque1990:59),Rizzi1997:289,Beninc´a and Poletto(2004:64f.).
入党竞选演讲稿Syntax der CP
Antje Lahne SoSe2009,Universit¨a t Konstanz