Chair: Now we will begin our ssion with the roll call part.
Rapporteur: Now we will begin the roll call part. Tho countries’ names called, plea rai your placard and voice “prent”. Albania.
Delegate of Albania: Prent!
Rapporteur: Argentina.
Delegate of Argentina: Prent!
(the roll call part is finished)
Rapporteur: We have xxx delegates prent today. So the simple majority is XXX, the 2/3 majority is xxx. Now I will give the time back to our chair.
Chair: now I will open the general speakers’ list. Tho countries want to speak, plea rai your placard.没有牙齿的大老虎
(delegates want to speak rai their placards)
(the general speakers’ list is formed)
Chair: now we will welcome our first speaker, xxx.
(delegate of xxx give the speech) 炖排骨做法
Chair: thank you, delegate. Now are there any points or motions on the floor?
(delegate of xxx rai his placard)
Chair: xxx.
Delegate of xxx: delegate of xxx would like to motion for a moderated caucus on the topic of xxx. The total time will be xx min, each delegate will have xx min to address their body. Thanks.
Chair: (repeat his motion) are there any conds?
(delegate of yyy rai his placard to show that he conds.)
Chair: thank you, yyy. Now we will vote, tho in favour of this motion, plea rai your placard.
Chair: this motion pass. xxx, you will be the first to speak.
(or: Chair: this motion fails, are there any points or motion )
(delegate of xxx finish speaking. There are veral conds left.)
Chair: dear delegate, you have xx conds left, you may yield the time to other delegates, questions, or to the chair.
Delegate of xxx: I will yield the time to the chair.简易坐
Chair: thank you delegate, now we will move back to this motion, anyone wants to speak?
(this motion ends.)
Chair: now this motion finished. Are there any points or motions on the floor?
Chair: eing none, we will move back to the speakers’ list.
(a delegate motions to vote for the draft resolution1.1, and this motion pass)
Chair: now we will clo the general speakers’ list. Our rapporteur will do the vote part.
Rapporteur: now we will vote. Tho countries’ names called, plea rai your placard and voice yes, no, or abstain. Albania.
Delegate of Albania: Yes!
Rapporteur: Argentina.
Delegate of Argentina: No!
(no more than the 2/3 majority vote yes)
Chair: dear delegates, we have xxx delegates prent in this ssion. x delegates voted yes. y delegates voted no, and z delegates voted abstain. Draft resolution 1.1 fails. Now we will move back to the speakers’ list.
(delegate of xxx has an amendment for DR1.1)
Chair: delegate of xxx has delivered an amendment for DR1.1, and it’s approved by our director. Now the chair strongly suggests we disscuss the amendment1.1
(discussing the amendment1.1 and it pass)
(delegate of xxx motions to vote for DR1.2, and his motion pass)
(DR1.2 pass) 一失万无
夏天是几月Chair: draft resolution 1.2 pass! Congratulations, delegates!发烧的英文
(applaud; the meeting suspends)