埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiffel)是一座于1889年建成位于法国巴黎战神广场上的镂空结构铁塔,高洗洗衣机300米,天线高24米,总高324米。埃菲尔铁塔得名于设计它的著名建筑师、结构工程师古斯塔夫?埃菲尔。铁塔设计新颖独特,是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,是法国巴黎的重要景点和突出标志。埃菲尔铁塔曾经是最失败的建筑,现在却成了法国直至全世界最吸金的建筑地标。埃菲尔铁塔经历了百年风雨,但在经过本世纪80年代初的大修之后风采依旧,巍然屹立在塞纳河畔。它是全体法国人民的骄傲,也是世界的骄傲。埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一,被法国人爱称为评价手册“铁娘子”我的房间英语作文。它和纽约的帝国大厦、东京的电视塔同被誉为西方三大著名建筑。
The Eiffel tower (French: La Tour Eiffel) is a built in 1889, is located in Paris, France on Mars square hollow structure of the tower, 300 meters high, antenna 24 metres high, total height of 324 meters. The Eiffel Tower gets its name from the famous architect, structural engineer gustave design it? Eiffel. Tower design novel and unique, is the world's masterpiece in the history of architecture technology, is an important scenic spot and prominent symbol of Paris, France. The Eiffel Tower was once the failure of construction, now has become a France until the most gold land
mark buildings in the world. The Eiffel Tower has experienced one hundred years of wind and rain, but after the overhaul of the early 80 s this century still, stand tall in the Seine river. It is the pride of all the French people, but also the pride of the world. The Eiffel Tower is one of the symbols of Paris, the French love called "iron lady". It and the Empire State Building in New York, Tokyo tower is known as the west with three famous construction.
黎凯旋门(Triumphal Arch)是欧洲纪念战争胜利的一种建筑。 始建于古罗马时期,当时统治者以此炫耀自己的功绩。后为欧洲其他国家所效仿。 常建在城市主要街道中或广场上。用石块砌筑,形似门楼,有一个或三个拱券门洞, 上刻宣扬统治者战绩的浮雕。法国巴黎的星形广场凯旋门,又称戴高乐广场凯旋门, 始建于法国皇帝拿破仑一世政权的鼎盛时期的1806年。这是欧洲100梦到猪是什么意思多座凯旋门中最大的一座, 为巴黎四大代表建筑之一,是法国政府重点保护的名胜古迹
Lebanon's arc DE triomphe (Triumphal Arch) is a kind of building the memory of the victory of the war. Was built in ancient Rome, then rulers to show off their achievements. After follow by other European countries. Chang in the city's main s
treets or in the square. With stone masonry, shaped like a gate hou, there is one or three arch openings, Record the embossment engraved preach rulers. Star/square arc DE triomphe in Paris, France, also called Charles DE gaulle square, arc DE triomphe Was built in France emperor napoleon I regime's heyday in 1806. This is Europe 100 a, the largest of the arc DE triomphe As one of four reprentative buildings in Paris, is a place of historical interest in the French government protection
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