一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. New Zealand’小芳姐s climate is generally( )绘制表格and asonal differences are not so great.
A. dry and cold
B. mild and moist
描述英语名词C. hot and wet
奇妙世界D. windy and cold
2. New Zealanders have adopted their name from the kiwi, ________.
A. which is a native flightless bird
B. which was the only mammal in New Zealand
幼儿角色游戏C. which was introduced to New Zealand about 1000 years ago
D. which is an introduced flightless bird
3. The first European ttlement on the continent began in ______.
深度工作A. 1901
B. 1788为什么老是打喷嚏
C. 1770
D. 1787
4. The largest state in Australia in terms of population is _______.
A. Queensland
B. New South Wales
C. Western Australia
D. Victoria
5. New Zealand consists of two main islands:( ).
A. North Island and South island
B. Steward Island and Long Island