数学符号英文读法【转载】 来源: 金晟业的日志
Fractions 分数钱缪
1/2 = a (or one) half
1/3 = a (or one) third
1/4 = a quarter or one fouth
1/5 = a (or one) fifth
2/3 = two thirds
9/10 = nine tenths
53/4 = five and three quarters 纯林
15/64= fifteen over (or by) sixty-four
15% = fifteen per cent
4‰ = four per mill
Decimals 小数
0.4 = zero (or nought) point four
.01 = point (or decimal) nought one
12.34 = twelve point three four
567.809 = five hundred and sixty-ven point eight nought nine
30.45 = thirty point four five, five recurring
0.3% = decimal three percent
Mathematic Forms 数学式
(1) Addition 加法
1+2=3 One and two are three.
2+3=5 Two plus three equals five.
4+0=4 Four and nought is equal to four.
45+70+152=267 45,70 and 152 added are (or make) 267
the sum (or total) is 267.
(2)Subtraction 减法
9-4=5 Nine minus four equals (or is equal to) five.
15-7=8 Seven from fifteen leaves eight.
23,654-8,175=15,479 8,175 (take or subtracted) from 23,654 leaves 15,479. The difference
(or The remainder) is 15,479.
Nine from five won`t go.
Multiplication 乘法
1×0=0 One multiplied by nought equals nought.
1×1=1 Once one is one.
2×1=2 Twice one is two.
3×5=15 Three times five is fifteen
6×0=0 Multiply six by nothing, and the result is nothing.
吉梗Division 除法
9÷3=3 Nine divided by three maks (or is equal to) three.
20÷5=4 Five into twenty goes four times.
4567÷23=198余13 23 into 4567 goes 198 times, and 13 remainder. 没有办法的成语
The quctient is 198, and 13 remainder.
Time 时间
(1)Hours 钟点
2h.5'8" = two hours five minutes eight conds 2小时5分8秒
6.18 = six eighteen 6时18分
8.= eight ['ei 'em] 上午8时30分
the 6.ain = the six (nought) ['pi:'em] train 下午6时零5分列车
0900 = 0 nine hunderd (上午)9时
0910 = 0 nine ten (上午)9时10分
1300 = thirteen hundred 13时(下午1时)
atan函数1525 = fifteen twenty-five 15时25分(下午3时25分)
2000 = twenty hundred 20时(下午8时)
at 5 o'c =at five o'clock 五点钟
(2)Date 日期
Oct.1 =October first 10月1日
Oct.1st = October the first 10月1日
Ist Oct. 1949 = teh first of October, nineteen forty-nine 1949年10月1日
3/5 = [英]May (the) third 5月3日;[美]March fifth 3月5日 (3)Year 年份
684 B.C. =Six eighty-four B.C. ['bi:'si:] 公元前684年
1960 = nineteen sixty; nineteen hundred and sixty
19- nineteen something 1950's nineteen fifties 二十世纪五十年代
period 句号
≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号
, comma 逗号
< is less than 小于号
: colon 冒号
> is more than 大于号
; micolon 分号 B
≮ is not less than 不小于号
! exclamation 惊叹号 软卧
≯ is not more than 不大于号
? question mark 问号
≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号
≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号
' apostrophe 省略号
% per cent 百分之…
- dash 破折号
‰ per mill 千分之…
' ' single quotation marks 单引号
∞ infinity 无限大号
double quotation marks 双引号
∝ varies as 与…成比例
( ) parenthes 圆括号
√ (square) root 平方根
# "pound key" ,hash key
[ ] square brackets 方括号
∵ since; becau 因为
《 》 French quotes 法文引号;书名号
∴ hence 所以
... ellipsis 省略号
∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例
¨ tandem colon 双点号
∠ angle 角
ditto 双点号
⌒ micircle 半圆
‖ parallel 双线号
⊙ circle 圆
/ virgule 斜线号
○ circumference 圆周
& ampersand = and
π pi 圆周率
~ swung dash 代字号
△ triangle 三角形
§ ction; division 分节号
⊥ perpendicular to 垂直于
→ arrow 箭号;参见号 日记250字大全