歌曲我们不一样Small Island,Big world
As it is a fact that England has been a big country in the world for a long period,not only on the land ,but also on the a.The British Empire was the largest country at that time,which occupied about 33 million square kilometers,taken up one fifth of the world’s total dry land and about 135 tomes as large as Great Britain.It ruled over a population of 560 million,which was more than ten times as large as that of Britain.It was called an empire “on which the sun never t”.Becau on almost all the continents of the world Britain had its colonies that kept the sun can be en on the sky all the time.
Britain’s Overas Expansion
British overas expansion was clearly part of an older tradition of European empire building.They traced this back to classical Greece and Rome,Spanish and Portugue expansion following Columbus’ voyage to the new world.
Britain’s overas expansion was begin with veral battles against Spanish during Elizabeth ’era.Elizabeth avoided open hostility with Spain,but she cretly encouraged English adogs to raid Spanish colonies and plunder the Spanish ships that were returning back home to Spain.At first,the Spanish king did not know that Britain was their most dangerous rival or Elizabeth’s intention until Span
ish king Philip was at the helm of the state.So ,in 1588,the king dispatched a fleet of 130 vesls which named “the Invincible Fleet ”to England.The fleet sailed up the English Channel and a large naval battle out.The English battleships threw their enemies into panic with fire ships.The badly battered the Spanish’s fleet fled to northward in confusion.Caught in a storm ,many of the Spanish warships died and only half of them survived and went back to Spain,never dare to come to England again.
The lost of the war made Spain lo its lead position on the a,while ,on the other hand,Britian could take over Spanish power became the leader.The victory not only established the position of England as a major a power but also paved the way for its foreign expansion as a colonizing nation.What’s more,British overas expansion helped the state gather many property for this empire’s construction.
British Foreign Expansion
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,Britain experience the Industrial Revolution.It is a big event for all the British.During the Industrial Revolution,a varity of chater companies were the tentacles and they spearheaded the foreign expansion and colonization.The companies,such as t
he East India Company,had the right to u the English Navy.Charter companies would first force a foreign country to open its market,then they would control the market and establish the British sphere of influence.If the British had occupied the land,the natives would have to leave their land or controlled by them.At the same,as a result of the Industrial Revolution,the empire was quite eager for raw material and expanding its foreign market.So the Britain began to expand its colonies all over the world.
The expansion began with the colonization of Newfoundland,soon,many continents had became British colonies.
In Asia,the East India company was founded in 1600.At first,it traced with India through a few trading posts it had managed to cure on the coast and the southern tip of the peninsula.They also managed to edge out the French and Portugue colonists who had also come for conquest.By 1819 the British conquest of India was almost complete.The British aggression caud anger
among the natives.In 1857,a large anti–aggression mutiny broke out when the colonial authority ordered the hired native Indian soldiers to u gread catridges.Many of the Indian troops were from the Hindus,who regarded touching of the fat of a cow as contamination wor than death,and th
e Mohammedans who were also horrified by the fat of the swine.Many parts of the country were involved in the revolt.After the mutiny was suppresd,the control of India was pasd to British Crown in 1858,and Queen Victoria became Empress of India in 1877.After conquering India,British merchants tried to make a profit in China.But becau the Chine economy was still bad on agriculture and lf–sufficiency,British ud to suffer a deficit in the early trades.To make a profit,British merchants started to import opium into China from India .After China banned the opium trade in1799,still some British merchants continued to smuggle opium into China .In 1839,the Imperial Commissioner Lin Zexu ordered the confiscation of about 20 000 chests of opium and burnt them at Canton.The British ud this as a excu and launched a war of aggression against China in 1840.The British troops occupied Hong Kong in 1841,and invaded Zhenjiang before threatening Beijing itlf.Due to failure of the Opium War,the Qing dynasty signed the Treaty of Nanjing,which included China ceded Hong Kong to British,opened five ports to British trade and many money to Britain .Among all the colonies of Britain ,Hong Kong was the last one to get its independence until 1997.As for other areas of Asia ,Btitish invaded Burma and occupied the coastal areas.At the same time,Singapore was forced to become British colony.So,Britain had a strategic ba to the Indian Ocean and the Far East.After that,British power could expand to the whole Malaysia.It controlled the Strait of Malacca and built the Straits Settlements.
In Africa,at the end of the 19 century,this continent is the focus of British colonial expansion.As for its abundant mineral resources, British wanted to control this area and get the resources for their industrial development .Besides,Btitish confined to a number of forts and slave trading posts on the West Coast.The Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip and Egypt in the northern part of the continent were the two chief centers of British advance in Africa.Britain was eager to control the Cape of Good Hope in order to protect its route to India. After England ized Cape Town from Dutch in 1806,English tters began to flock in and they brought in the English language.Then the English colonists pushed northward until the South Africa Union was organized by the English Parliament in 1910.Britian was also interested in controlling Egypt and Sudan.Egypt and France built the Suze Canal which was opened to navigation in 1869.In 1875,the British government bought half of the Suez Canal shares from the bankrupt Egyptian ruler,while the other half was still held by the French .After fierce struggle,the British drove the French from Egypt and gained control of the Suez Canal in 1882.The British suppresd a rebellion and occupied Egypt.By the beginning of the twentieth century,about one third of Africa was controlled by British colonialists.In East Africa,British occupied Somali,Zanzibar,Malawi and Buganda in 1980s and 1990s.In South Africa ,the British South Africa Company invaded to Zambia in 1890.
In North America,when the old colonial powers:Portugal,Spain were concentrating their attention on dominating on the a the derted east coast of North American became the first British colonial areas of activity.The early immi grants were actually “pushed out of Europe” becau they refud to conform to the rules they did not like in their home country .They hated the system which had impoverished and percuted them. The first colony was Newfoundland,established in 1583.Until 1733, 13 colonies on the east coast of North America were under British control.In the 18th century the population in the British colonies in
North America quickly incread from 260000 to 2, 3 million within a few
decades(1700-1770). Also, 3, 4 million slaves were brought to the British colonies from Africa between 1162 and1807. The ttlers in the colonies were mostly
lf-governed while still under rule of the English Crown.But conflicts started. Additional taxes on tea or legal documents led to discrepancies. The ttlers rejected any sort of taxation .The confrontation tightened up through the Townshend Acts or the Boston Massacre.The reaction of the ttlers was for instance the Boston Tea Party in 1773. After veral tough battles,i n 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. In the North American Independence War (1776-1783) Britain had to ad
mit defeated and with the Peace of Paris in 1783 acknowledged the independence of the colonies. At the early 17 century,France and Britain began to compete in establishing colonies in Canada.But after ven years war ,Britain defeat France and monopolized Canada in1763.by the 1840s, British North America had 1.5 million people: 650,000 in Lower Canada, 450,000 in Upper Canada, and more than 300,000 in Atlantic Canada.In Latin American,British began to immigrate to Bahama Islands and controlled it in 1783.After that,British could controlled Caribbean.
In Oceania,as a newly found continent ,it was a large continent of low population
density.During 1583 and 1587,a British named James Cook investigated the east coast of Australia and claimed the east coast region for Britain,naming it New South Wales.The British began to immigrant to the land.In 1788,the British government began to transport convicts to Australia and established some penalty ttlements for the convicts.As more and more free colonists had come to ttle,the British government was forced to stop transferring convicts to Australia after 1840.The sudden discovery of gold in Australia led to the gold rushes which brought large numbers of free immigrants to Australia,resulting in the founding of six parate colonies.In 1901,the six parate and lf-governing colonies were united to form one dominion----the independent Commonwealth of Australia. Until 1900 Australia became profitable exporters of wool and gold.At the southeast to the A
ustralia land, lying another country----New Zealand, originally ttled by Maoris,was first discovered by Dutch in1642.James Cook visited New Zealand in the 1770s and claimed it for England.English missionaries began to arrive in the early nineteenth century before the New Zealand Company started systematic colonization in the
1840s.New Zealand achieved lf-government in 1852 .Then Britain had completed its control in the Oceania,this area also became one of British access to raw materials for the industrial constriction and foreign market for their goods.
Decline of the British Empire
The old Btitish colonial system began to decline in the 18th century.during the longperiod of unbroken Whig dominance of domestic political life,the Empire became less important and less well-regarded,until an ill-fated attempt to rever the resulting“salutary neglect”provoked the American War of Independence,depriving Britain of her most populous colonies.Although Britain was the first country to industriali,other countries,such as Germany,United States also took rapidly step to start their industrialization,Britain experienced real competition abroad.Especially after the World War 1,British suffered a heavy lo,which led to debt accumulation,loss of capital markets and manpower
越信deficiencies in the staffing of far-flung imperial posts in Asia and the African colonies.The Empire’s end began with the ont of the World War 2,when a deal was reached between the British government,and the Indian independence movement,whereby the Indians would cooperate and remain loyal during the war,after which they would be granted
independence.Following India’s lead,nearly all of Britain’s other colonies would become independent over the next two decades.This vast colonial empire finally out of sight.
带来的英文Effect of British Foreign Expansion
The foreign expansion ,as for the Britain,has reached their goals----achieve access to more materials and foreign markets.Through the expansion all over the world,British got a large amount of capital fund,which contributed quite a lot to British economic construction.Cities grew and prospered with the development of industry and foreign trade.The Strand in London became the finest street in Europe.Fleet Street flourished as a publishing center.British foreign expansion has changed people’s life.“Respectable”districts for rich people in the near suburbs were expanding.A middle class hou in England in the nineteenth century commonly had there or four
rvants ,usually women,while a rich hou had many more.But the majority of workers excluded fro
m a decent life.The street swarmed with barefooted children who wore very few clothes that were no protection against rain and wind.Many children were forced to go to factories to work more than 12 hours a day at the age of eight or nine.An increasing number of people required the government to solve the problems.Under the pressure of public demand,the government took some measures to ensure workers rights and mitigate the social conflicts.
When it comes to the colonies,British expansion was a disaster for the colonial people.After the ttler arrive at a new place,they would try every method to make the colonial people give
in.When the land was under their control,they plundered the raw materials and bullied the locals.They had to leave their home land for decades of years before independence.The plunder also slow down the economic development of the colonies.However,on the other hand,since the Britain was more developed than any other countries at the time,the colonialists brought many advanced technology,culture and experience,which helped the colonies developed,anyhow.孙绅
Although the colonial era has pasd,we must bear in mind a saying“Backwardness will lead to defeat”.Only our nation is strong enough can we avoid bullied by the stronger countries.