新材料认证程序 New materials approved procedure |
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薰衣草精油的作用 | | | |
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DOCUMENT REVISION RECORD 文件修订记录 All pages reflect the current revision level. 所有页面均反映当前版本号。 |
版本号 | DCR 编号 | 日期 | 修订人 Revid people | 部门 Revid dep. | 修订详情 |
A | n/a | 02-may | Arthur | qa | Created. |
b | 015 | 10-p-02’ | Arthur su | QA | Adding FA label, Cancel mark” NO. SA” in FA require form |
C | 093 | 06-Jan-04 | Alyssa Gu | qa | Add responsibility and execution Modify form 071-003 and FA Label |
D | 143 | 27-SEP-04 | ALYSSA GU | QA | Add Form 141-01 |
E | 157 | 9-Dec-04 | Alyssa Gu | QA 给老师的贺卡 | 1.Add item 3.5 , 2. Add item 5.4.2, 3.Add item 5.4.3 4. Modify the form 141 |
F | 255 | 24-Jan-07 | ALYSSA GU | QA | Modify item 6..1 |
G | 335 | 13-Jan-2009 | Alyssa Gu | qa | 1.Add item 5.3.3 and 6.6 Engineering samples 2.Modify item 2 3.Add the flow chart |
H | 419 | 27-JULY-2012 | lEO ZOU | 学校后勤工作总结qa | 1、Modify Purpo. Scope. 2、Modify item 5, 5.2, 5.3, 3、Modify item, 4、Modify Item 6, Delete 6.6 5、Modify flow chart: |
| | | | 梦见抱着小孩子是什么意思 | |
1. 目的/Purpo
To establish the procedure and responsibilities for first article. To establish a policy for review, analysis, and record retention of first articles supplied from Mitec suppliers.
2. 范围/Scope
Purchasing, Engineering, Supplier Quality, Quality Engineering, Configuration Management, Contract Manufacturers and the material supplier are involved with the first article inspection process.
3. 名词解释/Terms explanation
3.1 FA 首样 First article inspection
3.2 IQA 来料质量控制 Incoming Quality Assurance耳机声音小
3.3 SQE 供应商质量工程师 Supplier Quality Engineer
3.4 AVL 批准的供应商清单 Approved Vendor List
3.5 FA Team 首样小组 First Article Team
(FA Team小组成员由质量部、生产部、采购、工程部组成/
FA team include Quality dept., Production dept., supply chain and R&D dept.)
3.6 DCC 文控
3.7 R&D dept. 研发部
4. 参考文件/Reference document
4.1 MSP22 采购程序 Purchasing procedure
4.2 MSP13 记录控制程序 Records control procedure
5. 职责/Responsibility
5.1 SQE的职责SQE responsible
SQE: FA Coordinator, who is responsible to:
5.1.1 SQE负责整个FA流程的推动。
SQE is responsible for driving the execution of the FA procedure
5.1.2 FA的结果反馈给供应商
Feedback FA results to supplier.
5.1.3 指导供应商完成FA的纠正预防措施
Guide Supplier to perform corrective/preventive actions for this time FA.
Final approval of FA
5.2 FA技术员/FA Technician
Performs the inspection according to the FA request
5.2.2 保留FA记录,结论输入FA数据库。.
Keep FA record and put into FA Databa.
5.3 采购/Purchasing:
Send specifications and drawings to supplier;
Complete FA request form and provide supplier FA package to SQE.
橙色的图片Executing relead PO according to the FA results.
5.4 生产部:/Production:
Product Department support asmbly and testing for FA.
5.4.2在FA 过程中出现不能组装或测试失效等原因必须及时通知质量部门。
If asmbly and testing FA fail at FA process it should be inform to QA dept.
5.4.3FA试制通过,需在FA时间表上签名并将表单交给SQE 或质量部人员,FA完成。
If FA trial-manufacture pasd, relevant person should fill in FA schedule and feedback to SQE or QA personal, FA complete.
5.5 研发部/ Rearch and Development
R & D support the FA. Including:过程说明
FA process define导入时的小批量验证
Support trial-produce when NPI stage