序号 | 会议英文名称 | 英文缩写 | 会议中文名称 |
1 | IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation龙德施泰特>我是世界上最幸福的人 | CEFC | 电磁场计算会议 |
2 | International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials | ICPADM | 电介质应用会议 |
3 | COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields | COMPUMAG | 计算电磁场国际会议 |
4 | Conference on Optical Fier Sensor | OFS | 光纤传感会议 |
5 | IEEE Lars and Electro –Optics Society Annual Meeting | LEOS | 激光和电光协会年会 |
6 | IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium | APS | 国际天线和传播会议 |
7 | IEEE International Microwave Symposium | IMS | 国际微波会议 |
8 | IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference | ISSCC | IEEE国际固态电路会议 |
9 | International Symposium on Computer Architecture | ISCA | 计算机体系结构国际会议 |
10 | IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems | ISCAS | 电路与系统国际会议 |
11 | IEEE RFIC Symposium | RFIC | 射频集成电路年度会议打屁股网 |
12 | International Vacuum Conference | IVC | 国际真空会议 |
13 | IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits | VLSI | IEEE VLSI技术与电路会议 |
14 | IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting | IEDM | 国际电子器件大会 |
15 | International Conference on Nano- Science and Technology | ICNST | 国际纳米科学技术会议 |
16 | IUMRS International Conference | IUMRS | 国际材联国际会议 |
17 | Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing | PRICM | 环太平洋先进材料与工艺国际会议 |
18 | The Minerals, Metal & Materials Society Annual Meeting | TMS Annual Meeting | 矿物、金属与材料学会年会 |
19 | ACM Conference on Management of Data | SIGMOD | ACM数据管理国际会议 |
20 | ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering | FSE | 软件工程基础会议 |
21 | ACM International Conference on Multimedia | Multimedia | ACM多媒体国际会议 |
22 | ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | SIGKDD | 知识发现与数据挖掘国际会议 |
23 | The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | CHI (ACM SIGCHI) | 国际人机交互大会 |
24 | ACM SIGGRAPH (and ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA) International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive techniques | ACM SIGGRAPH | ACM 计算机图像与交互技术国际会议与展览(包括亚洲区大会) |
25 | ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication Conference | SIGCOMM | ACM数据通讯会议 |
26 | ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing | STOC | ACM计算理论年会 |
27 | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | CCS | ACM计算机与通信安全会议 |
28 | ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages华为手机相册 | POPL | ACM程序语言理论会议 |
29 | ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking | MOBICOM | 移动计算与网络国际会议 |
30 | Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics | ACL | 计算语言学协会国际年会 |
31 | European Conference on Computer Vision | ECCV | 欧洲计算机视觉会议 |
32 | IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision | ICCV | IEEE计算机视觉国际会议 |
33 | IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering | ICDE | 数据工程国际会议 |
34 | IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science | FOCS | 计算机科学基础年会 |
35 | IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture | HPCA | IEEE高性能计算机体系结构国际研讨会 |
36 | IEEE Visualization Conference | IEEE Vis | IEEE可视化大会 |
37 | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | S&P | IEEE安全与隐私会议 |
38 | International Conference on Very Large Data Bas | VLDB | 超大数据库国际会议 |
39 | International Cryptology Conference | CRYPTO | 国际密码学会议 |
40 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | IJCAI | 人工智能国际联合会议 |
41 | International Conference on Computer Aided Verification | CAV | 计算机辅助验证国际会议 |
42 | International Conference on Software Engineering | ICSE | 国际软件工程会议 |
43 | OO Programming Systems, Languages and Applications | OOPSLA | 面向对象编程系统、语言及应用 |
44 | The Real-Time Systems Symposium | RTSS | 实时系统会议 |
45 | Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Rearch and Development in Information Retrieva | SIGIR | 国际信息检索研发年会 |
46 | European Conference on Optical Communication | ECOC | 欧洲光纤通信会议 |
47 | IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference | Globecom | IEEE全球电信会议 |
48 | IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech,and Signal Processing | ICASSP | IEEE声学、语音和信号处理国际会议 |
49 | IEEE International Conference on Communications | ICC | IEEE通信国际会议 |
50 | IEEE International Conference on Image Processing | ICIP | IEEE图像处理国际会议 |
51 | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation System | ITSC | IEEE智能交通系统国际会议 |
52 | IEEE Military Communications Conference | MILCOM | IEEE军事通信会议 |
53 | IEEE Radar Conference | IRC | 国际雷达会议 |
54 | IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications | INFOCOM | 计算机通讯国际会议 |
55 | Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association | INTERSPEECH | 语音语言处理国际会议 |
56 | Optical Fiber Communication Conference | OFC | 光纤通信会议 |
57 | Picture Coding Symposium | PCS | 图像编码会议 |
58 | CIGRE | CIGRE | 国际大电网会议 |
59 | IEEE PES General Meeting | IEEE PES | IEEE电力工程年会 |
60 | IEEE PES Power Systems Conference & Exposition | PSCE | IEEE电力系统会议与展览 |
61 | PSCC(Power Systems Computation Conference) | PSCC | 电力系统计算会议 |
62 | Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies | AMPT | 材料及加工技术前沿国际会议 |
63 | Annual Meeting of American Society for Preceision Engineering | ASPE | 美国精密工程学会年会 |
64 | ASME Internaional Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference | MSEC | 制造科学与工程国际会议 |
65 | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expostion | IMECE | ASME国际机械工程会议和展览 |
66 | 创业之路 General Asmbly of CIRP | CIRP | 国际生产工程科学院年会 |
67 | International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress | IFHTSE | 国际热处理及表面工程联合会大会 |
68 | Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology | 里兹-里昂摩擦学学术年会 | |
69 | AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence | AAAI | AAAI人工智能大会 |
70 | American Control Conference | ACC | 美国控制会议 |
71 | Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition | IEEE APEC | IEEE应用电力电子年会 |
72 | AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference | GNCC | AIAA导航制导与控制大会 |
73 | ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference | 美国机械和润滑工程师协会摩擦学年会 | |
74 | Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement Technology | 仪器与测量技术会议 | |
75 | Conference on Small Satellite Technology and Applications | 小卫星技术与应用会议 | |
76 | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 信息技术学习心得CVPR | 国际计算机视觉与模式识别大会 |
77 | IEEE Conference on Decision and Control | CDC | IEEE决策与控制大会 |
78 | IEEE Conference on Sensors | IEEE Sensors | IEEE传感器会议 |
79 | IEEE Instrumentation Measurement Technology Conference | IMTC | IEEE仪表及测量技术大会 |
80 | IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics | SMC | 国际系统、人与控制大会 |
81 | IFAC World Congress | IFAC | 国际自动控制联合会世界大会 |
82 | ION Global Navigation Satellite Systems Plus Conference | ION GNSS | 全球导航卫星系统会议 |
83 | International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Congress | 国际宇航联盟大会 | |
84 | International Conference Electronic Measurement and Instrument | 国际电子测量和仪器会议 | |
85 | International Conference on Machine Learning | ICML | 国际机器学习大会 |
86 | International Conference on Lightning Protection | ICLP | 国际雷电防护会议 |
87 | International Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators | Transducers | 固体传感器和执行器会议 |
88 | International IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Conference | IEEE MEMS | 国际微机电系统会议 |
89 | International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering | ISH | 国际高电压会议 |
90 | Power Engineering Society General Meeting | PES | 电力工程学会全会 |
91 | World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control | IFAC | 国际自动控制联合会世界大会 |
92 | APS Meeting (March) | APS | 美国物理学会春季会议 |
93 | Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy | HRMS | 高分辨分子光谱大会 |
94 | Conference on computational physics | CCP | 计算物理会议 |
95 | Conference on Lar and Electro-Optics | CLEO | 激光和光电子学会议 |
96 | General Asmbly and Symposiums of International Astronomical Union | IAU | 国际天文联合会大会和分会 |
97 | International Conference on High Energy Physics | IHEP | 国际高能物理大会 |
98 | International Conference on Quark Matter | QM | 国际夸克物质大会 |
99 | International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors | 国际半导体会议 | |
100 | International Measurement Confederation | IMEKO | 国际计量测试联合会 |
101 | International Nuclear Physics Conference | INPC | 国际核物理大会 |
102 | International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments | ISMTII | 测试技术与智能仪器国际研讨会 |
103 | Topical Meetings of European Optical Society | EOS | 欧洲光学学会专题会议 |
104 | Topical Meetings of Optical Society of America | OSA | 美国光学学会专题会议 |
105 | American Chemical Society National Meeting | ACS | 美国化学会年会 |
106 | International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry | ICBIC | 国际生物无机会议 |
107 | International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry | ICOMC | IUPAC国际金属有机化学大会 |
108 | International Congress on Catalysis | ICC | 国际催化大会 |
109 | International Symposium on Chromatography | 国际色谱会议 | |
110 | 转祸为福International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry | 国际质谱会议 | |
111 | IUPAC Congress | IUPAC | 国际纯粹与应用化学会大会 |
112 | IUPAC World Polymer Congress | IUPAC-Macromolecules | 国际纯粹与应用化学会高分子大会 |
113 | Materials Rearch Society | MRS | 材料研究大会 |
114 | The International Conference on Crystal Growth | ICCG | 国际晶体生长会议 |
115 | International Congress of Chine Mathematicians | ICCM | 国际华人数学家大会 |
116 | International Congress of Mathematicians | ICM | 国际数学家大会 |
117 | International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics | ICIAM | 国际工业与应用数学大会 |
118 | International Congress on Mathematical Physics | ICMP | 国际数学物理大会 |
119 | American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting | ASM | 美国微生物学会年会 |
120 | Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | IEEE-EMBS | IEEE国际生物医学工程年会 |
121 | Annual meeting of American Society for Cancer Rearch | ASCR | 美国癌症研究学会年会 |
122 | Annual meeting of American Society for Cell Biology | ASCB | 美国细胞生物学学会年会 |
123 | Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society | BMES | 美国生物医学工程年会 |
124 | Annual meeting of Biophysical Society | BPS | 美国生物物理学年会 |
125 | Annual Neurobiology Meeting | 神经生物学年会 | |
126 | Asian Congress on Biotechnology | ACB | 亚洲生物技术大会 |
127 | FASEB Meetings | 美国实验生物学联合会会议 | |
128 | Gordon Rearch Conferences | GRC | 戈登会议 |
129 | International Biotechnology Congress | IBS | 国际生物技术大会 |
130 | International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes | ISBA | 国际放线菌生物学大会 |
131 | SPIE Medical Imaging(The Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineeers) | SPIE | SPIE医学影像国际学术年会 |
132 | Synthetic Biology | SB | 国际合成生物学大会 |
133 | World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering | 世界医学物理与生物医学工程大会 | |
134 | Academy of Human Resource Development | AHRD | 人力资源开发学会 |
135 | Academy of Iterational Business Annual Conference | AIB | 国际商务学会年会 |
136 | Academy of Management | AOM | 美国管理学会 |
137 | Allied Social Science Association Annual Meetings | ASSA | 美国经济学会年会 |
138 | American Accounting Association Conference | AAA | 美国会计年会 |
139 | American Finance Association Meeting | AFA | 美国金融协会年会 |
140 | American Science of Training and Development | ASTD | 美国科学培训和发展协会 |
141 | Annual Conference of Production & Operations Management Society | POMS | 生产与运作管理国际会议 |
142 | Econometric Society World Congress | ESWC | 世界计量经济学年会 |
143 | Far Eastern Meeting of The Econometric Society | FEMES | 世界计量经济学会远东会议 |
144 | Global Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building System | Globelics | 学习、创新和核心竞争力建设经济学全球网络国际会议 |
145 | Conference of the International Federation of Operational Rearch Societies | IFORS | 运筹学世界大会 |
146 | INFORMS | INFORMS | 全球最大规模的管理科学与运筹学会议 |
147 | INFORMS on Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | MSOM | 制造与服务运作管理国际会议 |
148 | International Association for Energy Economics International Conference | IAEE | 国际能源经济学会国际会议 |
149 | International Conference on Information Systems | ICIS | 信息系统国际会议 |
150 | International Federation of Operational Rearch Studies Conference | IFORS | 国际运筹学会大会 |
151 | Journal of Accounting and Economics Conference | JAE | 会计与经济杂志年会 |
152 | North American Summer Meeting of The Econometric Society | NASM | 北美计量经济学会夏季年会 |
153 | North American Winter Meeting of The Econometric Society | NAWM | 描写月季花北美计量经济学会冬季年会 |
154 | The International Conference on Transition Economics | ICTE | 转型经济学国际会议 |
155 | World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economist | 环境与资源经济学世界大会 | |
156 | International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures | FraMCoS | 国际混凝土与混凝土结构断裂会议 |
157 | IABSE Symposium | IABSE | 国际桥梁与结构学会年会 |
158 | Structures Congress, ASCE | SEI | 美国土木工程学会结构工程大会 |
159 | International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering | CICE | 土木工程复合材料国际会议 |
160 | World Tunnel Congress | ITA-AITES | 世界隧道大会 |
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