蔡耀明--台大哲学系教授( u.edu.tw/~tsaiyt/ )(有把上课资料放在网路上)
黄伯棋-政治大学宗教所教授( u.edu.tw/huang.html )(主要是在研究印度教)
轻松学梵文 (Introduction to Sanskrit)
du/Article/fanwen/200904/12467.html 关键字: 梵文资料
梦见自己大哭sanskrit links
Sanskrit Document list
下载手机appftp://jaguar.cs.utah.edu/private/sanskrit/sanskrit.html (Yahoo)
A comprehensive page listing all available documents regarding Sanskrit available on the Web.
Latein, Altgriechisch und Sanskrit
axx.ch/altsprachen/ (GoTo)
Latein, Altgriechisch und Sanskrit - die Seite für alle Anhänger antiker Sprachen
The Sanskrit Index
chandra.astro.indiana.edu/isongs/sanskrit/sindex.html (AltaVista)
THE SANSKRIT INDEX. Click on "sanskrit" below to e the typet documents in PostScript format, or on "ascii" to e them in the raw,
Sanskrit Academy
Sanskrit hymns, good sayings, quotes, riddles, stories, and class.
Pandora's Word Box
/genfir1/intro.htm (Yahoo)
Ancestry of ideas in words compiled from mythology, Sanskrit and polygot roots for linguaphiles and for students as vocabulary and SAT verbal score boosters.
Sanskrit Internet
/arch/function/62-16.html (Snap)
World Language Resource lls foreign language software in over 450 languages. Products include: language systems, dedicated word processors, language learning and software tutorials, translation software, dictionaries, proofing tools, spell-checker
Sanskrit Home Page
Sanskrit laguage home page .. collection of stories, songs, glossary, magazines, books
Heart Sutra
cres.anu.edu.au/~mccomas/heartsutra/ (Yahoo)
Provides English, Tibetan, and Sanskrit versions and links to other languages.
Sanskrit (Tuepfli)
www.payer.de/skrtlink.htm (GoTo)
Volltexte und Skripten in Deutsch zu Sanskrittexten
The Sanskrit Web Site
Both in English and Spanish.Bienvenidos al Sitio Sánscrito en la Web Welcome to The Sanskrit Web Site PÁGINAS SOBRE LENGUAJE SÁNSCRITO: Alfabeto, Pronunciación, Gramática, y demás PAGES ABOUT SANSKRIT LANGUAGE: Alphabet, Pronunciation, Grammar and the rest
www.bhakti-yoga.ch/Buch/Sanskritwoerter.html (Lycos)
Erklärung einiger Sanskritwörter A B C, D Feinstoffliche Hülle G H, I, J, K M, N P, R S U, V, Y Finden Si
TITUS-ZUBEHÖR: Konversionstabelle altindisch
titus.uni-frankfurt.de/software/fonts/titaind.htm (Lycos)
Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien Konversionstabellen altindisch / Sanskrit Conversion tables for O
Glosario Sánscrito
全民健身计划/Athens/7167/tc_1700.htm (AltaVista)
Majaamaetjuna Saamarasy'a Tamntrachakra (Círculo Tántrico del Supremo Extasis de la Divina Unión) Click here if you prefer the ...
Esonet - Area FTP - Fonts
esonet/ftp_fonts.htm (Snap)
Nella directory LINGUE sono prenti vari alfabeti in lingue antiche: - Tamil (f) - Telugu (f) - Sanscrito (f) - Ebraico (f) - Greco (f) - Runico (f) - Enochiano..
IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/indologie/tamil/mwd_arch.html (Magellan)
At prent the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon contains Monier-Williams' 'Sanskrit-English Dictionary' with approx. 160.000 main entries. You can either arch for one of the Sanskrit main entries under Sanskrit or under English for a translation, grammatical and any other information listed in the MW.
Sanskrit Dictionary arch
Welcome to the online Sanskrit dictionary. This is an attempt to build up a repository of Sanskrit words/meanings in a simple, easy-to-extend format. We hope you find it uful and also contribute in adding more words to the collection. For elaborate information, plea refer to other on-line dictionaries given in the end.
INDOLOGY: online dictionaries
www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgadkw/indnet-dictionaries.html (WebCrawler, Magellan) (WebCrawl
er, Magellan)
Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit Andre Signoret's French-Sanskrit dictionary. 315/1/1999 File to be downloaded : , but go to the web site above to read more about it.
Sanskrit Documents List
/sanskrit/ (Snap)
Welcome to the compilation of Sanskrit documents, available in Devanagari display or etext/transliterations format, and various tools to learn Sanskrit such as the online dictionary, Devanagari processing software and more. We encourage you to parti
Sanscrito (AltaVista)
Lingua Sanscrita. Dizionari. Sanskrit Dictionary Search. Links a siti che si occupano di Lingua Sanscrita. Samskrita Bharati. Sanskrit
Links to India information: Poetry
/india/india219.html (Magellan)
This page is part of the WWW Virtual Library. Information categorid by subject. New en
tries Again to Bud in a May by Suman K Manandhar Telugu Poetry by Ramakrishna Sanka
Sanskrit Sutras
sino-sv3.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/SOURCE/e-san.htm (Lycos)
Sanskrit Sutras: Links to:Sanskrit Buddhist Text Input Project (Berkeley) : Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Pa
WISDOM - Literary Search: Global Literature : Sanskrit
thinkers/Global_Literature/Sanskrit/index.html (GoTo, Snap)
Germanic European Greco-Latin Slavic Oriental Arabic Sanskrit Hindi Tamil Persian Spanish Russian Semitic Urdu Punjabi Bengali Marathi Gujarati Scandinavian Chine Egyptian literature wisdom living literature online Thinkers network thinkers li
Shanti Shanti
/ (GoTo)
Sanskrit Music
Religioni e filosofie dell'India
pop.let.uniroma1.it/DSO/relind.htm (Lycos)
RELIGIONI E FILOSOFIE DELL'INDIA Docente: prof. Corrado Pensa (titolare) Argomento dei corsi: Corso A: La dottrina del n
Selected Sanskrit MSS in the Wellcome Institute, London
www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgadkw/wihm-vol1.html (AltaVista)
Selected Sanskrit MSS in the Wellcome Institute, London. For fuller details of the manuscripts in this list, enquiries about subjects,
Stotra Page
www.rit.edu/~mrreee/stotra/ (Yahoo)
Archive containing many hard-to-find Sanskrit documents, in viewable transparent-GIF form, as well as in the widely-ud ITRANS format.
Xth World Sanskrit Conference Bangalore, India
www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgadkw/indnet-wscx.html (AltaVista)
Xth World Sanskrit Conference Bangalore, India 3-9 January 1997. Silver Jubilee Year of the International Association for Sanskrit Studies. 太极散手
A few words about Sanskrit Classics
/About SC.html (Snap)
A few words about The Sanskrit Classics: Kriya has become internationalized by the name of Kriya Yoga, but with a price. The liberals have modified and disturbed the integrity of the Kriya Path or Kriya approach and brought it to something which is.
Ananda Ashram
www.anandaashram (Yahoo)
The spiritual retreat and educational center of the Yoga Society of New York, Inc. With teachings in yoga, meditation, Sanskrit, and more.
Deutsche Welle: Sanskrit
www.dwelle.de/sanskrit/ (GoTo)
The Sanskrit rvice of Deutsche Welle
F. Dell'Acqua - Congresso Mondiale di Sanscrito
imiucca.csi.unimi.it/~gpiana/dm1sanfd.htm (AltaVista)
Francesca Dell'Acqua. La musica nel X Congresso Mondiale di Sanscrito. 3-9 gennaio 1997. Corrispondenza da Bangalore. Bangalore, la "città giardino"...
liberty.uc.wlu.edu/~hblackme/laencyc.html (Lycos)
TITLE Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana : etimologias sanscrito, hebreo, griego, latin, arabe, lenguas
www.diel.it/grafologia/biograf3.htm (Lycos)
I Grandi della Grafologia ANIA TEILLARD Ania Teillard nacque a Dorpat in Estonia nel 1889 in una famiglia di intellettua
Sanskrit truetype for dos
www.hindunet/alt_hindu/1995_Mar_2/msg00082.html (Lycos)
Sanskrit truetype for dos To: alt-hindu@relay1.uu Subject: sanskrit truetype for dos From: <a
Indian Fonts
www.flash/~patelvk/indianfonts.html (Yahoo)
Sanskrit Fonts
/arch/function/62-9.html (Snap)
World Language Resource lls foreign language software in over 450 languages. Products include: language systems, dedicated word processors, language learning and software tutorials, translation software, dictionaries, proofing tools, spell-checker
Welcome to Virtual Moe's
/ (WebCrawler)
Out-of-print and antiquarian book catalogs in all subject areas including Photography, Graphics, Design, Art Monographs, Art History, Architecture, Children's Books, Asian, Afri
can, and Meso/South American Art, Book Arts, Cooking, and Horticulture, as well as new catalogs on Indology and Sanskrit Studies.
Books on Sanskrit
/bksanskr.htm (GoTo)
SANSKRIT--THE LANGUAGE OF NATURE 'The perfect orderliness of the Sanskrit language creates orderliness and balance in the brain physiology, expands the memory and purifies the physiology. When reciting the Vedic language, the brain
Books by Trevor Leggett
uk/ (Yahoo)
Books on Upanishadic Yoga, Sanskrit translations, Japane translations of Zen and Budo (knightly arts), Sutras, Koans, Yoga, Judo, and Shogi.
Sanskrit Transliteration
/arch/function/62-15.html (Snap)
World Language Resource lls foreign language software in over 450 languages. Products include: language systems, dedicated word processors, language learning and software tutorials, translation software, dictionaries, proofing tools, spell-checker
Sanskrit Font for IBM PC/Macintosh
www.flash/~patelvk/Sanskrit.html (Lycos)
Sanskrit (Devanagari) Vijay Font. Keyboard is very easy to u. All character are assign phonetically to Roman letters.
/catalogs/SANSKRIT.HTM (AltaVista)
Sanskrit. Last update: January 2, 1999. All of the out-of-print and antiquarian books are subject to prior sale. All of the new books are quoted at 10%...
Libri, Esoterismo. La Tradizione Orientale. Il Vedanta Advaita. Samkara.
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam - Institute of Vedanta and Sanskrit
www.arshavidya/ (AltaVista)
Arsha Vidya means the knowledge flowing from the Rishis - the great ers of ancient India. Arsha Vidya Gurukulam offers Indians and Westerners alike an
American Sanskrit Institute Home
/core.html (Lycos)
ASI Logo 14 Sri Yantra wFish 1-800-459-4176 email: 73 Four Corners Road Warwick, N.Y. 10990 Fax: 914-98
Sanskrit at Harvard University
www.fas.harvard.edu/~shivaram/ (GoTo)
Find out about Sanskrit studies at Harvard University.
Sanskrit Religions Institute
www.sanskrit/ (WebCrawler, Magellan)
Sanskrit Religions Institute The Sanskrit Religions Institute is a Devasthanam established to facilitate the education and training of Vedic priests, as well as to promote the scholarly rearch, publication and distribution of Vedic and related literatures.
Welcome to the American Sanskrit Institute
/ (Magellan) 十大品牌电吹风
The American Sanskrit Institute teaches Sanskrit using learning technology bad in the theory and practice of yoga. ASI cours emphasize the ea and joy of learning Sanskrit through an immersion experience, the enjoyment of making the sounds, fluently reading the original Devanagari script, and directly reading, chanting and understanding sacred lit
erature. ASI was established
Class (Magellan)
Vidyalaya - school Sanskrit Basics with Dr. Sarasvati Mohan Sanskrit--the original language of all Vedic (Indian) sciences, including yoga, ayurveda and jyotisha (astrology)--is considered by many to be the most sacred, beautiful language in the world.
www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgadkw/indology.html (Yahoo)
For scholars of Sanskrit, Tamil, the Prakrits, and others interested in ancient and medieval India.
home.t-online.de/home/hans.uma.zimmermann/abme.htm (AltaVista)
Homepage eines Altphilologen mit den Sprachen Latein, Sanskrit, Griechisch, Hebräisch
UCL - Programme d'études 98/99 - litt1dc
www.ac.ucl.ac.be/etu/prge/litt1dc.html (GoTo)
LITT 1DC Diplôme d'études complémentaires de 1er cycle en littérature Conditions d'admission Sont admis à suivre les cours du diplôme d'études complémentaires de 1 er cycle en formation littéraire les porteurs du diplôme de candidat
SLCO: Renignements etudiants
www.unil.ch/orient/NoFrames/Etudiants/Cours.html (Snap)
SECTION DE LANGUES ET CIVILISATIONS ORIENTALES Faculté des Lettres Université de Lausanne CH-1015 Lausanne Quels cours prendre en 1ère et 2èmes années? Lorsqu'ils affrontent pour la première fois une institution aussi complexe que l'Université, les.
Curso de Sânscrito
/sanskrit/index2.htm (AltaVista)
Curso de Sânscrito Em português, para estudantes brasileiros. © 1998 Carlos E.G. Barbosa.
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Programmi dei corsi A. A. 1998-99 Elenco ingnamenti Home Page Università degli Studi di Padova SANSCRITO (Prof. Marcello Meli) SECONDO SEMESTRE 1 Elementi di grammatica sanscrita. 2 Corso monografico:
www.lettere.unibo.it/dslo/passi.html (GoTo)
Università degli studi di Bologna Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia A.A. 1998-1999 Programmi corsi di SANSCRITO I e II Prof. A. Passi Sanscrito I, a.a. 1998-99 Sanskrit I. Cour program for Acadaemic Year 1998-1999. Parte istituzionale: introduzione..
www.lettere.unige.it/sif/anno/programmi/15823.htm (Snap)
LINGUA E LETTERATURA SANSCRITA Prof.. Saverio SANI annuale Il corso ha un'impostazione prevalentemente linguistica; esso ha per ba le linee fondamentali della grafia, della fonetica e della morfologia dell'antico indiano (sia vedico che sanscrito.