Unit 5
Trac k 4-5-OL-1
B. N ow li stento aquizshowand c heckyouranswe rs in A.
H ost:Welco me ba ck to “You Snoo ze, Y ou Lo !”the b est g ame s how o n
tel evisi on! T his i s our fina l rou nd. L et me remi nd yo u ofthe r ules. We w ill s how a n
obj ect f or acoupl e ofcon ds. I t’s y our j ob to gues s wha t itis. M ichae l? Li nda? Areyou r eadyto pl ay?
M & L:Yes!
Host: Ok, then, let’s pl ay “Y ou Sn ooze, YouLo!” Sho w usitemnumbe r one.
Hos t: Ye s, Mi chael?
Mic hael:I kn ow wh at th ey ar e. Th ey’re call ed “c ams”and t hey’r e use d in
mount ain c limbi ng.
H ost:That’s rig ht fo r one poin t! Th ey’re ud to h old c limbi ng ro pes.All r ightthen, here’s ou r c ond o bject. Yes, Lin da?
L inda:Is i t som e kin d oftool?
Host: Can yoube mo re sp ecifi c?
Li nda:I don’t kn ow… a tool ud to f ix so me ki nd of mach ine?
电销是什么Host:No,I’m s orry. It’s a no an d ear hair trim mer.Next… i te m num ber t hree.
Do y ou ha ve an y ide a? Ti me is up.Since no o ne gu esd, I’l l tel l you theanswe r.
Th o a re ca lledHopiear c andle s.
Li nda:You s tickthemin yo ur ea rs?
H ost:That’s rig ht. T hey a re us ed to clea n out your ears. The y als o hel p torelax you. Let’s mov e onto it em nu mberfour. Here it i s.
Mi chael: Tha t’s o bviou s. It’s acorks crew. Youu i t toopenbottl es.
H ost:Yes,that’s cor rect! It’s a mi ni-tr avelcorks crew. Youcan p ack i t inyoursuitc a.Oh, n o! Yo u kno w wha t tha t mea ns! Y ou’re outof ti me. M ichae l, wi th tw o cor rectanswe rs, y ou ar e tod ay’swinne r! Co ngrat ulati ons!And b efore we l eave, letme sh ow th e rem ainin g obj ects. Item numb er fi ve is an e gg sl icer. Item numb er si x isa ton gue s crape r---m ake s ure t o use it s o tha t you don’t hav e bad brea th! T hat’s allthe t ime w e hav e for toda y. Se e you next time on “You S nooze, You Lose!” Go odbye ever ybody.
Tr ack 4-5-OL-2
A. Youwillliste n toa pas sageabout Micr osoft Corp orati on. T hen w ritedownas mu ch in forma tionas po ssibl e abo ut Mi croso ft.
M icros oft C orpor ation
Mic rosof t Cor porat ion i s a m ultin ation al co mpute r tec hnolo gy co rpora tionthatdevel ops,manuf actur es, l icens es, a nd su pport s a w ide r angeof so ftwar e pro ducts forcompu tingdevic es. H eadqu arter ed in Redm ond,Washi ngton, USA, its best
ll ing f lagsh ip pr oduct s are theMicro softWindo ws op erati ng sy stemand t he Mi croso ft Of ficesuite. Mic rosof t shi ps pr oduct s toEurop e, As ia, a nd La tin A meric a. It
mana ges b ranch offi ces i n mor e tha n 60count ries. It h as ne arly90,000 emp loyee s in105 c ountr ies b y 2008.
M icros oft w as fo unded by B ill G atesand P aul A llenon Ap ril 4, 1975. In themid-1980s, it r o t o dom inate thehomecompu ter o perat ing s ystem mark et wi th MS-DOS. Sinc e 1985, Mi croso ft ha s rel ead an u pgrad ing l ine o f Win dowsopera tingsyste ms
fe aturi ng afrien dly u r i nterf ace.The l atest one, Wind ows V ista, wasrelea d i n
Jan uary2007and h as so ld 140 mil lioncopie s todate.
Asone c ommen tator note s, Mi croso ft’sorigi nal m issio n was “a c omput er on
ever y des k and in e veryhome, runn ing M icros oft s oftwa re,”and n ow it is a goal near
fulf illme nt. M icros oft a lso m akesprofi ts in othe r mar ketssuchas co mpute r har dware prod uctsand h ome e ntert ainme nt pr oduct s.
Tra ck 4-5-OL-3
B.Liste n aga in. T hen f ill i n the tabl e acc ordin g towhatyou h ear a boutMicro soft
Corpo ratio n.
T rack4-5-O L-4
Y ou wi ll li stento apassa ge wh ich p rotes ts ag ainst adve rtisi ng an d sho pping. The n fil l inthe b lanks with word s fro m the pass age.
A dif feren t kin d ofholid ay: s hop l ess,livemore!
滴水观音有毒吗Adv ertis ing i s eve rywhe re. I t’s o n rac e car s and subw ay tr ains, on T-shir ts an d
bil lboar ds. E veryday,you s ee hu ndred s ofads,and e ach a dvert irwants youto bu y
the ir pr oduct. But do w e rea lly n eed a ll th e p roduc ts?
A gr oup i n Can ada s ays “No.”In 1991, t hey s tared an e ventcalle d Buy
范进中举故事梗概Noth ing D ay, t o pro testagain st co nsume rismand w aste. Ever y yea r, on thelastFrida y inNovem ber,no on e sho uld s pendany m oneyfor 24 hou rs. T he ev ent h as sp readto ov er 15 coun tries ar
ou nd th e wor ld, i nclud ing J apan, Aust ralia, and theUnite d Kin gdom.
Inthe U nited Stat es, B uy No thing Daytakes plac e onthe F riday afte r the
Than ksgiv ing h olida y. Th is is usua lly t he bu siest dayof th e yea r indepar tment stor es an d sho pping mall s. Tr aditi onall y, it’s th e fir st da y ofthe C hrist mas s hoppi ng se ason, when Amer icans buygifts forfamil y and clos e fri ends.
How ever, this “a s on”has g rownlonge r eve ry ye ar. N ow so me st oresput u p
the ir Ch ristm as wi ndowdispl ays i n the midd le of Octo ber,and A meric ans a re pr essur ed to buygifts forevery oneof th eir r elati ves,for a ll of thei r cow orker s, an d for ever yonetheydo bu sines s wit h. Ma ny pe oplefeelthattheyare f orget tingthe r eal s ignif icanc e ofthe h olida ys, b ecaus e com panie s jus t wan t the m tospend more mone y.
O f cou r,Buy N othin g Day supp orter s don’t wa nt to chan ge ju st on e day. The y wan t the chan ge to cont inueall y ear.But i f wetakea bre ak fr om sh oppin g on
one d ay, w e can star t thi nking abou t wha t wereall y nee d inlife. Mich ael S mith,
Brit ish o rgani zer o f Buy Noth ing D ay, s ays:“Ourmessa ge is clea r: Sh op
le ss, l ive m ore!”
Tr ack 4-5-OL-5
Li stenagain. The n ans wer t he qu estio ns wi th in forma tionfromthe p assag e.
T rack-4-5-O L-6
L isten to t he ta lk ab out a dvert ising, “Ad or n o ad?” Com plete thestate ments.
Ador no ad?
Is a dvert ising real ly ne cessa ry? B illio ns of doll ars a re sp ent o n itevery year, soit mu st be impo rtant. Aft er al l, it’s abusyworld. You have to a dvert i,llprodu cts,
嗜睡是什么原因and m ake m oney!
Not ever y com panythink s tha t way. The NO-A D com pany(“no-ad” s tands for“notadver tid”) av oidsbig a dvert ising camp aigns. The comp any w as st arted
in 1960 a nd is succ essfu l tod ay. T heirprodu cts a re st ill a fford ablebecau th e com panysave
s mone y onadver tisin g. Th ey al so us e the ir sa vings to s uppor t a d rug a nd al cohol awar eness prog ram t o edu catehighschoo l stu dents.
NO-AD s ellsby wo rd of mout h. “W ord-o f-mou th ad verti sing” happ ens w hen a pers on te lls a nothe r per son a bouta goo d exp erien ce wi th aprodu ct or rv ice.Thatcon d per son t hen t ellsanoth er fr iend, fami ly me mber, or c ollea gue.And s o a c hainof in forma tionis cr eated.
Ty pical ly, a dvert irs talk abou t how good thei r pro ductis. A lthou gh th ey sa y
thi ngs l ike,“Stud entsshowthatour p roduc t isthe b est,” or “Every one l ovesthis
produ ct,”it ca n sou nd in since re or unco nvinc ing.It’smuchmorebelie vable to h ear a bouta pro ductfromsomeo ne wh o did notmakeit. O ur fr iends’ opi nions areveryimpor tantto us, sowe of ten l isten to t heiradvic e abo ut aprodu ct.
Word-of-mo uth a dvert ising hasother adva ntage s, to o. It’s co st-ef fecti ve (a fterall,it’sfree) anda com panydoesn’t ha ve to crea te acompl ex bu sines s pla n todo it. Her e issomeadvic e for smal l bus iness abou t wor d-of-mouth adve rtisi ng:
B e pre pared to t alk a boutyourcompa ny at anytime. Younever know whoyou w ill m eet.Alway s ca
r ry bu sines s car ds.
O nly s ay po sitiv e thi ngs a boutyourcompa ny. D on’tsay n egati ve th ingsabout your
comp any.
善良Helpother comp anies by r eferr ing p eople to t hem.The m ore y ou he lp ot hers, themoregoodfortu ne wi ll co me ba ck to you.
Tra ck 4-5-OL-7
How does theautho r fee l abo ut wo rd-of-mout h adv ertis ing a nd pa id-me dia a dvert ising? Now list en to thetalkagain andfillin th e cha rt.
Liste n tothe s torysumma ry. F ill i n the blan ks wi th wh at yo u hea r.
M ike i s hel pingTakes hi sh oot a TV c ommer cialfor a stor e
cal led F urnit ure S howro om. T he pr eside nt of Furn iture Show room, Mr.Howar d, is
star ringin th e com merci al. F irstMr. H oward talk s abo ut th e com pany, whic h was
foun ded i n 1982. Th en Mi ke he lps s how o ff th e fur nitur e whi le Mr. How ard d escri bes i t and tell s how each piec e ismadeverywell. Howe ver,while Mr.Howar d isdescr ibing oneof th e sof as, M ike l ies d own o n itand f allsaslee p!劳动合同续约
L ater, Take shi i s tel lingTaraabout thecomme rcial when thephone ring s and it’s Mr.Howar d! Mr. How ard s ays t hat h is co mpany love s the comm ercia l, so they have
deci ded t o hir e Tak eshito ma ke fi ve mo re co mmerc ials!