01 农业、林业和渔业Agriculture, forestry and fishing
02 采矿业和采石业Mining and quarrying
03 食品、饮料和烟草Food products, beverages and tobacco
04 纺织品及纺织制品Textiles and textile products
05 皮革及皮革制品Leather and leather products
06 木材及木制品Wood and wood products顺丰统一结算系统
07 纸浆、纸及纸制品Pulp, paper and paper products
08 出版业Publishing companies
09 印刷业Printing companies
10 焦炭及精炼石油制品的制造Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
11 核燃料Nuclear fuel
12 化学品、化学制品及纤维Chemicals, chemical products and fibers
13 药品Pharmaceuticals
14 橡胶和塑料制品Rubber and plastic products
15 非金属矿物制品Non-metallic mineral products
16 混凝土、水泥、石灰、石膏及其他Concrete, cement, lime, plaster etc.
17 基础金属及金属制品Basic metals and fabricated metal products
18 机械及设备Machinery and equipment
19 电和光学设备Electrical and optical equipment
20 造船业Shipbuilding
金鱼好养吗21 航空航天Aerospace
22 其他运输设备Other transport equipment优惠政策
23 其他未另分类制造业Manufacturing not elwhere classified
24 回收业Recycling
25 供电业Electricity supply
26 供气业Gas supply
螺旋藻的功效与作用27 供水业Water supply
28 建设业Construction
29 批发和零售业;汽车、摩托、个人及家庭用
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles,
干涸的近义词motorcycles and personal and houhold goods
30 宾馆及餐馆Hotels and restaurants
31 运输、仓储和通信业Transport, storage and communication
32 金融中介、房地产和租赁Financial intermediation; real estate; renting
33 信息技术Information technology
34 工程服务Engineering rvices
35 其他服务Other rvices
36 公共行政管理Public administration
37 教育Education
38 健康和社会工作Health and social work
上西天39 其他社会服务Other social rvices