1.Balance Sheets | 1.资产负债表 |
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英文 | 中文 |
Non-Current Asts | 非流动资产 |
Property, plant and equipment | 物业, 厂房及设备 |
Investment properties | 投资物业 |
Intangible asts | 无形资产 |
Property held for development | 待发展物业 |
Investment in subsidiaries | 投资子公司 |
Interests in jointly controlled entities | 投资合营公司 |
Interests in associate | 投资联营公司 |
Investment in curities (non current asts) | 证券投资 |
Deferred taxation | 递延税项资产 |
Sub-total | 小計 |
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Current Asts | 非流动资产 |
Inventories of properties | 物业存货 |
Other inventories | 其它存货 |
Debtors, deposits and prepayments | 应收贸易及其它应收款 |
Amount due from holding company | 应收控股公司 |
Amount due from fellow subsidiary | 应收联属公司 |
Amounts due from subsidiaries | 应收子公司 |
Amounts due from JCE / associates | 应收合营公司 / 联营公司 |
Amounts due from related companies | 应收关连公司 |
Amounts due from minority shareholders | 应收少股东 |
Amount due from shareholders | 應收股東款 |
Investments in curities (current asts) | 证券投资 |
Prepaid tax | 预付税款 |
Bank deposits, pledged | 银行存款 (抵押) |
Bank balances, deposits and cash | 银行结余及现金 |
Sub-total | 流动资产小計 |
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Current Liabilities | 流动负债 |
Trade and other payables | 应付贸易及其它应收款 |
Sales deposits received | 销售定金 |
Amounts due to subsidiaries | 应付子公司 |
Amounts due to immediate holding | 应付控股公司 |
Amounts due to fellow subsidiaries | 应付联属公司 |
Amount due to JCE/associates | 应付合营公司 / 联营公司 |
Amounts due to related companies | 应付关连公司 |
Amount due to shareholders | 应付股东款 |
Amount due to minority shareholders | 应付少股东 |
Bank borrowings, due within one year | 银行借款 (一年内) |
Other borrowings, due within one year | 其它借款 (一年内) |
Income tax payable | 应付所得税 |
Sub-total | 小計 |
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Capital and Rerves | 资本及储备 |
Paid-up capital | 资本 |
Retained earnings b/f | 年初未分配利润 |
This year's profit | 本年度纯利 |
Dividend | 股息 |
Rerve appropriation | 利润分配-提取储备基金 |
Statutory rerve | 法定储备 |
Capital rerves | 资本公积-股权投资准备 |
Property revaluation rerve | 投资物业重估储备 |
Sub-total | 所有者权益小計 |
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Minority interests | 少股东权益 |
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Non-Current Liabilities | 非流动负债 |
Bank borrowings, due after one year | 银行借款 (一年以上) |
Other borrowings, due after one year | 其它借款 (一年以上) |
Long term payables | 长期应付款 |
10万怎么理财Deferred taxation | 递延税款 |
Sub-total | 小計 |
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英文 | 中文 |
Turnover | 营业收入 |
Business Tax | 主营业务税金及附加 |
Cost of sales | 营业成本 |
Gross Margin | 经营毛利 |
Other operating income | 其它业务收入 |
Interest Income | 利息收入 |
Gain from investment in curites | 投资收益 |
Change in fair value of investment properties | 投资物业公平价值之溢利 |
Other operating expens | 其它业务支出 |
Selling expens | 营业费用 |
Administrative expens | 管理费用 |
Provision on investment in curities | 持有作买卖之投资公平价值之溢利 |
Finance costs | 财务费用 |
Share of results of jointly controlled entities | 应占合营公司业绩 |
Taxation | 税项 |
Minority interests | 少股东损益 |
This year's (profit) loss | 本年度利纯 |
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英文 | 中文 |
Operating activities: | 经营活动 |
Profit before tax | 稅前經營溢利 |
Adjustment:- | 調整:- |
Share of result of jointly controlled entities | 应占共同控制公司业绩 |
Depreciation | 折舊 |
Allowance for doubtful debts | (补贴拨回),呆坏帐补贴 |
Change in fair value of investment properties | 投资物业公平价值之溢利 |
Change in fair value of investments held for trading | 持有作买卖之投资之公平价值溢利 |
interest received | 利息收入 |
Finance costs | 财务费用 |
Impairment loss on goodwill of JCE | 共同控制公司之商誉减值损失 |
Impairment loss on goodwill arising on acquisition of | 增持予附属公司之权益导致商誉减值损失 |
additional interest in subsidiaries | 出售物业、厂房及设备之亏损(收益) |
Loss on disposal of PPE | 持有作买卖之投资之亏损(收益) |
Gain on disposal of jointly controlled entities | 出售一间共同控制公司之收益 |
Write-back of trade payables | 应付贸易账款拨回 |
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| 未計流動資金變動前之經營業務及現金流量 |
Increa in inventories of properties | 物业存货之减少(增加)视觉训练 |
Increa in other inventories | 其它存货之减少(增加) |
Increa in trade and other receivables | 应收贸易及其它款项之增加 |
Increa in investments held for trading | 持有作买卖之投资的减少(增加) |
Increa in trade and other payables | 应付贸易及其它账款之增加(减少) |
Increa in sales deposits received | 销售定金之增加(减少) |
Cash generated from operation | 經營業務產生之現金 |
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Dividend received | 已收股息 |
Tax paid- income tax | 已付所得稅 |
Tax paid- land value added tax | 已付土地增值稅 |
Refund of tax | 所得稅退回 |
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Net cash inflow generated from operation | 經營業務之現金流量淨額 |
| 投资业务 |
Interest received | 利息收入 |
Purcha of property, plant and equipment | 购置物业,厂房及设备 |
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment | 出售物业,厂房及设备之收入 |
| 附属公司收购[size=+0] |
Acquisition of additional interest in sub | 增持予附属公司之权益 |
Net cash from disposal of a subsidiary | 出售一间附属公司之净现金收入[size=+0] |
Cash received on disposal of a JCE | 出售一间共同控制公司之实收现金 |
Dividend received from a JCE | 收到一间共同控制公司的股息 |
Repayment from related companies | 来自关联公司的(预付款)还款 |
Advances to JCE | 向共同控制公司支付的预付款 |
Capital contributions to JCE | 向共同控制公司出资 |
Net cash from investing activities | 源自投资之现金净值 重庆导游词 |
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Financing activities | 融資業務 |
Capital contribution from minority shareholders | 小股东投入资本 |
Decrea in amounts due to related companies | 应付关联公司款额之减少 |
Increa in amounts due to shareholders | 应付股东款项之增加 |
Increa in amounts due to JCE | 应付共同控制公司款项之增加(减少) |
New bank loans raid | 新筹集银行贷款 |
Repayment of bank loans | 偿还银行贷款 |
Repayment of other borrowings | 偿还其它借款 |
Interest paid | 已付股息 |
Dividend paid | 已付利息 |
Net cash from financing activities | 融資業務小计 |
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Net increa/ (decrea) in cash & cash equivalent | 現金及等同現金項目之變動 |
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Net increa/ (decrea) in cash & cash equivalents | 現金及等同現金項目之變動 |
Cash & cash equivalent at 1 January | 現金及等同現金項目承上年度 |
Cash & cash equivalent at 30 November | 結轉現金及等同現金項目 |
Analysis of the balance of cash and cash equivalents | 現金及等同現金項目的分析 |
Bank balances and cash | 銀行結存及現金 |
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