篇一:高中英语《Unit5 Canada—―The True North‖三》导学案
BOOK3 Unit 5 Canada—―The True North‖
T eaching Goals:
T o have a good understanding of some phras and the text. Enable the students to learn different reading skills.
Step 一Review the detail of the text.
Read the text together.
Step 二Thinking and Learning.
Review some ntences
1.Canada is a multicultural country like China. 加拿大像中国一样是一个多元化国家。Multi-storeymultiform multichannelmultipurpo
multiparty多党的multinational多国的、多民族的multidirectionalmulticolored multimedia 2. It is the cond biggest country in the world and as you go eastward, you will e mountains, and pass by thousands of lakes, forests
and wide rivers as well as cities. 它是世界第二大国家,当你一路向东行时,除了城市你还会看到山脉,会经过上千个湖泊,森林,大河等以及城市.
eastward也作eastwards,副词,意为―向东‖ -ward(s)=in a direction
向前foreward(s) 向后backward(s) 向外outward(s) 向南southward(s)
向西westward(s) 向北northward(s)
他们向东航行。 .
3. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific. 许多人都认为温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城市,因为它的北面和东面都被大山包围。
梦见粪池surround vt. 包围,环绕,围绕surround sb/sth with sb/sth
sth/sb be sourrounded by/with sth
4. On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain.温哥华以北的海岸依然生长着世界上最古老,最美丽的森林。
(2)north of = to the north 表示―在??的北方‖,其他方位词,如:east, west, south, southeast, northeast等,都有类似的用法。
绝处逢生的近义词他住在洛杉矶以东(的地方)。Step 三Rearching the ntences
1. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting . 翻译:________________________________________________
That引导的是什么从句?_________________________ 2. Going eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forest, as well as wild rivers and large cities.
Going eastward 充当什么成分?
3. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days. 翻译:_______________________________________________
4. People say it is Canada’s most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
5. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.
翻译:_______________________________________________ some measuring over 90 metres充当什么成分?
6. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live wthin few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and that Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million .
翻译:__________________________________________ That 引导的是什么从句?这时需要注意什么?
7. Becau of the Great Lakes , they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.
天津乐园爆炒鳝段Step四T esting-- Finish the ntences.
1. The news __________________(我们被邀请参观世博会)was very encouraging. (invite)
2. The parents don’t realize the fact ___________ _______(他们的儿子有艺术天赋). (gift)
3. I had no idea
__________________(他们聊些什么). (chat) 4. Local people doubt __________________(环境能否改善). (surround)
5. They are considering the problem ________ __________(他们将要在哪个城市定居), Shanghai or Nanjing. (ttle)
6. We had not any idea _______ ___________(他如何经营这家公司)so well. (manage)
7. The two countries haven’t made a decision _____________ ____(边界应该在哪里). (border) 8. Many people have the idea __________________(桂林的风景最美)in the world. (scenery) 9. ________________(将要采取措施)that no stranger is allowed to enter the school. (measure)
10. The thought __________ ________(他要出国)made us surprid. (abroad)
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