Add 所作的事其实就是将⽂件传到IPFS上,通过块的⽅式存到本地blockstore中。
type AddedObject struct{
Name string
Hash string`json:",omitempty"`
Bytes int64`json:",omitempty"`
Size string`json:",omitempty"`
VID string`json:",omitempty"`
VersionInfo *utils.VersionInfo
addAllAndPin :=func(f files.File)error{
// Iterate over each top-level file and add individually. Otherwi the
// single files.File f is treated as a directory, affecting hidden file
// mantics.
file, err := f.NextFile()
if err == io.EOF {
// Finished the list of files.
}el if err !=nil{
return err
if err := fileAdder.AddFile(file); err !=nil{
return err
// copy intermediary nodes from editor to our actual dagrvice
_, err := fileAdder.Finalize()
if err !=nil{
return err
if hash {
肘骨return nil
return fileAdder.PinRoot()
errCh :=make(chan error)
go func(){
var err error
defer func(){ errCh <- err }()
defer clo(outChan)
err =addAllAndPin(req.Files)
defer res.Clo()
err = res.Emit(outChan)
if err !=nil{
err =<-errCh
if err !=nil{
res.SetError(err, cmdkit.ErrNormal)
func(adder *Adder)AddFile(file files.File)error{
if adder.Pin {
adder.unlocker = adder.blockstore.PinLock()
defer func(){
if adder.unlocker !=nil{
return adder.addFile(file,fal,nil)
package commands
import (
blockrvice “”
core “”
filestore “”
dag “”
dagtest “”
mfs “”
ft “”
cmds “gx/ipfs/QmNueRyPRQiV7PUEpnP4GgGLuK1rKQLaRW7sfPvUetYig1/go-ipfs-cmds”
mh “gx/ipfs/QmPnFwZ2JXKnXgMw8CdBPxn7FWh6LLdjUjxV1fKHuJnkr8/go-multihash”
pb “gx/ipfs/QmPtj12fdwuAqj9sBSTNUxBNu8kCGNp8b3o8yUzMm5GHpq/pb”
offline “gx/ipfs/QmS6mo1dPpHdYsVkm27BRZDLxpKBCiJKUH8fHX15XFfMez/go-ipfs-exchange-offline”
bstore “gx/ipfs/QmadMhXJLHMFjpRmh85XjpmVDkEtQpNYEZNRpWRvYVLrvb/go-ipfs-blockstore”
cmdkit “gx/ipfs/QmdE4gMduCKCGAcczM2F5ioYDfdeKuPix138wrES1YSr7f/go-ipfs-cmdkit”
files “gx/ipfs/QmdE4gMduCKCGAcczM2F5ioYDfdeKuPix138wrES1YSr7f/go-ipfs-cmdkit/files”
//限制深度 深度达到上限
// ErrDepthLimitExceeded indicates that the max depth has been exceeded.
var ErrDepthLimitExceeded = fmt.Errorf(“depth limit exceeded”)
const (
quietOptionName = “quiet”
quieterOptionName = “quieter”
silentOptionName = “silent”
progressOptionName = “progress”
trickleOptionName = “trickle”
wrapOptionName = “wrap-with-directory”
hiddenOptionName = “hidden”
onlyHashOptionName = “only-hash”
chunkerOptionName = “chunker”
pinOptionName = “pin”
rawLeavesOptionName = “raw-leaves”
noCopyOptionName = “nocopy”
fstoreCacheOptionName = “fscache”
cidVersionOptionName = “cid-version”
hashOptionName = “hash”
excel取整函数const adderOutChanSize = 8
var AddCmd = &cmds.Command{
Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
Tagline: “Add a file or directory to ipfs.”,
ShortDescription: Adds contents of <path> to ipfs. U -r to add directories (recursively)., LongDescription: `
Adds contents of to ipfs. U -r to add directories.
Note that directories are added recursively, to form the ipfs
The wrap option, ‘-w’, wraps the file (or files, if using the
recursive option) in a directory. This directory contains only
the files which have been added, and means that the file retains
its filename. For example:
ipfs add example.jpg
added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg ipfs add example.jpg -w
added QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH example.jpg added QmaG4FuMqEBnQNn3C8XJ5bpW8kLs7zq2ZXgHptJHbKDDVx
You can now refer to the added file in a gateway, like so:
The chunker option, ‘-s’, specifies the chunking strategy that dictates
how to break files into blocks. Blocks with same content can
be deduplicated. The default is a fixed block size of
256 * 1024 bytes, ‘size-262144’. Alternatively, you can u the
rabin chunker for content defined chunking by specifying
rabin-[min]-[avg]-[max] (where min/avg/max refer to the resulting
chunk sizes). Using other chunking strategies will produce
different hashes for the same file.
ipfs add --chunker=size-2048 ipfs-logo.svg
added QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87 ipfs-logo.svg
ipfs add --chunker=rabin-512-1024-2048 ipfs-logo.svg
added Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh2RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn ipfs-logo.svg
You can now check what blocks have been created by:
ipfs object links QmafrLBfzRLV4XSH1XcaMMeaXEUhDJjmtDfsYU95TrWG87
QmY6yj1GrmExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059
Qmf7ZQeSxq2fJVJbCmgTrLLVN9tDR9Wy5k75DxQKuz5Gyt 1195
ipfs object links Qmf1hDN65tR55Ubh2RN1FPxr69xq3giVBz1KApsresY8Gn
QmY6yj1GrmExDXoosVE3aSPxdMNYr6aKuw3nA8LoWPRS 2059
QmerURi9k4XzKCaaPbsK6BL5pMEjF7PGphjDvkkjDtsVf3 868
QmQB28iwSriSUSMqG2nXDTLtdPHgWb4rebBrU7Q1j4vxPv 338
Arguments: []cmdkit.Argument{
cmdkit.FileArg(“path”, true, true, “The path to a file to be added to ipfs.”).EnableRecursive().EnableStdin(), },
Options: []cmdkit.Option{
cmds.OptionRecursivePath, // a builtin option that allows recursive paths (-r, --recursive)
cmdkit.BoolOption(quietOptionName, “q”, “Write minimal output.”),
cmdkit.BoolOption(quieterOptionName, “Q”, “Write only final hash.”),
cmdkit.BoolOption(silentOptionName, “Write no output.”),
cmdkit.BoolOption(progressOptionName, “p”, “Stream progress data.”),
阴唇大怎么回事cmdkit.BoolOption(trickleOptionName, “t”, “U trickle-dag format for dag generation.”),
cmdkit.BoolOption(onlyHashOptionName, “n”, “Only chunk and hash - do not write to disk.”),
cmdkit.BoolOption(wrapOptionName, “w”, “Wrap files with a directory object.”),
cmdkit.BoolOption(hiddenOptionName, “H”, “Include files that are hidden. Only takes effect on recursive add.”), cmdkit.StringOption(chunkerOptionName, “s”, “Chunking algorithm, size-[bytes] or rabin-[min]-[avg]-
cmdkit.BoolOption(pinOptionName, “Pin this object when adding.”).WithDefault(true),
cmdkit.BoolOption(rawLeavesOptionName, “U raw blocks for leaf nodes. (experimental)”),
cmdkit.BoolOption(noCopyOptionName, “Add the file using filestore. Implies raw-leaves. (experimental)”), cmdkit.BoolOption(fstoreCacheOptionName, “Check the filestore for pre-existing blocks. (experimental)”), cmdkit.IntOption(cidVersionOptionName, “CID version. Defaults to 0 unless an option that depends on CIDv1 is pasd. (experimental)”),
cmdkit.StringOption(hashOptionName, “Hash function to u. Implies CIDv1 if not sha2-256.
PreRun: func(req *cmds.Request, env cmds.Environment) error {
quiet, _ := req.Options[quietOptionName].(bool)
quieter, _ := req.Options[quieterOptionName].(bool)
quiet = quiet || quieter
silent, _ := req.Options[silentOptionName].(bool)诚实近义词
if quiet || silent {
return nil
// ipfs cli progress bar defaults to true unless quiet or silent is ud
_, found := req.Options[progressOptionName].(bool)
if !found {
req.Options[progressOptionName] = true
return nil