Bain BPR Approach
Kai A. Simon
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房颤有什么症状1 G eneral aspects
Bain us five key success imperatives for BPR projects. The approach ud by Bain & Co. also differs from the definition outlined by the early advocates Hammer & Champy.
Hammer & Champy’s definition The radical redesign of business process to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance, such as cost, quality, capital, rvice, and speed.Bain’s definition
The holistic redesign and optimization of a business to achieve full potential and build strategic competitive advantage. This includes the radical redesign of core process as well as the application of the entire Bain tool kit of performance enhancing techniques.
The definition of Hammer & Champy is focusing the aspect of business process performance improve
ment in quantitative terms. Conducting a BPR-project with this definition as starting-point, the targeted improvements would primarily be defined in terms of quality, cycle-time and cost efficiency. The Bain definition, on the other hand, takes a wider perspective and includes the aspect of strategic competitive advantage in an explicit way.
2 R eengineering principles
•Top management sponsorship. Senior management is obliged to provide an inspirational vision of the ultimate goal to be achieved. This includes the slaughter of ”sacred cows”, allowing the reengineering team to explore all opportunities, even tho that might imply a re-consideration of the company's business scope and strategy. Also, there must be a clear and early commitment to the results that are developed during the initiative in order to give the necessary creditability to the effort.
•Strategic foundation. The business of the company must be clearly defined.
Conquently, any business improvement effort must depart from a re-consideration of the organization's business scope, vision statement and overall strategy. The result of this initial pha must inform the identification of business process and customer requirements.
•Comprehensive change management. The goals of the change initiative must be communicated extensively throughout the entire organization. The change effort, lead by the project team, has to show early achievements, that provide momentum to the overall effort.
•Right and left-brained thinking. Breakthrough ideas, and radical and creative design must be combined with a systematic, deliberate and conrvative implementation of the designed process, organizational structures and technological components.
•Aligning organizational components through investments. Information technology that supports the new process is a necessary investment. The compensation and reward structure must be aligned with the new organizational form, while training and education must be provided to enhance individual and organizational skills.
3 T he role of IT
Even though Bain is not directly involved in systems development for clients, recent developments in e-business have not pasd unnoticed. As a conquence, Bain has developed a model for evaluating start-up companies in the e-business ctor and taken on the role of business incubator.
In its client projects, Bain considers technology as a medium that offers significant opportunities to enhance rvice, reduce costs, and achieve a differentiated breakthrough in the way a company develops and delivers its products, or rvices. The change team for BPR projects in which Bain is involved is typically staffed with experienced IT people from the client company and facilitated by a nior member of Bain’s technology practice. This person is responsible for coordinating the IT-related activities within the project. Generally, Bain is not involved in developing IT solutions, leaving this part to partners specializing in this field. Appropriate partners are lected and recommended. The technological guidance is covered by a four stage approach, where each stage consists of a number of activities with varying Bain involvement. Bain runs the IT aspects of a process improvement project through a cycle similar to the one being ud for the organizational and process elements.
Identification of potential breakthrough technology
In this initial pha of the IT improvement cycle, the involvement of Bain is relatively high. Either the activities are directly carried out by Bain personnel, or strong support is given to client personnel doing the work with regard to rearch, analysis and methodology.
•In depth understanding of customers. In order to identify technology opportunities, it is necessary to gain a sound understanding of the role and expectations of customers and their interfaces with the company. It also includes the consideration of the "electronic value chain" as a whole, instead of investigating and improving its elements individually.
节制的反义词•Knowledge of leading edge technology and applications. A high pace of development in the IT area constantly offers new technologies and application
areas. The lection of cutting-edge, yet sustainable, technology solutions requires
a deep knowledge of leading applications and emerging technologies.
•BPR survey of comparable firms. In order to explore the potential for gaining strategic advantage through IT, a survey or investigation of comparable firms is conducted and the results are benchmarked against the company. Comparable companies, in this context, does not only mean firms in the same industry, but can include organizations with similar process or customers.
Detailed description of technological requirements
Also in this pha, the involvement of Bain personnel is high. The specifications are developed in the
reengineering team, consisting of client personnel and consultants, where the consultants take responsibility for the methodological approach and the structuring of results.
•Define detailed ur requirements to satisfy customer needs. Internal requirements for functionality and usability need to be considered together with the needs for customer oriented performance and the achievement of customer satisfaction.
•Work cloly with leading edge vendors. In order to assure that recent and relevant technology is considered for inclusion in the project, contacts with leading vendors are taken at an early stage of the improvement initiative. However, that does not mean that a lection of a specific solution takes place.
•Evaluate cost/benefit with respect to reengineering vision. Investments in information technology must be in line with the defined vision of the reenginering effort and justified with improvements in customer rvice, process performance, or quality. In other words, the value added by technology must exceed the required investments and deployment costs.
Develop prototype
In the prototype development, the role of Bain is less prominent than in the previous phas. Since Bain does not take on the development of technological solutions, the
involvement is limited to be guiding and ensuring that the IT development is in line with the objectives of the overall initiative.
脸上长斑如何去除For this stage, three options are available, depending on the clients IT-sourcing strategy. The technical solution can be developed internally by the company, if the required resources and competencies are available. Alternatively, development can be sourced to the company's existing IT partner, or a partner recommended by Bain.
•Prototype hardware and basic infrastructure. The hardware specification defines the overall architecture of the technical system to be implemented with regard to network infrastructure, choice of hardware platform and required hardware performance. This also includes the determination of network protocols and operating systems.
•Software/application design and development. The necessary software in terms of applications and integration modules must be designed and developed in compliance with the objectives t out for the improvement initiative, but must also follow good practice in systems development, especially wh
en business critical systems are part of the development. When off-the-shelf software is ud, development does not take place, while the design effort remains the same.
•Develop Alpha-version of integrated system. With all components in place, a first prototype of the technology solution as a whole is developed. In the ca of purchad system, this step includes the installation and initial customization.
•Meet pre-pilot performance threshold. For ensuring system performance in compliance with the objectives t out on process level, the alpha-version must be able to reach a threshold to be considered as feasible and valid. If tuning of the first version does not make it possible to reach this threshold, the solution must be reviewed and possibly replaced.
Pilot and Rollout
联系人删除了怎么找回歌曲名称Once the pilot installation has met the performance threshold and has been approved for further development, the pilot installation and rollout is initiated. In this pha,