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Health & Safety
Respiratory Protection
Texas Department of Insurance
Introduction (3)
Definitions (3)
3-4 New Respirator Selection Criteria (4)
Responsibility (4)
Respiratory 4-5 References (5)
TDI Resource Center Videos (5)
Chart 1 - Respirator Decision Logic Flow Chart (6)
Chart 2A - NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 Filter Classifications Chart (8)
Chart 2B - Flow Chart for Selecting Part 84 Particulate Filters (9)
生日贺卡手工Every day, each of us is expod to some degree of contamina-tion in the air we breathe, both at home and on the job. Some of the same substances that help improve our quality of life, like chemic
als for agriculture, fuel for our vehicles — can be toxic, pathogenic, or an irritant when inhaled. Fortunately, we can protect ourlves against respiratory hazards by following established safety
guidelines and using appropriate protective measures (ventila-tion, fume scrubbers, respirators) when needed.
The following information provides supervisors with a basic knowledge of respiratory protection as well as a working knowledge of the process of developing an effective respiratory protection program.
Unlike many other dangers, respiratory or breathing hazards are often invisible. We may not be able to e, feel, or smell them. The hazards may take the form of smoke, fumes, dusts, mists, gas, vapors, or insufficient oxygen supply. The first step to take in guarding against the breathing hazards is to identify them and quantify exposure levels.Contained in the Code of Federal Regulations is the Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134) that governs all aspects of respiratory protection for most industries and workplaces. Additionally, 29 CFR 1910.1200, the Hazard Communication Standard, states that employees who are expod to hazardous materials must be trained on measures that they can take to protect themlves from such hazards. The me
asures include personal protective equipment/respirators. When the employer provides respirators for either mandatory or voluntary u, the employer must develop and implement a written respiratory protection program.Respiratory Protection
Respiratory contaminants are divided into two basic groups— particles and gas. A particle is a very small piece of matter. A dry particle is called dust. A liquid particle is called mist. A fume is a particle created by burning a material like metal. Some particles can be en by the naked eye, others cannot. Seen or unen, inhaled particles can clog and irritate our respi-ratory system. The contaminants are removed by air purifying particulate filters.
Gas are substances that have no identifiable shape or form. They can’t be en and we may not even be able to smell them. Gas simply hang in the air around us. Some liquids may become vapors when heated. For example, when water is三十六计全文及译文
boiled, it evaporates and becomes water vapor. Other liquids become vapors at or below room temperature. For example, bottled gas/L.P.G. evaporates readily at - 440°F and becomes a gas. Gas cannot be en by the naked eye, but many can be dangerous when inhaled. Thorough and r
egular air sampling is the only way to
determine their prence. The contaminants are removed by air purifying cartridges/canisters.Approved Respirators Respirators are submitted for approval by a manufacturer as a complete unit. The unit includes straps, valves, face piece, and cartridges, filtration media, or a breathing air supply line. The specific unit parts vary according to the respirator type (e.g., “dust mask,” air purifying cartridge, or supplied air). The entire asmbly is approved for u under test conditions and atmospheres as specified by the National Institute for Occupa-tional Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the manufacturer. The
interchange of pieces, parts, or cartridges from one approved respirator to another is not permitted (e.g., you cannot u a Brand X cartridge on a Brand Y respirator, even if it fits). Any modifications to a respirator voids the approval and leaves the employer liable to citation or litigation if an injury results from
New Respirator Selection Criteria
The new Respiratory Protection Standard has had primary impact on the lection of air purifying particulate filters. The new standard mandates that contaminant particles must be evaluated as to being “oily or non-oily” as part of the lection criteria. The lection of air purifying cartridges or canisters and air supply devices has not been as pervasively affected
by the new standard. The following is a brief outline of the esntials of the respirator lection process. Be aware that the following outline is a synopsis of the process, it is NOT a com-plete rendering of the respiratory protection lection protocol. (See Appendix I: Respirator Decision Logic Flow Chart and Appendix II: NIOSH Flow Chart for Selecting Part 84 Particu-late Filters for a more detailed prentation of the respiratory protection lection process.)
下春雨时的诗句1. Respiratory Hazard Identification: Particulate, Gas, Oxygen
Deficient, or IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or
农村黄色片2. Determine level of employee exposure/concentration of
airborne contaminant
3. Hazard Type
a. If the respiratory hazard is oxygen deficiency or IDLH,
lect the appropriate supplied air respirator.
b. If the respiratory hazard has a particulate component, go
to the NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 Flow Chart for Selecting
Particulate Filters
c. If the respiratory hazard has a gas component,go to the
ANSI Z88.7-2001 chart for lecting cartridges and
canisters. (A product specific lection chart, bad on
the aforementioned ANSI standard, is available from the
manufacturers for u as a cartridge lection guide.)
d. It is important to remember that high levels of particulate
and/or gas airborne contaminants may exceed the perfor-
mance limits of air purifying devices, thus requiring the
u of supplied air respirators.
4. If the airborne contaminant has poor warning properties, its
prence is hard to detect at safe levels by n of smell. It will be necessary to u a supplied air respirator. Responsibility
Employers are responsible for reducing the risk of exposure to air contaminants by implementing administrative or engineering controls. When the controls are not feasible,
or do not reduce the levels of airborne hazards sufficiently to fully comply with the standards, protective equipment must be ud. All protective equipment and its u must comply with OSHA standards.
Employees are responsible for using the protective equipment and complying with the established program.Respiratory Protection Program
Employers must develop and implement a written respiratory protection program in any workplace where respirator u is mandatory (as determined by air monitoring) to protect the health of the worker, or where respirator u is required by (the judgment of) the employer. The development and implementa-tion of a written respiratory protection program is also neces-sary when the employer allows its employees voluntary u of approved respirators in such instances as exposure to nuisance levels of airborne contaminants. The voluntary u respiratory protection program is simpler both in practice and protocol. The particular requirements for the mandatory u and the voluntary u are found in the Respiratory Protection Standard, 29 CFR 1910.134.
In any ca, an effective respiratory protection program includes the following:
1. Written standard operating procedures for the safe and
proper u of respirators
2. Regular program evaluation and modification of the existing
procedures as needed
3. Respirator lection according to the potential and existing
hazards (refer to the MSDS and the air sampling results in order to make proper protection lection)
4. Training in the proper lection, u, and maintenance of
respirators which should occur when:
a. A new chemical is introduced
b. A change in respirators is required
c. A new hire is introduced to workplace hazards
5. Instruction in fit testing must include:
a. Demonstration and practice in wearing and adjusting the
b. Determining proper fit
c. Positive/Negative al test
6. All respirators must be:
a. Inspected for wear and deterioration for components before
and after each u
b.Repaired by qualified personnel
c. Cleaned and disinfected after each u
d. Properly stored to protect against dust, sunlight, heat,
extreme cold, excessive moisture, or damage
7. Medical examinations by a qualified physician must deter-mine:
a. Pertinent health and physical conditions
b. Physical ability to perform the work
c. Continued ability to perform the work measured by peri-
odic medical reviews
8. Regular monitoring of work area conditions, and the degree of worker exposure and stress 9. Air quality standards for:
a. Remote respirator air supplies delivered by cylinder or an
air compressor that meet specific air quality standards
b. Clearly marked containers of breathable gas
10. U of respirators approved by NIOSH
29 CFR 1910.134, Revid as of October 4, 1998 U.S. Government Printing Office.
A Quick Reference Guide: 42 CFR 84/29 CFR 1910.134 Compliance. North Safety Products, Cranston, Rhode Island, 1998.
TWCC Resource Center Videos
Video Title Number婴儿衣服品牌
Respirators Overview/The New Rules (2l min.) V981, V981S
Respirator Selection and U (29 min.) V987
Fit Testing Respirators/Under New NIOSH Rules (21 min.) V982, V982S