1. Diachronic study(语言历史研究) VS Synchronic study
1 Diachronic study is the study of the historical development
of language.
2 Synchronic study is the study of the prent state of
3 In order to know the prent state of language, we must
know all stages of cultural evolution have left their imprints on linguistic structure.
2. Dialect and register
There are two major types of language variety, dialect(同语系的语支) and register(语域). The former is defined as variety according to the ur. It is what a person speaks, defined by who is. The latter is defined as variety according to the u of language. It is what a person is speaking, determined by what he is doing at the time. Resister can also be defined as the mantic resources that the member of a culture typically associated with
a situation type.
3. Diplomacy
There are veral definitions:
1 Diplomacy is the dialogue between states.
2 Diplomacy is indeed the politics of international relations; it
is international politics in the most preci n of the term.
3 Diplomacy is the management of international relations by
negotiation; the method by which the relations are adjusted and managed by ambassadors and envoys; the
business or art of the diplomat.
怎样练习普通话4 The dialogue between independent states is the substance
of diplomatic. Diplomacy is in esnce international politics.
4. Quiet Diplomacy
There are some states which have no diplomatic relations with each other owing to various reasons. Such states may establish contacts through their respective reprentatives and quietly resolve their differences. The increasing influence of the Secretary-General of the U.N.O. in the ttlement of disputes, the establishment of permanent missions at the U.N. Headquarters, the development of blocs have all substantially helped to develop quiet diplomacy.
5. Behavior potential
If regard language as social behavior, this means that we are treating it as a form of behavior potential(行为势能 ).
It is what the speaker can do. Language is a potential which is the linguistic realization of behavior potential; “can mean” is “can do” when translated into language.
The meaning potential is in turn what is the speaker can say. Thus “can do”, “can mean” and “can say” are united.
6. Conative Function(意欲功能)
Language is a social behavior which rves different purpos and thus has different functions. The CONATIVE function aims to influence the addre’s behavior or attitude.
7. Commercial Diplomacy
kitty图片In socialist countries and underdeveloped or developing countries, economics and trade are controlled entirely or mostly by government agencies. Powerful nations also often try to extend their influence through skillful handling of different
economic measures. Among them, trade is most important. Along with trade, sanctioning economic aid or economic aid as a measure of persuasion or coercion also has become nowadays an important tool of diplomacy. We can call this type of diplomacy commercial diplomacy or diplomacy b
y economics. The diplomacy conducted by merchants of Venice undoubtedly laid the foundation of commercial diplomacy as a form of professional diplomacy.
8. Referential Function(指称功能)
Many messages refer to the subject matter: this gives ri to the REFERENTIAL function, typically ud for conveying information.
9. Diplomatic language
Diplomatic language is a language ud on various diplomatic occasions. Diplomatic language is what a diplomat can say, can mean and can do verbally.
In a broad n, diplomatic language is the lingua franca between states, the common language ud in diplomatic activities. Just as the standard language of a nation is usually a common language of a nation bad on the dialect of the region which is most developed economically, culturally and politically, diplomatic language is generally the language of the nation which is most powerful and influential in a certain historical period of time.
10. Field of discour(话语范围)
Field of discour refers to the subject matter and the nature of activity. The function of language also falls into this domain. Since it largely determines the ‘content’ of what is being said, field of discour is likely to exert major influence on the lection of vocabulary, and also on the lection of grammatical
11. Precedence(优先权)
Precedence in each category was not determined by the status and importance of the ambassador’s state, but by the priority of his own appointment. Under this system, the nior ambassador, or in other words, the ambassador who had been longest at the post, became the doyen (首席:dean) of the diplomatic corps. The other ambassadors took their precedence below him in the order of their appointment of the country. By this means all acute quarrels about precedence were avoided. 12. Diplomatic Privilege and Immunities
Diplomats enjoy certain privileges and immunities that are not granted to ordinary citizens. It is generally realized that, if governments try to influence each other’s policies and actions, they must maintain the effective communication. This can be done properly only if their respective diplomatic a
gents abroad are not placed under restraints that would prevent them from engaging freely in bargaining and persuasion.
13. Tenor of discour(话语基调)
Tenor of discour refers to the role relationship among the participants. Since it refers to the participants in the speech situation and how they relate to each other, tenor of discour influences the speakers’ lection of mood (his choice of speech role: making statements, asking questions, making requests or giving orders) and of modality (感觉,his asssment of the validity of what he is saying).香瓜怎么吃
1. What functions does language play in diplomacy?
Language is a social behavior which rves different purpos and thus has different functions: Roman Jakobson (布拉格学派学者)defines the functions of language as follows:
1 Referential Function(指称功能)
Many messages refer to the subject matter: this gives ri to the REFERENTIAL function, typically ud for conveying information.
2 Conative Function(意欲功能)
The CONATIVE function aims to influence the addre’s behavior or attitude.
3 Phatic Function(交际功能)
The PHATIC function aims to establish, maintain or discontinue communication.
足协亚洲杯抽签4 Metalinguistic Function(元语言功能)
The METALINGUISTIC function aims to check whether the addresr and the addre u the same code. In other words, it rves to explain to the addre the language ud by the addresr.
5 Emotive (or expressive) Function(感情功能)
补肾吃什么食物Through the EMOTIVE function the speaker reveals his attitude, usually with some emotion, towards what he is speaking about.
6 Poetic Function(诗学功能)
The POETIC function covers not only poetry, but any situation in which language is ud to give pleasure or emotional thrill to the speaker and the hearer.
Any piece of language may have veral functions at one time but only one of them is DOMINANT and the others are SUBORDINATE.
A certain variety of language tends to be associated with particular functions. This, of cour, is true of the different varieties of diplomatic language.