雅思听力history of fireworks答案
In the cour of the 18th century, the circulation of skills and technical exchange led to further developments.
Fireworks specialists from Italy began to travel around Europe staging displays for many of the European courts.艰难抉择
中华颂朗诵稿The architect and stage designer Giovanni Servandoni compod grand displays in Paris, featuring colorfully painted temples and triumphal arches.
A fireworks display staged by Servandoni would be structured in the same way as an opera, and was even divided into parate acts.第三国度电影>杨贵妃和安禄山>shill
Italian fireworks specialists were also invited to perform in London, St. Petersburg and Moscow.
As the specialists circulated around Europe, they sought to exploit the appeal of fireworks for a wider audience, including the growing middle class.
As in the previous century, fireworks provided resources for demonstrating scientific laws and theories, as well as new discoveries, and displays now showed a fascinated public the curious phenomenon of electricity.中国人口生育率
By the mid-18th century, fireworks were being sold for private consumption.
怎样腌黄瓜好吃>盲人摸象So the history of fireworks shows us the diver relationships which existed between scientists, technicians and the rest of society.