Chapter 6
1、three approaches to the study of language and cognition P129 para.2
2、Psycholinguistics(definition) P130 para.2
3、Psycholinguistics has its P130 para.3
4、Six subjects of rearch within psycholinguistics P130 para.4
5、Three central topics in psycholinguistics P131 para.1
6、Four stages of children's acquisition of language P131-P133
7、cohort theory P135 para.5
8、minimal attachment theory P138 para.2
9、schemata P139 para.3 (或见课件)
10、image schema P147.para.1
11、metaphor(definition) P148 para.6
12、吉林省人才3 kinds of conceptual metaphors P149. para.2
13、metonomy (definition)P151. para.2
14、3 ICMs in ontological realms P151. para.3
15、blending theory P155. Para.6
Chapter 7
1、sociolinguistics (definition)P159. para.2
2、speech community, register P160. Para.3
3、Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis P162. para.2
4、Linguistic determinism, Linguistic relativity P163 para.1
5、Three objectives for us to teach culture in our language class P169 para.7
6、Some social factors that influence our language behavior in a social context P171 para.4
7、William Labov, the professor in the linguistics department of the University of
Pennsylvania,.the founder of the discipline of quantitative sociolinguistics
8、怎么哭the features of women register P172 para.2
9、linguistic xism P173 para.1
10、A sociolinguistic study of society (macrosociolinguistics)
A sociolinguistic study of language (microsociolinguistics):
P173 para3 -- P174 para1--3
11、Pidgin and Creole(definition) P174 para. 3(见课件)
Chapter 10
1、computational linguistics P242, para. 2
2、Distinguish CAI, CAL & CALL P243, para.4--5
3、Four phas of CALL development P244 para. 2-- P245 para. 1
4、Machine Translation (MT) P247 para. 1
5、Two types of Machine Translation and the definition P247 para. 1
6、Development of MT(3 subtitles) P247--P248
7、MT rearch methods (4 types) P249--P250
8、the relationship between MT and human translation P253 para. 2--4
9、Corpus and Corpus Linguistics (definition) P254
10、The roles of corpus data (5 subtitles) P258-- P259
Chapter 11
1、applied linguistics(definition) P266 Para.1
2、Dr. Ellis, who is known as the "Father of Second Language Acquisition", has rved as the Director of the Institute of Language Teaching and Learning at the University of Auckland.
3、Input-bad teaching methods (7 approaches) (见课件)
4、input hypothesis (definition) P270, para. 4
5、Interlanguage(definition) P271, last para.
6、Dr. David C. Nunan , Director of the English Centre and Chair Professor of Applied Linguistics, University of Hong Kong. He is currently rving as President of TESOL and teaches at Newport Asia Pacific University and Hong Kong University.
7、Two broad types of tasks: real-world tasks and pedagogical tasks P273, para.4
8、Syllabus and curriculumP277, para.2; P277, para.4
9、Types of syllabus P 279--P280 (4 subtitles)
10、Components of a syllabus P285 para.2-3
11、language transfer P287 para.3
12、Contrastive Analysis P287 para.4
13、Error and mistake P289 para.2
14、In terms of the source of errors, errors ... P289 para.3
In terms of the nature of errors, P289 para.4
Chapter 12
1、About Saussure P294 para.1, para. 3, Line 1-2
2、The contributions of Saussure to modern linguistics (见课件)
3、用不但而且造句The differences between modern linguistics and traditional grammar(见课件)
4、The most important contribution of Prague School to linguistics P296. para.3;P297.para.1
小书签5、Functional Sentence Perspective P298-P299 para.1
6、柯南人物图片theme and rheme P299 para.2
7、Reprentatives in London School P301.para.3-4
8、M A K Halliday and his Systemic-Functional Grammar
Special features of Systemic-Functional Grammar P307 para.3;
P307 para.5 —P308 para.1
9、transitivity choices P310 (learn to analyze examples)
10、Reprentatives in American Structuralism :Boas , Sapir, Bloomfield
11、Bloomfield contribution to English linguistics:财务目标P320-P321
12、behaviorism (definition) P320 para.2
13、Noam Chomsky and his TG Grammar
The publication of his Syntactic Structures (1957) marked the beginning of the Chomskyan revolution
14、Five stages of development of TG grammar Perspective P326, para.3
15、The innateness hypothesis P327 para.2
16、Main features and influences of TG grammar (课件)
I. Term Defining:
1、 Psycholinguistics is the study of psychological aspects of language. It usually studies the psychological states and mental activity with the u of language, with focus on the process of language acquisition, language comprehension and language production. It takes upon itlf the job of exploring the biological basis of human language, critical periods for child language acquisition, and the relationship between language and thought.