本指南的学习⽬标(Learning Goals of this guide)
Brief introduction to containers, , , and .
容器, , 和简要介绍。
Create a Kubernetes cluster and deploy with .
创建⼀个Kubernetes集群并使⽤部署 。
How to explore datats on a running on a Kubernetes cluster.
How to train multiple versions of a machine learning model using on Kubernetes.
How to save a machine learning model.
小清新风景图片How to analyze the models using UI.
助学贷款申请如何使⽤ UI分析模型。
How to expo the model with a ur interface using and make new predictions.
本指南所需的⼯具 (Tools Required for this guide)
什么是容器?(What is a container?)
A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.
运⾏到另⼀个计算环境。 是⼀种⼯具,旨在使使⽤容器更容易创建,部署和运⾏应⽤程序。
In our guide we will u containers to package our code and dependencies and easily deploy them on Kubernetes.
什么是Kubernetes? (What is Kubernetes?)
is a powerful open-source distributed system for managing containerized applications. In simple words, Kubernetes is a system for running and orchestrating containerized applications across a cluster of machines. It is a platform designed to completely manage the life cycle of containerized applications.
是⽤于管理容器化应⽤程序的功能强⼤的开源分布式系统。 简单来说就是Kubernetes 是⼀个⽤于跨机器集群运⾏和协调容器化应⽤程序的系统。 它是⼀个旨在完全管理容器化应⽤程序⽣命周期的平台。
Why should I u Kubernetes.
Load Balancing: Automatically distributes the load between containers.
Scaling: Automatically scale up or down by adding or removing containers when demand changes such as peak hours, weekends and holidays.
Storage: Keeps storage consistent with multiple instances of an application.
Self-healing Automatically restarts containers that fail and kills containers that don’t respond to your ur-defined health check.
Automated Rollouts you can automate Kubernetes to create new containers for your deployment, remove existing containers and adopt all of their resources to the new container.
什么是Streamlit? (What is Streamlit?)
is an open-source framework to create an interactive, beautiful visualization app. All in python!
是⼀个开放源代码框架,⽤于创建交互式,美观的可视化应⽤程序。 全部在python中!
Streamlit provides many uful features that can be very helpful in making visualizations for data-driven projects.
Example of Face-GAN explorer using Streamlit
model using 演⽰了 . 模型。
Why should I u Streamlit?
Simple and easy way to create an interactive ur interface
Requires zero development experience
It’s fun making u of different function in your data-driven projects :)
Comprehensive documentation
什么是Polyaxon?(What is Polyaxon?)
is an open-source cloud native machine learning platform, that provides simple interfaces to train, monitor, and manage models.
runs on top of Kubernetes to allow scaling up and down of your cluster’s resources, and provides tools to automate the process of experimentation, while tracking information about models, configurations, parameters, and code.
Why should I u Polyaxon?
Automatically track key model metrics, hyperparameters, visualizations, artifacts and resources, and version control code and data.
Maximize the usage of your cluster by scheduling jobs and experiments via the CLI, dashboard, SDKs, or REST API.
通过CLI,仪表板,SDK或REST API安排作业和实验,从⽽最⼤程度地利⽤群集。
U optimization algorithms to effectively run parallel experiments and find the best model.
Visualize, arch, and compare experiment results, hyperparams, training data and source code versions, so you can quickly analyze what worked and what didn’t.
Consistently develop, validate, deliver, and monitor models to create a competitive advantage.
解释的英文Scale your resources as needed, and run jobs and experiments on any platform (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and on-premis hardware).
根据需要扩展资源,并在任何平台(AWS,Microsoft Azure,Google Cloud Platform和本地硬件)上运⾏作业和实验。
什么是头盔? (What is Helm?)
is the package manager for Kubernetes, it allows us to deploy and manage the life cycle of cloud native projects like Polyaxon.
Azure Kubernetes服务 (Azure Kubernetes Service)
In this tutorial we will be using , a fully managed Kubernetes rvice on Azure. If you do not have an account with Azure, you can sign-up for a free account.
在本教程中,我们将使⽤ ,这是Azure上完全托管的Kubernetes服务。 如果您没有使⽤Azure的帐户,则可以注册⼀个免费帐户。
In future posts, we will provide similar instructions of running this guide on Google Cloud Platform (GKE), AWS (EKS), and a local cluster with Minikube.
在以后的⽂章中,我们将提供在Google Cloud Platform (GKE) , AWS (EKS)和Minikube本地集群上运⾏此指南的类似说明。
设置⼯作区 (Setting the workspace)
The purpo of this tutorial is to get hands-on experience of running machine learning experimentation and deployment on Kubernetes. Let’s get started by creating our workspace.
本教程的⽬的是获得在Kubernetes上运⾏机器学习实验和部署的实践经验。 让我们开始创建⼯作区。
第1步—使⽤AKS部署Kubernetes集群 (Step 1 — Deploy a Kubernetes cluster with AKS)
Let’s create a simple with a single node:
az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name streamlit-polyaxon --node-count 1 --enable-addons monitoring --generate-ssh-keys长安一片月下一句
To make sure you are on the right cluster you can execute the command
az aks get-credentials --resource-group
第2步-安装头盔(Step 2 — Install Helm)
Install on your local machine to be able to manage Polyaxon as well as other cloud native projects that you might want to run on Kubernetes.
在本地计算机上安装 ,以便能够管理Polyaxon以及您可能希望在Kubernetes上运⾏的其他云本机项⽬。
curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh chmod 700 get_helm.sh./get_helm.sh
第3步-将Polyaxon图表添加到Helm (Step 3— Add Polyaxon Charts to Helm)
helm repo add polyaxon
第4步-安装Polyaxon CLI (Step 4— Install Polyaxon CLI)
pip install -U polyaxon
第5步—将Polyaxon部署到Kubernetes (Step 5—Deploy Polyaxon to Kubernetes)
polyaxon admin deploy
第6步-等待部署达到就绪状态 (Step 6—Wait for the deployments to reach the ready state) kubectl ge
t deployment -n polyaxon -w
This should take about 3 min:
polyaxon-polyaxon-api 1/1 1 1 3m17s
polyaxon-polyaxon-gateway 1/1 1 1 3m17s
polyaxon-polyaxon-operator 1/1 1 1 3m17s
polyaxon-polyaxon-streams 1/1 1 1 3m17s
第7步-公开Polyaxon API和UI (Step 7— Expo Polyaxon API and UI)
Polyaxon provides a simple command to expo the dashboard and the API in a cure way on your localhost: Polyaxon提供了⼀个简单的命令,可以在您的本地主机上以安全的⽅式公开仪表板和API:
polyaxon port-forward
第8步-在Polyaxon上创建⼀个项⽬ (Step 8— Create a project on Polyaxon)
In a different terminal ssion than the one ud for exposing the dashboard, run:
polyaxon project create --name=streamlit-app
You should e:
Project `streamlit-app` was created successfully.
You can view this project on Polyaxon UI:
Streamlit project on Polyaxon
Now we can move to the next ction: training and analyzing a model.