Series3-Terminal Positive Regulators
General Description
The LM140/LM340A/LM340/LM7800C monolithic3-terminal
positive voltage regulators employ internal current-limiting,
thermal shutdown and safe-area compensation,making
them esntially indestructible.If adequate heat sinking is
provided,they can deliver over1.0A output current.They are
intended as fixed voltage regulators in a wide range of appli-
cations including local(on-card)regulation for elimination of
noi and distribution problems associated with single-point
regulation.In addition to u as fixed voltage regulators,
the devices can be ud with external components to ob-
tain adjustable output voltages and currents.
Considerable effort was expended to make the entire ries
of regulators easy to u and minimize the number of exter-
ab角工作制度nal components.It is not necessary to bypass the output,al-
though this does improve transient respon.Input bypass-
ing is needed only if the regulator is located far from the filter
capacitor of the power supply.
The5V,12V,and15V regulator options are available in the
steel TO-3power package.The LM340A/LM340/LM7800C
ries is available in the TO-220plastic power package,and
the LM340-5.0is available in the SOT-223package,as well
as the LM340-5.0and LM340-12in the surface-mount
n Complete specifications at1A load
n Output voltage tolerances of±2%at T j=25˚C and±4%
over the temperature range(LM140A/LM340A)
n Line regulation of0.01%of V OUT/V of∆V IN at1A load
n Load regulation of0.3%of V OUT/A(LM140A/LM340A)
n Internal thermal overload protection
n Internal short-circuit current limit
n Output transistor safe area protection
n P+Product Enhancement tested
(5V and12V only)
Typical Applications
Fixed Output Regulator
*Required if the regulator is located far from the power supply filter.
**Although no output capacitor is needed for stability,it does help transient
respon.(If needed,u0.1µF,ceramic disc).
Adjustable Output Regulator
V OUT=5V+(5V/R1+I Q)R25V/R1>3I Q,
load regulation(L r)≈[(R1+R2)/R1](L r of LM340-5).
Current Regulator
∆I Q=1.3mA over line and load changes.
Comparison between SOT-223and D-Pak(TO-252)
Regulators ©1999National Semiconductor Corporation
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note1)
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, plea contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.
DC Input Voltage
All Devices except
LM7824/LM7824C35V LM7824/LM7824C40V Internal Power Dissipation(Note2)Internally Limited Maximum Junction Temperature150˚C Storage Temperature Range−65˚C to+150˚C Lead Temperature(Soldering,10c.)
TO-3Package(K)300˚C TO-220Package(T),TO-263
Package(S)230˚C ESD Susceptibility(Note3)2kV Operating Conditions(Note1) Temperature Range(T A)(Note2)
LM140A,LM140−55˚C to+125˚C LM340A,LM340,LM7805C,
LM7812C,LM7815C,LM7808C0˚C to+125˚C
Electrical Characteristics
I OUT=1A,−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C(LM140A),or0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C(LM340A)unless otherwi specified(Note4)
Output Voltage5V12V15V Symbol Input Voltage(unless otherwi noted)10V19V23V Units Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max V O Output Voltage T J=25˚C 4.95 5.111.751212.2514.71515.3V
P D≤15W,5mA≤I O≤1A 4.8 5.211.512.514.415.6V
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.8≤V IN≤27)(17.9≤V IN≤30)V ∆V O Line Regulation I O=500mA101822mV
∆V IN(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.8≤V IN≤27)(17.9≤V IN≤30)V
T J=25˚C310418422mV
∆V IN(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.5≤V IN≤27)(17.5≤V IN≤30)V
T J=25˚C4910mV
Over Temperature123030mV
∆V IN(8≤V IN≤12)(16≤V IN≤22)(20≤V IN≤26)V ∆V O Load Regulation T J=25˚C5mA≤I O≤1.5A102512321235mV
250mA≤I O≤750mA151921mV
Over Temperature,256075mV
5mA≤I O≤1A
I Q Quiescent Current T J=25˚C666mA
Over Temperature 6.5 6.5 6.5mA ∆I Q Quiescent Current5mA≤I O≤1A0.50.50.5mA Change T J=25˚C,I O=1A0.80.80.8mA
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.8≤V IN≤27)(17.9≤V IN≤30)V
I O=500mA0.80.80.8mA
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(8≤V IN≤25)(15≤V IN≤30)(17.9≤V IN≤30)V V N Output Noi Voltage T A=25˚C,10Hz≤f≤100kHz407590µV Ripple Rejection T J=25˚C,f=120Hz,I O=1A688061726070dB吉宝置业
or f=120Hz,I O=500mA,686160dB
Over Temperature,
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(8≤V IN≤18)(15≤V IN≤25)(18.5≤V IN≤28.5)V R O Dropout Voltage T J=25˚C,I O=1A 2.0 2.0 2.0V Output Resistance f=1kHz81819mΩ
Short-Circuit Current T J=25˚C 2.1 1.5 1.2A
Peak Output Current T J=25˚C 2.4 2.4 2.4A
Average TC of V O Min,T J=0˚C,I O=5mA−0.6−1.5−1.8mV/˚C V IN Input Voltage T J=25˚C
Required to Maintain7.514.517.5V
Line Regulation
Electrical Characteristics(Note4)
−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C unless otherwi specified
Output Voltage5V12V15V
Symbol Input Voltage(unless otherwi noted)10V19V23V Units Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
V O Output Voltage T J=25˚C,5mA≤I O≤1A 4.85 5.211.51212.514.41515.6V
P D≤15W,5mA≤I O≤1A 4.75 5.2511.412.614.2515.75V
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(8≤V IN≤20)(15.5≤V IN≤27)(18.5≤V IN≤30)V
∆V O Line Regulation I O=500mA T J=25˚C35041204150mV
∆V IN(7≤V IN≤25)(14.5≤V IN≤30)(17.5≤V IN≤30)V
−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C50120150mV
∆V IN(8≤V IN≤20)(15≤V IN≤27)(18.5≤V IN≤30)V
I O≤1A T J=25˚C50120150mV
∆V IN(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.6≤V IN≤27)(17.7≤V IN≤30)V
−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C256075mV
∆V IN(8≤V IN≤12)(16≤V IN≤22)(20≤V IN≤26)V
∆V O Load Regulation T J=25˚C5mA≤I O≤1.5A10501212012150mV
250mA≤I P≤750mA256075mV
−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C,50120150mV
5mA≤I O≤1A
I Q Quiescent Current I O≤1A T J=25˚C666mA
−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C777mA
∆I Q Quiescent Current5mA≤I O≤1A0.50.50.5mA Change T J=25˚C,I O≤1A0.80.80.8mA
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(8≤V IN≤20)(15≤V IN≤27)(18.5≤V IN≤30)V
I O=500mA,−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C0.80.80.8mA
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(8≤V IN≤25)(15≤V IN≤30)(18.5≤V IN≤30)V
V N Output Noi Voltage T A=25˚C,10Hz≤f≤100kHz407590µV Ripple Rejection I O≤1A,T J=25˚C or688061726070dB
f=120Hz I O≤500mA,686160dB
−55˚C≤T J≤+150˚C
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(8≤V IN≤18)(15≤V IN≤25)(18.5≤V IN≤28.5)V
R O Dropout Voltage T J=25˚C,I O=1A 2.0 2.0 2.0V Output Resistance f=1kHz81819mΩ
Short-Circuit Current T J=25˚C 2.1 1.5 1.2A
Peak Output Current T J=25˚C 2.4 2.4 2.4A
Average TC of V OUT0˚C≤T J≤+150˚C,I O=5mA−0.6−1.5−1.8mV/˚C
V IN Input Voltage T J=25˚C,I O≤1A
Required to Maintain7.514.617.7V
Line Regulation
Electrical Characteristics(Note4)广东职称
0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C unless otherwi specified
Output Voltage5V12V15V Symbol Input Voltage(unless otherwi noted)10V19V23V Units Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max V O Output Voltage T J=25˚C,5mA≤I O≤1A 4.85 5.211.51212.514.41515.6V
P D≤15W,5mA≤I O≤1A 4.75 5.2511.412.614.2515.75V
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.5≤V IN≤27)(17.5≤V IN≤30)V ∆V O Line Regulation I O=500mA T J=25˚C35041204150mV
∆V IN(7≤V IN≤25)(14.5≤V IN≤30)(17.5≤V IN≤30)V
0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C50120150mV
∆V IN(8≤V IN≤20)(15≤V IN≤27)(18.5≤V IN≤30)V
I O≤1A T J=25˚C50120150mV
∆V IN(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.6≤V IN≤27)(17.7≤V IN≤30)V
0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C256075mV
∆V IN(8≤V IN≤12)(16≤V IN≤22)(20≤V IN≤26)V ∆V O Load Regulation T J=25˚C5mA≤I O≤1.5A10501212012150mV
250mA≤I O≤750mA256075mV
商业电影5mA≤I O≤1A,0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C50120150mV
I Q Quiescent Current I O≤1A T J=25˚C888mA
0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C8.58.58.5mA ∆I Q Quiescent Current5mA≤I O≤1A0.50.50.5mA Change T J=25˚C,I O≤1A 1.0 1.0 1.0mA
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(7.5≤V IN≤20)(14.8≤V IN≤27)(17.9≤V IN≤30)V
I O≤500mA,0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C 1.0 1.0 1.0mA
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(7≤V IN≤25)(14.5≤V IN≤30)(17.5≤V IN≤30)V V N Output Noi Voltage T A=25˚
C,10Hz≤f≤100kHz407590µV Ripple Rejection I O≤1A,T J=25˚C628055725470dB
f=120Hz or I O≤500mA,625554dB
0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C
V MIN≤V IN≤V MAX(8≤V IN≤18)(15≤V IN≤25)(18.5≤V IN≤
R O Dropout Voltage T J=25˚C,I O=1A 2.0 2.0 2.0V Output Resistance f=1kHz81819mΩ
Short-Circuit Current T J=25˚C 2.1 1.5 1.2A
Peak Output Current T J=25˚C 2.4 2.4 2.4A
Average TC of V OUT0˚C≤T J≤+125˚C,I O=5mA−0.6−1.5−1.8mV/˚C V IN Input Voltage T J=25˚C,I O≤1A
Required to Maintain7.514.617.7V
Line Regulation
Note1:Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Conditions are conditions under which the device functions but the specifications might not be guaranteed.For guaranteed specifications and test conditions e the Electrical Characteristics.
Note2:The maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient temperature is a function of the maximum junction temperature for operation(T JMAX=125˚C or 150˚C),the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance(θJA),and the ambient temperature(T A).P DMAX=(T JMAX−T A)/θJA.If this dissipation is exceeded,the die tem-perature will ri above T JMAX and the electrical specifications do not apply.If the die temperature ris above150˚C,the device will go into thermal shutdown.For th
e TO-3package(K,KC),the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance(θJA)is39˚C/W.When using a heatsink,θJA is the sum of the4˚C/W junction-to-ca thermal resistance(θJC)of the TO-3package and the ca-to-ambient thermal resistance of the heatsink.For the TO-220package(T),θJA is54˚C/W andθJC is4˚C/W.If SOT-223is ud,the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance is174˚C/W and can be reduced by a heatsink(e Applications Hints on heatsinking).
If the TO-263package is ud,the thermal resistance can be reduced by increasing the PC board copper area thermally connected to the package:Using0.5square inches of copper area,θJA is50˚C/W;with1square inch of copper area,θJA is37˚C/W;and with1.6or more inches of copper area,θJA is32˚C/W.
Note3:ESD rating is bad on the human body model,100pF discharged through1.5kΩ.
Note4:All characteristics are measured with a0.22µF capacitor from input to ground and a0.1µF capacitor from output to ground.All characteristics except noi voltage and ripple rejection ratio are measured using pul techniques(t w≤10ms,duty cycle≤5%).Output voltage changes due to changes in internal temperature must be taken into account parately.
Note5:A military RETS specification is available on request.At the time of printing,the military RETS s
处女膜作用pecifications for the LM140AK-5.0/883,LM140AK-12/883, and LM140AK-15/883complied with the min and max limits for the respective versions of the LM140A.At the time of printing,the military RETS specifications for the LM140K-5.0/883,LM140K-12/883,and LM140K-15/883complied with the min and max limits for the respective versions of the LM140.The LM140H/883, LM140K/883,and LM140AK/883may also be procured as a Standard Military Drawing.
Electrical Characteristics
0˚C≤T J≤+150˚C,V I=14V,I O=500mA,C I=0.33µF,C O=0.1µF,unless otherwi specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions(Note6)LM7808C Units
Min Typ Max
V O Output Voltage T J=25˚C7.78.08.3V ∆V O Line Regulation T J=25˚C10.5V≤V I≤25V 6.0160mV
11.0V≤V I≤17V 2.080
∆V O Load Regulation T J=25˚C 5.0mA≤I O≤1.5A12160mV
250mA≤I O≤750
V O Output Voltage11.5V≤V I≤23V,5.0mA≤I O≤1.0A,P≤15W7.68.4V I Q Quiescent
T J=25˚C 4.38.0mA ∆I Q Quiescent With Line11.5V≤V I≤25V 1.0mA
Current Change With
5.0mA≤I O≤1.0A0.5
V N Noi T A=25˚C,10Hz≤f≤100kHz52µV ∆V I/∆V O Ripple Rejection f=120Hz,I O=350mA,T J=25˚
C5672dB V DO Dropout Voltage I O=1.0A,T J=25˚C 2.0V R O Output Resistance f=1.0kHz16mΩI OS Output Short Circuit Current T J=25˚C,V I=35V0.45A I PK Peak Output Current T J=25˚C 2.2A ∆V O/∆T Average Temperature I O=5.0mA0.8mV/˚C Coefficient of Output Voltage
Note6:All characteristics are measured with a0.22µF capacitor from input to ground and a0.1µF capacitor from output to ground.All characteristics except noi voltage and ripple rejection ratio are measured using pul techniques(t w≤10ms,duty cycle≤5%).Output voltage changes due to changes in internal temperature must be taken into account parately.
Typical Performance Characteristics
Maximum Average Power Dissipation
DS007781-22Maximum Average Power
Maximum Power
(See Note2)
Typical Performance Characteristics
Output Voltage (Normalized to 1V at T j =25˚C)
Note:Shaded area refers to LM340A/LM340,LM7805C,LM7812C and LM7815C.
Ripple Rejection
Ripple Rejection
Output Impedance DS007781-28Dropout Characteristics DS007781-29
Quiescent Current
Note:Shaded area refers to LM340A/LM340,LM7805C,LM7812C and LM7815C.
Peak Output Current DS007781-31
Dropout Voltage DS007781-32
Note:Shaded area refers to LM340A/LM340,LM7805C,LM7812C and LM7815C.
Quiescent Current