你真伟大53. Oil Refining
1.Primary Refining
2.Petroleum refining is the process of parating the many compounds<混合物> prent<目前的> in crude petroleum.This process is called fractional distillation<分馏> where the crude oil is heated;the various compounds boil at different temperatures and change to gas;and are later recondend<v再浓缩,再凝结> back into liquids.The primary refining process are the distillation<n.(蒸馏(过程);蒸馏物;蒸流;升华> of the feedstock<n给料,进料> into its basic fractions<馏分>,and then the re-distillation of the,in parate towers,into highly concentrated<浓缩的,浓度的> intermediates<n媒介,半成品adj中间的>.
3.Distillation is the start of the refining process where the crude oil is split<分开,分裂> into a number of parts or cuts.The paration is made on the basis of boiling-point and groups of hydrocarbons boiling within a certain range are produced. The theory of distillation is very easy.The longer the carbon chain,the higher the temperature at which the compounds will boil.When crude oil boils,it nds out vapor<蒸汽> and condens<冷凝>.All the different hydrocarbons in crude oil are at different temperatures.And their vapors all make parate liquids (fractions).The split are usually grouped into three categories:light distillates(LPG<液化石油气>,gasoline<汽油>,naphtha<n石脑油>鹊桥会),middle distillates(kerone<煤油>,diel<柴油>),heavy distillates and residuum<n剩余,残渣>(heavy fuel oil,lubricating oils<润滑油>优秀教师获奖感言,wax<蜡>,asphalt<n沥青>).钢结构焊接规范
4.The oil is distilled in a very large steel<钢> tower,the technical name of which is the “fractionating tower.”The tower is thirty to fifty meters tall and its diameter is one to three meters.It is divided into “chambers<n室,房间,议院,会所,(枪)膛冷凝式烘干>,”each of which contains a layer of trays<n(分馏)塔盘,盘,碟,盘子>.There are holes in the trays.The vapors go through the holes and conden on the trays.The chambers are at different heights,and the temperature at each height is different.The temperature inside the tower is highest at the bottom,and it is lowest at the top.So each layer of trays is cooler than the layer below it.There are not enough chambers of different temperatures in one tower,so two or three towers are needed.
5.Beside the first tower there is very large furnace<火炉,熔炉>,the “pre-heater,” where the temperature of the oil is raid to 340 degrees Centigrade<摄氏>.The boiling oil and vapors then flow from the furnace into the fractionating tower.They flow into a chamber near the bottom.Some of the oil with the heaviest hydrocarbons makes no vapor.This oil—the “residue”—drops to the bottom and flows out of the tower again.Later bitumen<沥青> and other heavy materials will be made from the residues.All the other hydrocarbons in the oil make vapors which float up the tower to different chambers.
6.When the vapors ri into the cooler part of the fractionating tower,they lo heat. The vapors ri until they are just below their own boiling temperature.Then they conden on a tray and turn into a liquid again.The liquid on each tray flows into a parate small tower where the liquid breaks down<分解> into smaller fractions.The paration of the hydrocarbons is then more accurate.The distilled then flow through parate pipes<管子> into parate storage tanks<储油罐>.
7.When cuts with boiling-points over 350℃ are required it is necessary to do the distillation under the vacuum<真空> to reduce the temperature at which the material boil
贝玲妃官网s,as some high-boiling compounds start to decompo<分解> when heated to their boiling-point at atmospheric pressure.
8.Secondary Refining
9.The condary process are designed (1)to remove any impurities<杂质> from the distilled fractions,and (2)to convert<转化> some of the distilled hydrocarbons into different molecular<分子> forms.Conversion process can produce hydrocarbons which do not exist in rervoir crude.
10.(1) All crudes contain organic sulphur compounds<有机硫化物>(e.g.,H2S, mercaptans<n硫醇>)which will be carried out over from the column<圆柱,列> into the resulting gas,distillates and residues<n滤渣,残余,渣滓,剩余数>.The higher the density<密度图书图片> of a crude,the greater its sulphur<硫> content.Sour<adj酸的,发酵的,酸腐的,酸味的> cuts are corrosive<adj腐蚀的,腐蚀性的n腐蚀物,腐蚀剂> and posss<拥有> an extremely<极端地,很> objectionable<adj引起反对的,讨厌的> odor<气味,名声>.The condary refining process for the treatment of toxic<adj有毒的,中毒的>,corrosive and evil-smelling<气味极臭的> sulphur-compound impurities is known as “sweetening<脱硫>.”Caustic washing<碱洗,氢氧化钠洗> and hydrodesulphurization<加氯脱硫> are finishing process designed to remove H2S and mercaptan impurities.