Overview: In this module, the basic knowledge and skills requirements regarding pressure vesls失败学 will be discusd. Each student must: 概述:本模件中将讨论压力容器有关的基本知识和技巧。每个学员必须: ∙Read and study the materials as prented. 君子之交淡如水∙学习和阅读提供的材料。 ∙Complete the “SelfStudy” questions. ∙完成“自学”题。 ∙Check the answers to the “SelfStudy” questions and ask the instructor for assistance to determine why any question/s were misd. 眸子的意思∙减量化检查自学题答案,并向教员请教答题为何答错。 ∙Complete a “Participant Feedback” form (optional) and, when completed, nd it to your Training Coordinator or the Learning & Development Services Office at Mail Code B06. ∙答完“参加者反馈”表时,把表寄给您的培训主持人或生产部培训。 |
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 培训目标 As a result of this training the Operator will, with 100% accuracy, according to the information prented in this training module: 这项培训的结果是,按照本模块提供的资料,操作者将100%掌握。 ∙装表接电List the major types of pressure vesls ud in the Site and describe their function. ∙列明现场使用的压力容器主要类型并说明它们的作用。 ∙Describe how processing is carried out in absorber and stripper towers.水壶品牌 ∙说明吸收塔和汽提塔中工艺是如何进行的。我的变化作文 ∙Describe major problems that can occur in pressure vesls and related caus. ∙说明压力容器中可能出现的主要问题及相关原因。 ∙Describe the primary duties of an Operator related to pressure vesls. ∙说明压力容器操作员的主要责任。 |
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