Just as exerci strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain.
正如锻炼增强心脏和肺、骨骼和肌肉,它也可能启动大脑。 2. We shall never e his match.
3. The vote was 35 to 25, a margin of 10. 3。投票的结果是35岁至25
4. The report is thoroughly sourced.
5. This hotel can’t be matched for friendliness
She was rather advanced in years for a maiden. 。她比我更先进的多年的少女。
7. Every one of us poured forth his experti.
.. I’ll not abu your hospitality.
. .我不会辜负你的热情款待。
9. “I long for you terribly. The moment we say good-bye and I clo the door, my torment begins.”
10. Our arguments were often brought before our father, and I guess
I was either generally in the right, or el a better debater, becau the judgment was usu
ally in my favor
审判是通常有利于我 The sales of the book went deeply into the millions. 那本书销量从千上万。
2) He is four going on five.
3) A pound does not go far the days.
4) I’ll give you ?50, but I can't go any further.
5) This will go a long way toward world peace.
6) A fine appearance and comfort do not usually go together. 6)和舒
7) She has the qualities which go to the making of a good teacher. 7)她有能力去做,一个好老师。
8) A foreign language will go far towards widening our mental horizon. 8)一门外语对我们将扩大到精神的地平线。
9) What he says goes.
10) He made a promi and then went back on it.
客户是上帝1(How they bow to that Creole becau of her hundred thousand pounds! 他们如何向那克里奥尔语,因为她数十万磅!
2(The custom had its spring in another country.
3(David is swollen in everything, in body and in mind.
4(The high-ceilinged room, the little balconies, alcoves, nooks and angles all suggest sanctuary, escape, creature comfort.
and she held honour a
cheque for twenty thousand pounds with his signature quite firmly in her hands.
1(The newspaper claims to be the mirror of the public opinion.
2(Application of lar in medicine is still in its infancy.
3(But no one forces you to go to a. It gets in your blood.
4(She was, to be sure, a girl who excited the emotions, but I was
not one to let my heart rule my head.
. 5(As far as the head goes, at least, she does credit to the educational system pursued at my establishment.
6(He gave up the sword for the plough.
7(Behind him I e the long grey rollers of the Atlantic at work.
8(But, if public dissatisfaction continues to grow, or appears to do so, politicians may conclude that they have to do something, usually in the name of reform. 8.,但是,如果公众对会持续增长,或出现这样做,政客们可能会认为他们必须做点什么,通常是在这个名字的改革。 9(A mixture of fear of the unknown and fear of dinchantment was tormenting her. 觉醒的恐惧和未知的恐惧的混合物。折磨他
10(But it is best not to be intimate with gentlemen of this profession, and to take the calculations at cond-hand, as you do logarithms, for to work them yourlf, depend upon it, will cost you something considerable. (W. Thackeray: Vanity Fair)
但最好不要与这个行业的嘉宾亲密,并采取二手计算,当你这样做对数,为自己工作,取决于它,将花费你的东西相当。 (W.萨克雷:“名利场”) 1(How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart?
He has a very satirical eye. And if I do not begin by being impertinent mylf, I shall soon grow afraid of him.
(Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice)
他有一个很讽刺的眼睛。如果我不开始不逊自己,我会很快成长怕他。 (简奥斯汀:傲慢与偏见) 1(How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart?旅游区规划
2(He has a very satirical eye. And if I do not begin by being impertinent mylf, I shall soon grow afraid of him. (Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice) 2.他有一个非常讽刺的眼睛。如果我不开始不逊自己,我会很快成长怕他。 (简奥斯汀:傲慢与偏见)
3(It is easy to think to onelf that one’s emotions ud to be more vivid than they are, and one’s mind more keen. 3.它是容易让人联想到自己,人的情感更加生动,比他们的头脑更敏锐
4(They exhibited neither their glory nor superiority.
5(A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts