Contrastive Study of Chine andWestern Cultures from the Perspective ofDocumentaries themed in"China's Development"
大学生补助Wang Weiqian虫草吃法
A Thesis Submitted as
a Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of
农业与技术B.A. in English
College of Foreign Languages
Hebei Normal Universityof Science and Technology
May 19th, 2016作文>迎接的反义词
摘 要
目前国内外对纪录片的研究,几乎都限于纪录片的理论研究与创作研究,而研究中西纪录片展现的文化差异非常少见。本文从叙事方法、叙事关注点、叙述者口吻表现出的差异性入手,对比中西方“中国发展”题材纪录片以探究差异的文化渊源。通过对比发现: 西方“中国发展”题材纪录片叙事方法角度更广泛;叙事更关注于个体情况;叙事口吻平等化。主要原因在于中西方文化价值观的差异。中国农耕文化基础上的集中制导致中国人思想具有一元性特征,儒家思想使国人更追求集体主义价值取向。相反,西方文化属于多元文化,受古希腊文明和两次思想解放运动深刻影响的西方个人主义则根植于西方人头脑中,他们更关注个人思想,注重个人独立。
Since the reform and opening up, the economyin China develops so quickly thatit draws the eyes of the world. And documentaries themed in China have bee very popular.China
and the West both have launched the documentaries which narrate and elaborate the development of China becau of the great achievement China made recent years .
At prent, domestic and foreign rearches on documentary are almost about the theory of documentary and creation rearch while the contrastive studies of the Western and Chine cultures from the perspective of documentary are relatively rare. This thesis intends to pare the western documentaries themed in "China's Development" to Chine ones to analyze the culture diversity between the West and China from the aspect of narrative method, narrative focus and narrative tone. Bad on contrastive study, it can be found that the western ones are more diver in narrative method; they stress individualism and their narrative tones are equality-bad while that of Chine are authority-bad. That can be accounted for the differences of Chine and Western cultures. Chine centralism bad on the farming culture leads to monism in Chine mind, and due to ancient clan and Confucianism, people pursue collectivism. On the contrary, the Western culture is characterized by multiculturalism, and individualism influenced by the ancient Greece thoughts and two ideological liberation movements is d
eeply rooted in westerners' minds. They attach importance to personal ideas and individual's independence.
Key words:China's development; documentary; culture difference
Table of Contents
Chapter One Introduction交怎么组词