(陈述观点)stating an opinion
糖蛋白作用A.in my opinion 我的意见是...
B.Personally I think 我个人认为...
C.I believe that 我相信...
D.I think that 我觉得...
E.The point is that 关键是...,要点是...
F.If you ask me 如果你问我...
G.I’d like to say this: 我会这样说...
H.校园小剧本I’d like to point out that 我想指出的是...
I.Speaking for mylf 站在自己的立场上说
J.As far as I’m concerned, 就我而言,
K.In my experience 根据我的经验
2.(质疑某种观点)challenging an opinion
A.That can’t be true
B.But ?(但关于...方面呢?)
A.what I 我刚才说的是....
B.What I mean to 我的意思是说...
C.Let me repeat what I said.给我重复刚才所说的。寥若晨星的意思
D.Let me rephra what I said给我重申刚才所说的。
4.(同意观点) agreeing with an opinion
A.of cour
D.That’s true
E.So do I Neither do I
F.I agree with you entirely(我完全同意你的观点)
G.You’re absolutely right(显然你是对的)
H.That’s a good point(这个看法不错)
I.I couldn’t agree with you more(我绝对赞成你)
J.I agree completely.(我完全赞同)
K.That’s just what I think.(我就是认为那样.)
L.I feel the same way.(我也坚持同样的观点)
5.(反对意见)disagreeing with an opinion
A.I’m afraid I disagree.(恐怕我是持反对意见的。)
B.I don’t think so. I don孕妇打喷嚏’
C.On the contrary.
D.That’s not (entirely) true.(那不完全正确。)
E.I can’t possibly agree with you.(我不可能同意你。)
F.I hate to disagree with you,but ...(我不喜欢你,但......)
G.All right,but don’t ?
H.But that’s different.(但那是不一样的)
6.(询问意见)asking for an opinion
A.what do you )?...你觉得怎么样?
B.新网络游戏排行Do you agree?(Don职场女强人’t you agree?)
C.What’s your view on the matter?
D.How do you e it?
E.Let’s have your opinion.
F.Do you ?
7.(讨论总结)summarizing a discussion
A.Then we agree.
B.Basically we’re in agreement.(我们基本上有共识)
C.I think we have agreed to disagree.(我想我们有相同点和不同点)
D.I e we have different opinions.我知道我们意见有分歧
I would be glad to hear your
Are you of the same opinion as me?
I was wondering where you stood on the question of ...
First debater(一辩)
Second debater(二辩)
My fellow debaters(对方辩友)
Opening proposition,Prime minister,Deputy minister,Closing proposition(正方)
Opening opposition,Leader opposition,Deputy opposition,Closing opposition(反方)