制冰机怎么操作1. Napkin etiquette: Place the napkin on your lap as soon as you are ated. U it to blot your mouth, not wipe it like a napkin. When leaving the table temporarily, place the napkin on your chair. At the end of the meal, fold the napkin looly and place it to the left of your plate.
2. Cutlery arrangement: Start with the utensils farthest from your plate and work your way inward with each cour. Forks are placed on the left and knives on the right. The blade of the knife should always face towards the plate. When finished, place your utensils diagonally across the plate with the handles at 4 o'clock.
3. Wine etiquette: When dining, a white wine glass is typically smaller than a red wine glass. Hold the glass by the stem to prevent your body heat from affecting the temperature of the wine. Do not fill the glass more than halfway, allowing room for the wine to breathe. Finally, if you are not interested in having more wine, place your hand or a napkin over the glass to signal to the rver to pass you by.