医院的英语单词People’s Republic of China Organization Code Certificate
Type: 加班工资怎么算enterpri legal person
Validity: 尚德教育机构官网from 2008-7-30 to 2012-7-29
Issuing authority: quality and technology supervising bureau of XX, XX province
Registration No:
1. Organization code of the People’s Republic of China is the sole and unchanged legal code mark for an organization in the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The Code
Certificate is the certificate for an organization’s legal code mark, made in original and duplicate.
2. The certificate shall not be rented,lent,infringed,transferred,forged,modified or illegally transacted.
3. 性经If the registration items in the certificate incur change, change for registration shall be applied with issuing authority.
4. Any organization shall follow relevant regulations to accept annual inspection made by issuing authority.
5. When an organization is cancelled or annualed,cancellation for registration shall be made with the original issuing authority, and the code certificate shall be recalled.
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China