英辩术语 | 国际组织知多少
An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or prence. There are two main types: international nongovernmental organizations(INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations(IGOs).
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
ICRA is an impartial, neutral, and independent organization who independently humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance. It also conducts and coordinates international relief and works to promote and strengthen humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.
例句:ICRC is a humanitarian institution bad in Geneva, Switzerland and a three-time Nobel Prize Laureate.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) (i.e.Doctors Without Borders), is an international humanitarian non-governmental organization best known for its projects in war-torn窗明几净意思(adj. 遭受战争破坏的) regions and developing countries affected by endemic(adj. 地方性的;风土的) dias.
例句:The Campaign for Access to Esntial Medicines was created in late 1999, providing MSF with a new voice with which to bring awareness to the lack of effective treatments and vaccines available in developing countries.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was founded in 1960 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum of countries describing themlves as committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, eking answers to common problems, identify good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies of its members. 例句:OECD is an intergovernmental economic organization with 35 member countries.猜字谜难度大的
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the world's largest curity-oriented intergovernmental organization. The OSCE is concerned with early war
ning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict(冲突后的) rehabilitation.
例句:Mandate of OSCE includes issues such as arms control and the promotion of human rights, freedom of the press and fair elections.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Green: Members
Yellow: Obrvers
Red: Non-participant states
Blue: Members, dual reprented by the EU
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade. It deals with regulation of trade between participating countries by providing a framework for negotiating trade agreements and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to(遵守) WTO agreements.
例句: The WTO officially commenced on 1 January 1995 under the Marrakesh Agreement signed by 123 nations on 15 April 1994.
United Nations (UN)
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation and to create and maintain international order. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the organization was established on 24th Oct.
例句:UN is financed by assd and voluntary contributions from its member states.
The United Nations Security Council联合国安全理事会
清蒸冬瓜It is charged with maintaining peace and curity among countries. While other organs of the UN can only make "recommendations" to member states, the Security Council has the power to make binding decisions that member states have agreed to carry out, under the terms of Charter Article 25.
例句: The decisions of the Council are known as United Nations Security Council Resolutions.
Council of Europe (COE)
The Council of Europe (COE) is an international organization who stated aim is to uphold human rights, democracy, rule of law in Europe and promote European culture.螺旋藻功效
例句:Founded in 1949, COE has 47 member states, covers approximately 820 million people and operates with an annual budget of approximately half a billion euros.
World Health Organization (WHO)
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a special agency of the United Nations which is concerned with international public health. The WHO is responsible for the World Health Report, and World Health Day (7th April of every year).
例句:WHO was established on 7th April 1948, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
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