Floating point error invalid number,fluent典型错误

更新时间:2023-07-13 00:25:35 阅读: 评论:0

turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+005 in 2 cells
Error:Floating point error: invalid number
1 这个应该是湍流模型的选取与第一层网格高度之间不满足近壁处理关系而产生的问题,如果你没有使用壁面函数的话,第一层网格高度尽可能地小点儿,比如取为弦长的百万分之一左右;另外,边界条件中关于湍流量的设置不合理也会导致这个警告。
2 (不推荐)solve-controls-limits Maximum Turb. Viscosity Ratio 加多两个0,估计是一些单元的最大Turb. Viscosity Ratio超出了限定值
()恕我直言,你的这个方法只是治标不治本,他这个问题多数是由于网格尺度太大引起的。也可能是边界条件上的湍流相关参数不合理导致的。[br][br][以下内容由 larky 在 2007年06月23日 00:00am 时添加] [br] 
3 这是一个办法,能够解决一部分问题,有一些问题无论你怎么调整都没有用,如果出现这
4 在别的论坛上看到的:
5 我也遇到这种情况,不过是在叠代求解的前一百多步,后面就没有了.因此我想是否是因为前面计算的误差大引起?而随着计算误差的减少,就消失了.如果是这样,就可以放心啦.
6 一般是边界上或是网格质量差的地方出现了奇点.由于是数值耗散,随着迭代次数越多,影响整个流场的范围越大,最终可能导致这个流场发散.
7  Why don't you try as follows (If you still have the same warning, plea go to the next step. Usually, the initial flow condition ud for the RSM run is obtained from the RNG k-e model result);
First step:
Solve - Controls - Solution -Default => iteration
Second Step:
Di氢气验纯的方法cra "Under-relaxation factors" => iteration
Third Step:
Adaptation of cells : I usaually u y+ and velocity gradient conditions =>
腊月天气Fourth Step:
Regenerate mesh, goto step 1
If your solution stats to converge, you can increa under-relaxation factors.
If you have converged solutions, you can increa the order of the discretization parameters (for ex. 1st -> 2nd -> QUICK etc.)
8. Once I posted a big message on this issue, I am pasting that message again, you can read this:
well this is one common problem lot of people have asked about it before. i will try to summarize the approach i take to solve this problem.
first of all
the very basic cau of this warning is the wrong t up of boundary conditions. So if you are sure that nothing is wrong with the t up of the problem, you can follow the following things.
The origin of the problem lies in the fact that if the solver calculates the value of k and e or omega (in two equation models) wrongly, its very likely it will calculate turbulent viscosity wrongly and thus we get the warning. In the ideal condition, as the solution converges the warning should go away and we all live happily ever after. But generally this does not have so happy ending. The reason is mainly we have a ca which is very large and convergence is already difficult and which is exacerbated by the wrong calculations of turbulent quantities. So what are the remedies for it.
The usual remedy is to switch to coupled solver, and work with it, and this usually solves the problem. But my personal thinking is that if the ca is incompressible the coupled solver may not work well there. But yes this is one solution. The cond solution which is far more stable is, and if you fail to get the solution from coupled solver too, switch to FAS, increa the number of pre post iterations, make the coarning levels to 4, (4 is more than enough). And this converges almost every problem, but there are ca where you might fail to get convergence.
尧德中Anyway if you are stuck with gregated solver (like me), what are the options.
First of all if we consider that the divergence is becau of turbulence quantities, we may want to force the convergence on the quantities before we move to next iteration.明珠暗投是什么意思
The way I do is this, I change the multigrid options for k, e to V cycle, make the pres sweeps to 1 post sweeps to 2, and cho Bicgstab as smoother. And let it run.
Sometimes I just want to first get the best approaximation of k,e for the flow field I have, f
or this I usually switch off the solver for momentum equations and just solve for k,e or k, omega till I get warning free turbulent field, then I switch on all the equations and go on to iterate further.
This approach works well, but it has one problem. if the mesh size is very large say around 3 million cells then even to first get the turbulent quantities to converge might take day or two. So what to do in this ca.
Whenever I have to do calculations for the cas around 2-3 million cells, I make two meshes one very very coar, with same boundary conditions as finer mesh (which is of cour around 3 million cells). Now first I get converged solution on coar mesh, which I can get in hour or two. Then go to file->interpolate, and write the data for corresponding zones, and then when you read the fine mesh read this initial guess from same file->interpolate->read.

本文发布于:2023-07-13 00:25:35,感谢您对本站的认可!



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