1. Put your foot in your mouth
行高怎么统一设置 这个短语的意思是说错话或说得不恰当而给自己带来麻烦。例如:He really put his foot in his mouth when he told his boss he hated the company.
2. Cross the line封土
这个短语的意思是越过界限,做出不恰当的行为。例如:I think you crosd the line when you made that joke about her weight.
晒书城 3. Stir up a hornet's nest
这个短语的意思是惹怒某些人或引起争端。例如:The boss really stirred up a hornet's ne
st when he announced the layoffs.
爸爸的英语单词 4. Open a can of worms
这个短语的意思是引起一系列不愉快或麻烦的事情。例如:I didn't realize that asking about her ex-boyfriend would open a can of worms.
5. Rub someone the wrong way
这个短语的意思是做出引起某人不满或不舒服的行为。例如:His arrogance really rubs me the wrong way.
6. Get on someone's nerves
这个短语的意思是让某人感到恼怒或不耐烦。例如:Her constant complaining really gets on my nerves.
7. Push someone's buttons
这个短语的意思是故意惹恼某人或引起某人的情绪。例如:He knows exactly how to push my buttons and make me angry.
抵价券 8. Walk on eggshells
这个短语的意思是小心翼翼地避免做出引起麻烦或不愉快的行为。例如:I have to walk on eggshells around my boss or he'll get angry.
9. Rock the boat
这个短语的意思是引起变动或不稳定的情况。例如:I don't want to rock the boat by bringing up this issue with my coworkers.
10. Burn bridges河南省中医药大学
这个短语的意思是与某人断绝关系,通常是因为做出了不恰当的行为。例如:He really burned bridges when he quit his job without giving notice.