2007年07月20日 17:35 疯狂英语
Reykjavik—the Fairy Capital of the World
齐孝公I celand, the land of fire and ice, is home to Reykjavik, the world’s northernmost capital. Home to just a little over 100,000 people, it’s hardly a giant among cities. But don’t be fooled by its sleepy 1)appearance, there’s a lot more bubbling just beneath the surface.
John Bell (Travel Editor): Reykjavik’s often compared with 2)Reading, which is rather sad. Iceland, cold, snow, small, 3)insignificant. Whoa, not on Friday night in Reykjavik!
The Icelandic capital is, without doubt, one of the world’s wildest party towns, and for a night out the good folk of Reykjavik are hard to beat.
Gill Williams (Travel Editor): I thought that the Icelanders would all be fishermen, and wear
wooly hats and funny boots, instead they’re party animals.
But the locals aren’t the only things getting hot and 4)steamy. Iceland is 5)arguably the globe’s greatest 6)geological wonder, providing 7)glaciers, volcanoes, and boiling hot 8)geyrs, ud to fill Reykjavik’s ven 9)thermal baths where Icelanders are known to get a little bit 10)frisky.
Gudrun (Thermal Baths Employee): Sometimes the girls go to the hot 11)tub to 12)gossip about boys, the boys get to look at the girls in their little clothing, for free, you know?
Sounds like someone needs a cold shower.
Simon Calder (Travel Editor): Anybody who lives very clo to the 13)Arctic Circle, thousands of miles from known 14)civilization, or at least 15)Glasgow, 16)is bound to be just a little bit different from everywhere el. So part of the fun of going to Reykjavik is meeting the Icelanders and finding that they’re just a little bit strange.
And you don’t get much stranger than this: Reykjavik lays 17)claim to being the fairy capit
al of the world. A 18)whopping 70% of locals believe in what they call the “Hidden People.” ?
Magnus (19)Elf Expert): This is a typical hou of a Hidden People and elf family. There are two families living here. They usually live in stone, usually when they have good views, like we can e here. They have a view over the city. That’s what the Hidden People and the elves very dearly love. And then we have 20)gnomes, and 21)dwarves and trolls, and fairies, and a lot of other beings.
Local: I haven’t en them, but I believe in them.
冰岛首都雷克雅未克,冰岛语意为“冒烟的城市”。传说公元9世纪人们来此定居时,远远就看到岸上升起袅袅“白烟”,便误把温泉里蒸腾的水气认作 烟雾,因此得名。由于地热能为其工业提供能源,所以人们在这里看不到其它城市常见的锅炉和烟囱。雷克雅未克天空蔚像风一样简谱
蓝,市容整洁几乎没有污染,故有“无烟城 市”之称。
约翰·贝尔(旅游编辑): 人们常拿雷克雅未克跟里丁比较,那令人很难过。这个城市处于冰冷之地、多雪、小而不起眼,喔,而在周五晚则不同了。
吉尔·威廉斯(旅游编辑): 我以前以为冰岛人全都是渔民,戴羊毛帽,穿着笨拙的靴子,但原来他们是派对狂热者。
古德龙(温泉浴场工作人员): 有时女孩们到温泉里说男孩们的闲话,而男孩们会去看穿得不多的女孩,你知道哪,免费的。
西蒙·考尔德(旅游编辑): 住在北极圈附近,在距离已知文明数千里之外的地方,至少在离格拉斯哥很远的地方,必然跟其它地方的人有点不同,所以到雷克雅未克去,乐趣之一就要认识冰岛人,你会发现他们有点古怪。
马格纳斯(精灵专家): 这是典型的“神隐”和小精灵家族的住所,这里住了两个精灵家庭。它们通常住在石窟里,像我们在此所看到的一样,这里可以看到很漂亮的景观,它们能俯瞰全城,“神隐”和精灵都深爱这样的景观。这里还有侏儒、巨人和仙女等其它传说中的角色。