托福阅读句子要点题又称托福阅读句子简化题,顾名思义是对长难句的简化筛出句子最精华的要点,一般出题形式是在文章中高亮标示出一个句子,要求考生选择与原文基本信息最接近的选项,这类题目的提问方式一般为:“Which is the following best express the esntial information in the highlighted ntence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out esntial information.”
In evolutionary history, the development of language t humans apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Which ntence below best express the esntial information in the highlighted ntence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out esntial information.
A. Humans evolved as the most powerful species after they are developed language.
B. The creation of human language has its origins in the language of animals.
C. The emergence of language distinguished early humans from other animals. 孕妇梦见南瓜
D. Humans and animals developed completed different systems of communication.
先来看题干:Which ntence below best express the esntial information in the highlighted ntence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out esntial information.
该题要求从选项中选择一个能够表达原文阴影句子核心信息的句子。许多同学采纳翻译的方法做题,即首先翻译原句,然后逐个翻译四个选项。这种做法不仅铺张时间,而且对我们读句子的力量要求极高。更好的做法是,首先推断句子的核心信息。这是考题当中为数不多的原句比较简洁的句子释义题,原句的核心概念在于强调区分(apart from)。因此找到同义替换,即是C 项当中的distinguished。但是大多数题目的原文不会是一个简洁句,多数是带有规律关系的简单句。那么简洁的同义替换技巧就无法操作了。如何快速解决这种题型呢?我们主要分两个部分来解析。
The highlighted ntence: Inequalities of gender have also existed in pastoralist societies, but they em to have been softened by the abnce of steep hierarchies of wealth in most communities, and also by the requirement that women acquire most of the skills of men, including, often, their military skills.
气势造句 Which of the ntences below best express the esntial information in the highlighted ntence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out esntial information. (官方真题Official 14 Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia)
A. Despite the fact that wealth is relatively evenly distributed in pastoral societies, gender inequality still exists becau only men can acquire military skills and social status.
B. Inequalities of gender existed in pastoralist societies until most communities began to require women to posss the same skills as men and take part in the military.
C. Inequalities of gender in pastoralist societies were caud by steep hierarchies of wealth and differences in military training between men and women.
D. In pastoral societies, gender inequality is comparatively mild becau wealth is relatively evenly distributed and women have to learn most of the same skills that men do.
项目经理简历模板 许多考生看到原句中消失的转折规律词but,就会想到用规律吻合的技巧来解答。由于英语中的转折关系与让步关系可以相互转换,因而许多考生看到选项A消失的despite,会误以为其是正确答案,掉入前面提到的在规律转换时题目设置的陷阱中。所以,考生在利用技巧一解题时,遇到规律吻合的选项后,肯定要对比一下该选项与原句的主句意思是否全都。在本题中,原句主句的重点在but之后,即“they em to have been softened”,而选项A的主句是“gender inequality still exists”,两者的意思明显不全都,因而A不是正确选项。事实上,假如考生快速扫瞄原句,会发觉后面句子消失了举例的标志词including,所喉咙痛喝什么
举的例子就是military skills。依据这个例子,考生可以暂且排解A、B、C三个选项。然后再对比选项D与原句的意思是否全都,最终考生可以得出正确答案正是选项D。
托福阅读真题原题+题目 三角形
The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds a plethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines.
Smaller species, including such rodents as mice and small squirrels, are not as prevalent overall in high tropical canopies as they are in most habitats globally.
Small mammals, being warm blooded, suffer hardship in the expod and turbulent environment of the uppermost trees. Becau a small body has more surface area per unit of weight than a large one of similar shape, it gains or los heat more swiftly. Thus, in the trees,where shelter from heat and cold may be scarce and conditions may fluctuate, a small mammal may have trouble maintaining its body temperature.