nfe ng Vis teo n PP AP Ch eck list (thi s do cu me nt)as the tab le of co 1.De sig n Rec ord s of Sal ea ble Pro du ct 产品设计记录The following guideline/checklist shall be ud for PPAP level 1-5 submissions. PPAP packages should be submitted for approval to the appropriate SQE 10 days prior to PPAP required date if not level 1 approved by Yanfeng Visteon. All references to SCs and CCs also mean VSs and VCs for all programs launch ing for MY 07 and later.
以下指南/清单用于PPAP 等级1-5的提交. 除经延锋伟世通批准的提交等级为1的PPAP 外, PPAP 文件必须在指定的提交日期前10日提交给相应的SQE 供批准. 所有07项目年及以后投产的项目中涉及到的SC 和CC 同VS 和VC 的含义一致.
The following guideline/checklist shall be ud for PPAP level 1-5 submissions. PPAP packages should be submitted for approval to the appropriate SQE 10 days prior to PPAP required date if not level 1 approved by Yanfeng Visteon. All references to SCs and CCs also mean VSs and VCs for all programs launch ing for MY 07 and later.北字笔顺>鸭肫肝
以下指南/清单用于PPAP等级1-5的提交. 除经延锋伟世通批准的提交等级为1的PPAP外, PPAP文件必
须在指定的提交日期前10日提交给相应的SQE供批准. 所有07项目年及以后投产的项目中涉及到的SC和CC同VS和VC的含义一致.
The following guideline/checklist shall be ud for PPAP level 1-5 submissions. PPAP packages should be submitted for approval to the appropriate SQE 10 days prior to PPAP required date if not level 1 approved by Yanfeng Visteon. All references to SCs and CCs also mean VSs and VCs for all programs launch ing for MY 07 and later.
以下指南/清单用于PPAP 等级1-5的提交. 除经延锋伟世通批准的提交等级为1的PPAP 外, PPAP 文件必须在指定的提交日期前10日提交给相应的SQE 供批准. 所有07项目年及以后投产的项目中涉及到的SC 和CC 同VS 和VC 的含义一致.
Cha ract eris tics Ide ntifi cati on For m (SCI F)Mo del yea r 2007and late r 特殊c.Inte rfac e and perf orm anc e req uire me nt for defi ned Blac k Box part “黑盒子”
The following guideline/checklist shall be ud for PPAP level 1-5 submissions. PPAP packages should be submitted for approval to the appropriate SQE 10 days prior to PPAP required date if not level 1 approved by Yanfeng Visteon. All references to SCs and CCs also mean VSs and VCs for all programs launch ing for MY 07 and later.
以下指南/清单用于PPAP等级1-5的提交. 除经延锋伟世通批准的提交等级为1的PPAP外, PPAP文件必须在指定的提交日期前10日提交给相应的SQE供批准. 所有07项目年及以后投产的项目中涉及到的SC和CC同VS和VC的含义一致.
The following guideline/checklist shall be ud for PPAP level 1-5 submissions. PPAP packages should be submitted for approval to the appropriate SQE 10 days prior to PPAP required date if not level 1 approved by Yanfeng Visteon. All references to SCs and CCs also mean VSs and VCs for all programs launch ing for MY 07 and later.
以下指南/清单用于PPAP等级1-5的提交. 除经延锋伟世通批准的提交等级为1的PPAP外, PPAP文件必须在指定的提交日期前10日提交给相应的SQE供批准. 所有07项目年及以后投产的项目中涉及到的SC和CC同VS和VC的含义一致.
The following guideline/checklist shall be ud for PPAP level 1-5 submissions. PPAP packages should be submitted for approval to the appropriate SQE 10 days prior to PPAP required date if not level 1 approved by Yanfeng Visteon. All references to SCs and CCs also mean VSs and VCs for all programs launch ing for MY 07 and later.
以下指南/清单用于PPAP 等级1-5的提交. 除经延锋伟世通批准的提交等级为1的PPAP 外, PPAP 文件必须在指定的提交日期前10日提交给相应的SQE 供批准. 所有07项目年及以后投产的项目中涉及到的SC 和CC 同VS 和VC 的含义一致.
En gin eer ing Ch an ge Do cu me nts if ap plic abl e 授权的工程更SCR app rov ed by all cust om er fun ctio ns as spe cifie d on SCR for ms 批准的供